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  • create a microservice package (msp) that can be used to communicate with a microservice using HTTP exchanges.
    • be able to mock the microservice for testing purposes.
  • create a microservice test package (microtest) that can be used to mock a microservice for testing purposes.

Microservice Package (MSP)

The msp package is basic scaffolding to write a testable microservice package. The basic architecture would be

incoming-request -> Service-HTTP-request-> Microservice or API

In this diagram the intermediary Service could be anything, a backend, an API Gateway or just another microservice that communicates with other microservices.

The msp is there to easily set up the integration package between two services. Such that if Service 1 want to integrate/communicate/exchange with Service 2. Ideally Service 2 would be responsible for writing the Service 2 msp. Service 1 would then import Service 2 msp and use the package to exchange with Service 2.

[[Service1]-[msp of Service 2](args...)]  --HTTP-request-->  [Service 2]

However, if you are Service 1, you would want to be able to test the various responses from Service 2. Then use the microtest package.

How to create a MSP

For the microservice package (msp) to be able to communicate with the microservice the msp needs to know the Scheme (e.g. http) and Host ( where to send the exchange request, these are set as environmental variables.

Suppose we want to connect to a microservice called MICRO

# we set the environmental variables using the convection {microservice-name}_SERVICE_{SCHEME|HOST} as 

Unfortunately there is some boilerplate code needed. (But I will work on making this better as I learn more about Go).

package microservice

import (

// Service id the shorthand for the integration to the microservice
type Service struct {
  // defining the msp.Service as an embedded type allows us to access all the
  // methods of the msp.Service without having to redefine them here.

// NewService creates a new instance of the microservice
func NewService() *Service {
  // here we need to define the config for the msp.Service, if additional
  // base config is required we can add / override it here.
  config := msp.Config{
    Name: "microservice",

  // here we just convert the msp.Service to a MicroService as msp.Service
  // is a package we cannot extend it, so we create a new type that is
  // identical to msp.Service and add the methods we need to it.
  //s := (*Service)(msp.NewService(config))
  s := &Service{
    Service: *msp.NewService(config),
  return s

Then to add integration methods with the microservice we can add them to the Service type.

package microservice

import (

// GetUser returns a user from the microservice
func (s *Service) GetUser(uUUID string) (User, map[string][]string) {
  // set the path
  s.URL.Path = "/user/-"

  // set the query parameters
  q := url.Values{}
  q.Add("uuid", uUUID)

  resp := struct {
    HTTPCode int                 `json:"http_code"`
    Message  string              `json:"message"`
    Data     map[string]User     `json:"data"`
    Errors   map[string][]string `json:"errors"`

  // DoRequest is a method of the msp.Service that will do the request to the
  // microservice and return the response.
  res, e := s.DoRequest("GET", s.URL, q, nil, nil)
  if e != nil {
  // Decode is a function added to the msp package to decode the response from
  // the microservice to JSON.
  bs, _ := msp.Decode(res, &resp)
  if res.StatusCode != 200 {
    log.Printf("response: %s", string(bs))
    return User{}, resp.Errors
  return resp.Data["user"], nil


The microtest package is to help simplify testing of a microservice and more specifically it mock the microservice.

The basics

We look at the type definition of a Mock to get an idea of what is needed to test using the microtest package.


Here is an example of how to use the microtest package to mock a microservice.

import (

func TestMockServer(t *testing.T) {
    s := microservice.NewService()
    ms := microtest.MockServer(s)
    defer ms.Server.Close()

    e := &microtest.Exchange{
        Response: microtest.Response{
            Status: 200,
            Body: `{
                "data": {},
                "errors": {},
                "message": "Welcome to the POS api"
	// we can append as many exchanges as we want, which will be returned
	// as a queue (FIFO) when the microservice is called.

    res := s.GetHome()

    if res.StatusCode != 200 {
        t.Errorf("failed to create mock server")


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