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Library for evaluating math expressions

This library is intended to evaluate math expressions for complex and real numbers.

Quick start





    implementation 'de.hipphampel.eval:eval:VERSION'

Having that in place, you should be able to write something like this, to evaluate a simple expression:

    DoubleContext context = DoubleContext.standard();
    double result = context.evaluate("(2+3)*5");
    System.err.println(result);                        // prints "25.0"

So all you have to do is to create a DoubleContext and call the evaluate method on it. In the context created this way there are also some commonly used constants and functions, so it is also perfect to write:

    result = context.evaluate("sin(pi/2)");   // Calculate sine of pi/2, or sine of 90 degrees
    System.err.println(result);               // prints "1.0"

A detailed list of the predefined constants and functions can be found in the following sections. You may like define your own constants or functions as well:

    context.constant("two", 2.0)
           .function("f", List.of("x", "y"), "x^y + y^x"); // f(x,y) = x^y + y^x
    result = context.evaluate("f(two, 3)");
    System.err.println(result);                            // prints "17.0"

It is also possible to define variables; in opposite to constants the value of a variable can be changed:

    context.variable("x", 1.0);
    result = context.evaluate("f(x, two)");
    System.err.println(result);              // prints "3.0"

    context.variable("x", 2.0);
    result = context.evaluate("f(x, two)");
    System.err.println(result);              // prints "8.0"

All in all a context acts as an object that is able to evaluate expressions and contains definitions for functions, variables, and constants.

Other types than double

In the quick start we learnt how to do evaluations for the data type double, which is quite handy since this type is a primitive; but sometime this is not sufficient: maybe you want to perform your computations based on complex numbers or with a higher precision than double supports.

For this there is also a support for other types than double, one example is the support for complex numbers:

Complex numbers are represented by Apcomplex from the apfloat project. So, if you want to deal with complex numbers, use the ApcomplexContext instead of a DoubleContext, like this:

    ApcomplexContext context = ApcomplexContext.standard();
    Apcomplex result = context.evaluate("(-1)^0.5");
    System.err.println(result);                        // prints "(0.0, 1.0)", means 0.0+1.0i

Note that there are also overloaded versions of ApcomplexContext.standard or ApcomplexContext.minimal to specify an alternative precision instead of the default one with 34.

All in all, the following types are supported:

Number type Context to use Remarks
double DoubleContext Real numbers, fixed precision of 16 digits
Apcomplex ApcomplexContext Complex numbers, default precision 34 digits, configurable
BigDecimal BigDecimalContext Real numbers, default precision 34 digits, configurable
Apfloat ApfloatContext Real numbers, default precision 34 digits, configurable

It is also easy to roll your own implementation, by extending the class Context which acts as a base class for all other implementations.

Functions and constants

Predefined functions and constants

No matter, which number type you choose, if you create your context using the standard() factory method, such as DoubleContext.standard() or ApcomplexContext.standard(), a set of comonly used constants and functions is already predefined.

For all contexts, the constants pi (=3.14...) and the Euler number e (= 2.71...) is present, especially for the ApcomlexContext also the imaginary unit i.

For all the context implementations the standard() factory method also defines the following functions:

  • Trignometric functions: sin, cos, tan
  • The inverse of them: asin, acos, atan
  • Hyperbolic functions: sinh, cosh, tanh
  • The inverse of them: asinh, acosh, atanh
  • Logarithms: ln (natural logarithm), log (logarithm for any base)

For the ApcomplexContext in addition we have:

  • real and imag, absand arg
  • norm.

User defined functions

If you what to define your own functions, you have basically two choices:

The most simple way is to define it via a parseable expression. For example, in case you want to define the geometric mean of two values x and y, you may define a function like this:

    //               function name, function parameters, definition
    context.function("geomean",     List.of("x", "y"),   (x*y)^0.5);

After this you may write:

    context.evaluate("geomean(4, 3)"); // Something like 3.46...

If this is not sufficient, you may decide to implement the interface FunctionDefinition on your own. The following defines also geomean but now accepting as many parameters you like:

    public class Geomean implements FunctionDefinition {
        public String name() { return "geomean"; }
        public int minArgs() { return 1; }
        public int maxArgs() { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; }
        public Apcomplex evaluate(Context<?, ?> context, List<Apcomplex> args) {
            FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper helper = context.precisionHelper();
            Apcomplex product =, helper::multiply);
            Apcomplex exp = helper.divide(Apcomplex.ONE, new Apcomplex(new Apfloat(args.size()))); 
            return context.precisionHelper().pow(product, exp);

After this you may write:

    context.function(new Geomean());
    context.evaluate("geomean(4, 6, 7, 2, 3)"); 

Note that when implementing FunctionDefinition you always have to compute with Apcomplex internally.


Parse mode STANDARD

By default (mode STANDARD), expressions are parsed using a parser that has quite strict rules; due to their strictness they are easy to understand, but - on the other hand - in certain situations a little bit cumbersome.

In the default processing mode, the parser knows the following structures:

Type Description Examples
Values Number literals. In general, any string representation that is common on Java for double values will work 1, 1.2, .2, 1., 1e3, 1.2e-4
Value names Names of variables or values. Generally, such names must consist of aplhabetic characters only e, pi, foo, x
Grouping Grouping of terms via simple parenthesis (x+y)
Function calls A call to a function sin(x), f(x+y, 2)
Unary sign A sign +1, -x, +f(x)
Power of Binary operation for power of. The "power of" operator is the ^sign. The operator is right associative, so 2^3^2 is the same like 2^(3^2) e^x, 2^3^4
Division/multiplication Binary operation for multiplication (*) and division (/). These operators are left associative, so 2*3*2 is the same like (2*3)*2 4*x, x/y
Addition/substraction Binary operation for addition (+) and substraction (-). These operators are left associative, so 2-4+2 is the same like (2-4)+2 4+x, x-y

All these structures have the precedence listed above, so power of is evaluated before multiplication and multiplication before addition, so that terms like a+b*c^d*e are evaluated in their natural order, in this case like a+((b*(c^d))*e).

Especially two aspects might be a little bit surprising and/or cumbersome:

  • Surprising might be the fact that -2^2 evaulates to 4, since to the rules described above, -2^2 is effectively evaluated as (-2)^2.
  • It is cumbersome, because in case you want to express power of with a product as exponent has to be written like e^(2*pi*x), more natural would be the notation e^2pix.


The simplified parse mode can be activated by calling the parseMode method of the context, like:

    ApcomplexContext context = ApcomplexContext.standard()

This simplified mode has some similarities with the standard mode - in fact all expressions parseable in the standard mode can be parse in mode simplified as well - but there are also some noteable differences.

The main difference is the concept of convenience mulitplication: Instead of explicitly writting the * sign to express a multiplication, you are allowed to write 4x in case you mean 4*x, or (x+1)(x-1), if you actually mean (x+1)*(x-1). This has several implications:

  • Having a context knowing the variables or constants a, b, c and ab, then the term ab will evaluate to ab, but ac to a*c. This is because the names of variables are always matched greedy, so the longest variable name wins (If you want to express a*b without usage of the * you could write a b, but this is not recommended).
  • To avoid ambiguities, it is not allowed to use the exponential notation for numbers, so the term 1e2 is seen as 1*e*2 not as a alternative value notation for 100.
  • The precedence rules of the convenience multiplication and the power of operator are defined as follows: if the base of the power of operation is an convenience multiplication, the power of is evaulated first; on the other hand: if the exponent is a convenience multiplication is evaluated first. A concrete example, where x is a variable: 4x^3x is written as an expression parseable for the standard mode 4*x^(3*x), or more verbose 4*(x^(3*x))
  • A second precedence rule that differs from the standard is the unary minus, which has a lower precedence as the power of, so that -2^2 is actually -4, because it is parsed as -(2^2).

All other rules are the same as in mode standard.


A further feature related to parsing are macros. Macros are textual replacements applied before parsing a string to an expression. For example:

    ApcomplexContext context = ApcomplexContext.standard()

In the example above, we create a context with a MacroExpander that replaces - similar to shell variables - sequences of the form ${...} with the content of the shell variables. So if A and B were environment variables (accessible via System.getenv), the expression ${A}*${B} is preprocessed so that A and B are replaced with the content of the according variables, after that replacement the expression is parsed.

You are free to implement your own MacroExpander, this library just provides the implementation shown above, but the MacroExpander interface is quite simple and allows also more sophisticated implementations.


Evaluate simple math expressions







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