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Johan Haleby edited this page Aug 17, 2019 · 20 revisions


  1. Update the version in the kubetail file and remove the -SNAPSHOT.

  2. Create a release using github-release, for example:

    $ GITHUB_TOKEN=<github release token> github-release release --user johanhaleby --repo kubetail --tag 1.1.0 --name "Kubetail 1.1.0" --description "Kubetail 1.1.0"
  3. Update the kubetail.rb at the homebrew-kubetail project (see also How to Create and Maintain a Tap)

    1. Point to the latest released version
    2. To generate a sha do:
    $ curl -fsSL | shasum -a 256
  4. Update the version number in the kubetail again but this time add the -SNAPSHOT.

Non-tap release:

kubetail is probably not eligable for a full brew release. But if this happens one should follow the instructions here and use this forumla template:

require 'formula'

class MyBashScripts < Formula
  homepage ''
  head ''

  def install
    bin.install 'script1', 'script2', 'script3'

for example:

class Kubetail < Formula
  desc "Tail logs from multiple Kubernetes pods at the same time"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "651da64bc3b57c2a9d37dbc4af7e28ddb7903eb3b8965e5efeef0ab6cc97f3e8"

  def install
    bin.install "kubetail"

  test do
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