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Uploaderr is a web application that allows users to easily upload files and share them with others. It's built using Node.js and the Express framework.


To run Uploaderr for production, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the docker compose file
  2. Copy the example.env
  3. Run docker compose up
  4. All set!

To run Uploaderr for dev environment, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up the configuration:

    cp .env.example .env

    Edit the .env file and set the environment variables according to your needs. The following environment variables are available:

Variable Name Default Possible Options Description
APP_PORT 8080 Any valid port number This variable sets the port number for the backend server to listen on.
FRONTEND_PORT 8080 Any valid port number This variable sets the port number for the backend server to listen on.
EMAIL_PORT 25 Any valid port number This variable sets the port number for sending emails.
LOG_ENABLED true true, false This variable is a boolean that determines whether or not logging is enabled for the application.
LOG_LEVEL debug debug, info, warning, error, critical This variable sets the level of logging to be used.
LOGGER_NAME uploaderr Any string This variable sets the name of the logger instance to be used for logging.
UPLOAD_PATH /uploads Any valid directory path This variable sets the directory path for uploaded files.
ALLOWED_FROM None Any valid email address or domain name This variable sets the list of email addresses or domain names that are allowed to send emails.
ALLOWED_TO None Any valid email address or domain name This variable sets the list of email addresses or domain names that are allowed to receive emails.
API_KEY None Any string This variable stores an API key that can be used to authenticate requests to the API.
VITE_PUBLIC_KEY None Any string This variable stores an API key that can be used by the frontend.
MODULE_EMAIL true true, false This variable is a boolean that determines whether or not the email module is enabled.
MODULE_FRONTEND true true, false This variable is a boolean that determines whether or not the frontend module is enabled.
MODULE_BACKEND true true, false This variable is a boolean that determines whether or not the backend module is enabled.
  1. Start the server:

    npm run dev:frontend
    npm run dev:server
  2. Visit http://localhost:5173 in your web browser to access the frontend.

    Note at the moment it is required to proxy requests from http://localhost:5173/api to http://localhost:8080/api if you want to use the frontend

  3. Use http://localhost:8080/api to access the Uploaderr api.


Uploaderr also provides an API for uploading and downloading files. The following endpoints are available:

  • POST /api/document/create: Upload a file. The file should be sent as a multipart form data with the name document.

The API requires an API key, which is set using the API_KEY environment variable.



Uploaderr is released under the GNU AGPLv3 License. See LICENSE for more information.