A very very slow Mouse-Emulation ( a Turtle) to prevent Displays from switching off (e.g. presentations).
This picture shows the final version in housing:
This is intended to be used when doing a presentation and your Laptop is connected to the presenter (german: the "beamer")
e.g. during a team-meeting.
Often it happens that discussions start and there is no more movement of the mouse and no keys at the Laptop-Keyboard are pressed.
After 5 min or so the Laptop switches off the presenter.
The same applies to the situation when you are hosting e.g. a hangout-session with a presenter but mostly someone else presents, so there is no movement/keypress at your Laptop.
This small device prevents your Laptop from switching of the presenter.
Some guys (hey Lars :-) say you can reach the same behaviour with some "weird" settings somewhere deep in the configuration of your Operating System.
- that might be, but I dont find the settings...
- the seeting is depending on your OS, this little device is OS-independant
- doing a software-setting is pretty uncool and somehow missing the nerd factor ...
Once more using a "flying around" Teensy-LC. Once more a "shoot with cannons at sparrows"-project. No additional Hardware needed
When connected to USB ( Teensy is started) after a delay of 8 seconds a movement of the mouse left and
then back right to the original position is done.
This is just to show that Teensy now can act as a Mouse.
After that it only makes invisible 1-pixel-movements every 10 seconds.
(Invisible means : 1 pixel left and after 2 ms back one pixel right)
That's it.
For the teensy to work properly with the turtle-software, the Arduino-IDE has to be set to:
- Teensy
- USB-Type : Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick
To show that this small tool is a turtle it is housed in a "turtle". I used this one here from Wikimedia: ![Iimage of Turtle] (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Kturtle_top_view.svg)
See the "making-of" and the final solution on my Blog (in German): http://jogiblog.kuenstner.de/?p=66