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Added some documentation. Documnted TOMLParser, ParseResult, ParseErr…
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…or, Value (declaration only, not implementation), StrType and Children. Still need to do Value implementation, TOMLError, PosNeg, TimeOffset, TimeOffsetAmount, Date, Time, and DateTime.
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joelself committed Mar 15, 2016
1 parent 28ce9ff commit ee3750e
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Showing 3 changed files with 284 additions and 4 deletions.
128 changes: 125 additions & 3 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -12,30 +12,152 @@ use std::fmt::Display;
use types::{ParseResult, Value, Children};
use internals::parser::Parser;

/// A parser, manipulator, and outputter of TOML documents.
pub struct TOMLParser<'a> {
parser: Parser<'a>,

impl<'a> TOMLParser<'a> {
/// Constructs a new `TOMLParser`
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// let mut parser = TOMLParser::new();
/// ```
pub fn new() -> TOMLParser<'a> {
TOMLParser{parser: Parser::new()}

/// Parses the string slice `input` as a TOML document. The method takes ownership of the parser and then returns it,
/// along with the `ParseResult`, in a tuple.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// let parser = TOMLParser::new();
/// let (parser, result) = parser.parse("[table]\nAKey=\"A Value\"");
/// ```
pub fn parse(mut self, input: &'a str) -> (TOMLParser<'a>, ParseResult<'a>) {
let (tmp, result) = self.parser.parse(input);
self.parser = tmp;
(self, result)

/// Given a string type `key`, returns the associated `Value` or `None` if the key doesn't exist in the parsed
/// document.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// let parser = TOMLParser::new();
/// let toml_doc = r#""A Key" = "A Value"
/// [[tables]]
/// SomeKey = 2010-05-18
/// [tables.subtable]
/// AnotherKey = 5
/// "#;
/// let (parser, result) = parser.parse(toml_doc);
/// let value1 = parser.get_value("\"A Key\"");
/// let value3 = parser.get_value("tables[0].SomeKey");
/// let value3 = parser.get_value("tables[0].subtable.AnotherKey");
/// assert_eq!(value1.unwrap(), Value::basic_string("A Value").unwrap());
/// assert_eq!(value2.unwrap(), Value::date_from_int(2010, 5, 18).unwrap());
/// assert_eq!(value3.unwrap(), Value::int(5));
/// ```
pub fn get_value<S>(self: &TOMLParser<'a>, key: S) -> Option<Value<'a>> where S: Into<String> {
pub fn get_children<S>(self: &TOMLParser<'a>, key: S) -> Option<&Children> where S: Into<String> {

/// Given a string type `key` and a `Value` `val`, sets `Value` at `key` to `val` and returns true if `key` exists in
/// the parsed document. If `key` doesn't exist in the parsed document returns false. Setting a value does not alter
/// the document's format, including whitespace and comments, unless an `Array` or `InlineTable`'s structure is changed
/// meaning either:
/// * The amount of values in an `Array` is changed
/// * The amount of key-value pairs in an `InlineTable` is changed
/// * Any of the keys in an `InlineTable` is changed
/// In these cases the `Array` or `InlineTable` will revert to default formatting: No whitespace after/before
/// opening/closing braces, no whitespace before and one space after all commas, no comments on the same line as the
/// `Array` or `InlineTable`, and one space before and after an equals sign in `InlineTable`s.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// use tomllib::types::Value;
/// let parser = TOMLParser::new();
/// let (mut parser, result) = parser.parse("[table]\nAKey=\"A Value\"");
/// let success = parser.set_value("table.AKey", Value::Integer("5_000".into()));
/// assert!(success);
/// let value = parser.get_value("AKey");
/// assert_eq!(value.unwrap(), Value::int_from_str(5_000).unwrap());
/// ```
pub fn set_value<S>(self: &mut TOMLParser<'a>, key: S, val: Value<'a>) -> bool where S: Into<String> {
self.parser.set_value(key, val)

/// Given a string type `key` returns all the child keys of the `key` if it exists in the parsed document, otherwise
/// returns `None`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// let toml_doc = r#"
/// [table]
/// "A Key" = "A Value"
/// SomeKey = "Some Value"
/// AnotherKey = 5
/// [[array_of_tables]]
/// [[array_of_tables]]
/// [[array_of_tables]]
/// "#;
/// let (parser, result) = parser.parse(toml_doc);
/// let table_child_keys = parser.get_children("table");
/// assert_eq!(table_child_keys.unwrap(), Children::Keys(RefCell::new(vec![
/// "\"A Key\"".to_string(), "SomeKey".to_string(), "AnotherKey".to_string()
/// ])));
/// let aot_child_keys = parser.get_children("array_of_tables");
/// assert_eq!(aot_child_keys.unwrap(), Children::Count(Cell::new(3)));
/// ```
pub fn get_children<S>(self: &TOMLParser<'a>, key: S) -> Option<&Children> where S: Into<String> {

/// Formats a parsed TOML document for display
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// use tomllib::types::Value;
/// let parser = TOMLParser::new();
/// let toml_doc = r#"
/// [table] # This is a comment
/// "A Key" = "A Value" # This line is indented
/// SomeKey = "Some Value" # This line is indented twice
/// "#;
/// let (mut parser, result) = parser.parse(toml_doc);
/// parser.set_value("table.\"A Key\"", Value::float(9.876));
/// parser.set_value("table.SomeKey", Value::bool(false));
/// assert_eq(&format!("{}", parser), r#"
/// [table] # This is a comment
/// "A Key" = 9.876 # This line is indented
/// SomeKey = false # This line is indented twice
/// "#);
/// ```
impl<'a> Display for TOMLParser<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.parser)
Expand Down
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -10,59 +10,179 @@ use std::borrow::Cow;
use internals::parser::Parser;
use nom::IResult;

/// Conveys the result of a parse operation on a TOML document
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum ParseResult<'a> {
/// The entire input was parsed without error.
/// The entire input was parsed, but there were errors. Contains an `Rc<RefCell<Vec>>` of `ParseError`s.
/// Part of the input was parsed successfully without any errors. Contains a `Cow<str>`, with the leftover, unparsed
/// input, the line number and column (currently column reporting is unimplemented and will always report `0`) where
/// parsing stopped.
Partial(Cow<'a, str>, usize, usize),
/// Part of the input was parsed successfully with errors. Contains a `Cow<str>`, with the leftover, unparsed input,
/// the line number and column (currently column reporting is unimplemented and will always report `0`) where parsing
/// stopped, and an `Rc<RefCell<Vec>>` of `ParseError`s.
PartialError(Cow<'a, str>, usize, usize, Rc<RefCell<Vec<ParseError<'a>>>>),
/// The parser failed to parse any of the input as a complete TOML document. Contains the line number and column
/// (currently column reporting is unimplemented and will always report `0`) where parsing stopped.
Failure(usize, usize),

/// Represents a non-failure error encountered while parsing a TOML document.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum ParseError<'a> {
/// An `Array` containing different types was encountered. Contains the `String` key that points to the `Array` and
/// the line number and column (currently column reporting is unimplemented and will always report `0`) where the
/// `Array` was found. The `Array` can be retrieved and/or changed by its key using `TOMLParser::get_value` and
/// `TOMLParser::set_value` methods.
MixedArray(String, usize, usize),
/// A duplicate key was encountered. Contains the `String` key that was duplicated in the document, the line number
/// and column (currently column reporting is unimplemented and will always report `0`) where the duplicate key was
/// found, and the `Value` that the key points to.
DuplicateKey(String, usize, usize, Value<'a>),
/// An invalid table was encountered. Either the key\[s\] that make up the table are invalid or a duplicate table was
/// found. Contains the `String` key of the invalid table, the line number and column (currently column reporting is
/// unimplemented and will always report `0`) where the invalid table was found, `RefCell<HashMap<String, Value>>`
/// that contains all the keys and values belonging to that table.
InvalidTable(String, usize, usize, RefCell<HashMap<String, Value<'a>>>),
/// An invalid `DateTime` was encountered. This could be a `DateTime` with:
/// * 0 for year
/// * 0 for month or greater than 12 for month
/// * 0 for day or greater than, 28, 29, 30, or 31 for day depending on the month and if the year is a leap year
/// * Greater than 23 for hour
/// * Greater than 59 for minute
/// * Greater than 59 for second
/// * Greater than 23 for offset hour
/// * Greater than 59 for offset minute
/// Contains the `String` key of the invalid `DateTime`, the line number and column (currently column reporting is
/// unimplemented and will always report `0`) where the invalid `DateTime` was found, and a Cow<str> containing the
/// invalid `DateTime` string.
InvalidDateTime(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when an integer overflow is detected.
IntegerOverflow(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when an integer underflow is detected.
IntegerUnderflow(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when an invalid integer representation is detected.
InvalidInteger(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when a float value of infinity is detected.
Infinity(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when a float value of negative infinity is detected.
NegativeInfinity(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when a float string conversion to an `f64` would result in a loss
/// of precision.
LossOfPrecision(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when an invalid float representation is detected.
InvalidFloat(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when an invalid `true` or `false` string is detected.
InvalidBoolean(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when an invalid string representation is detected.
InvalidString(String, usize, usize, Cow<'a, str>, StrType),
/// *Currently unimplemented*. Reserved for future use when new error types are added without resorting to a breaking
/// change.
GenericError(String, usize, usize, Option<Cow<'a, str>>, String),

// Represents the 7 different types of values that can exist in a TOML document.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum Value<'a> {
/// An integer value. Contains a `Cow<str>` representing the integer since integers can contain underscores.
Integer(Cow<'a, str>),
/// A float value. Contains a `Cow<str>` representing the float since floats can be formatted many different ways and
/// can contain underscores.
Float(Cow<'a, str>),
/// A boolean value. Contains a `bool` value since only `true` and `false` are allowed.
/// A `DateTime` value. Contains a `DateTime` struct that has a date and optionally a time, fractional seconds, and
/// offset from UTC.
/// A string value. Contains a `Cow<str>` with the string contents (without quotes) and `StrType` indicating whether
/// the string is a basic string, multi-line basic string, literal string or multi-line literal string.
String(Cow<'a, str>, StrType),
/// An array value. Contains an `Rc<Vec>` of `Value`s contained in the `Array`.
/// An inline table value. Contains an `Rc<Vec>` of tuples that contain a `Cow<str>` representing a key, and `Value`
/// that the key points to.
InlineTable(Rc<Vec<(Cow<'a, str>, Value<'a>)>>)

/// Represents the 4 different types of strings that are allowed in TOML documents.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum StrType {
/// String is a basic string.
/// String is a multi-line basic string.
/// String is a literal string.
/// String is a multi-line literal string.

/// Represents the child keys of a key in a parsed TOML document.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum Children {
/// Contains a `Cell<usize>` with the amount of child keys the key has. The key has children that are indexed with an
/// integer starting at 0. `Array`s and array of tables use integer for their child keys. For example:
/// ```
/// Array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
/// [[array_of_table]]
/// key = "val 1"
/// [[array_of_table]]
/// key = "val 2"
/// [[array_of_table]]
/// key = "val 3"
/// ```
/// "Array" has 5 children. The key of "D" is "Array[3]" because it is fourth element in "Array" and indexing starts
/// at 0.
/// "array_of_table" has 3 children. The key of "val 3" is "array_of_table[2].key" because it is in the third
/// sub-table of "array_of_table" and indexing starts at 0.
/// Contains a `RefCell<Vec>` of `String`s with every sub-key of the key. The key has children that are indexed with a
/// sub-key. Tables and inline-tables use sub-keys for their child keys. For example:
/// ```
/// InlineTable = {subkey1 = "A", subkey2 = "B"}
/// [table]
/// a_key = "val 1"
/// b_key = "val 2"
/// c_key = "val 3"
/// ```
/// "InlineTable" has 2 children, "subkey1" and "subkey2". The key of "B" is "InlineTable.subkey2".
/// "table" has 3 children, "a_key", "b_key", and "c_key". The key of "val 3" is "table.c_key".

/// Contains convenience functions to combine base keys with child keys to make a full key.
impl Children {

/// Combines string type `base_key` with a string type `child_key` to form a full key.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// use tomllib::types::Children;
/// let toml_doc = r#"
/// [dependencies]
/// nom = {version = "^1.2.0", features = ["regexp"]}
/// regex = {version = "^0.1.48"}
/// log = {version = "^0.3.5"}
/// "#;
/// let parser = TOMLParser::new();
/// let (parser, result) = parser.parse(toml_doc);
/// let deps = parser.get_children("dependencies");
/// if let Children::Keys(subkeys) = deps.unwrap() {
/// assert_eq!("dependencies.nom",
/// Children::combine_keys("dependencies", &subkeys.borrow()[0]));
/// }
/// ```
pub fn combine_keys<S>(base_key: S, child_key: S) -> String where S: Into<String> {
let mut full_key;
let base = base_key.into();
Expand All @@ -76,9 +196,47 @@ impl Children {
return full_key;

/// Combines string type `base_key` with an integer type `child_key` to form a full key.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// use tomllib::types::Children;
/// let toml_doc = r#"
/// keywords = ["toml", "parser", "encode", "decode", "nom"]
/// "#;
/// let parser = TOMLParser::new();
/// let (parser, result) = parser.parse(toml_doc);
/// let kw = parser.get_children("keywords");
/// if let Children::Count(subkeys) = kw.unwrap() {
/// assert_eq!("keywords[4]", Children::combine_keys("keywords", subkeys.get() - 1));
/// }
/// # assert!(false);
/// ```
pub fn combine_keys_index<S>(base_key: S, child_key: usize) -> String where S: Into<String> {
return format!("{}[{}]", base_key.into(), child_key);

/// Combines string type `base_key` with all subkeys of an instance of `Children` to form a `Vec` of full keys
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tomllib::TOMLParser;
/// use tomllib::types::Children;
/// let toml_doc = r#"
/// keywords = ["toml", "parser"]
/// numbers = {first = 1, second = 2}
/// "#;
/// let parser = TOMLParser::new();
/// let (parser, result) = parser.parse(toml_doc);
/// let kw = parser.get_children("keywords");
/// assert_eq!(vec!["keywords[0]".to_string(), "keywords[1]".to_string()], kw.unwrap().combine_keys("keywords"));
/// let num = parser.get_children("numbers");
/// assert_eq!(vec!["numbers.first".to_string(), "numbers.second".to_string()], num.unwrap().combine_keys("numbers"));
/// ```
pub fn combine_child_keys<S>(&self, base_key: S) -> Vec<String> where S: Into<String> {
let mut all_keys = vec![];
let base = base_key.into();
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- [x] Switch back to using nom now that the new version has been released
- [x] Logging
- [x] Add line numbers to errors
- [ ] **Add documentation to public enums, structs, functions, methods and macros**
- [ ] **Add documentation to public enums, structs, functions, methods and macros** - *In progress*
- [x] Switch names of TOMLValue and Value
- [x] Rename Parser to TOMLParser

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