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Repository files navigation


This mobile-first portfolio website gives users an overview of my projects, studies, and internships.

Technology Stack

The technologies used in this project are:

File Structure

The code for this web application was developed, versioned, and managed using Git. A GitHub repository was used for storing the application code online. This is a quick overview of the files:

  • dist: the compiled code/libraries meant for production
  • node_modules: libraries and dependencies for packages, used by Node package manager
  • src: files to build and develop the project (original source files), before being compiled into fewer files to dist/ directory
    • components: e. g. login and search
    • assets: e.g. logo, avatar picture
    • environments: environment for production
    • models: interfaces for the user, repository, and login-credentials
    • services: for making GitHub REST API calls and exams (hide and show certain elements)
    • pages: includes all of the application HTML pages
    • stylesheets: styling of the application
    • main.ts: bootstraps the application (it loads everything and controls the startup of the application)
    • index.thml: starting point of the application (JavaScript code for inserting reusable components, login functionality, Express)
  • .gitignore: text file that tells Git which files or folders to ignore in a project
  • angular.json: provides workspace-wide and project-specific configuration defaults for build and development tools provided by the Angular CLI
  • package.json: provides metadata of the project as well as handles the dependency management with Node package manager


The website can be deployed as follows:

  1. Add ghpages dependencies: ng add angular-cli-ghpages
  2. Install needed dependencies if an error appears
  3. Build & deploy the application: ng deploy


Please contact me if you have any questions or recommendations for improvement: