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Cookies: Test IDN/non-ASCII in domain attributes
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This is for httpwg/http-extensions#1707

I took some inspiration from web-platform-tests#26170 and used a python server instead of
a header file in order to better control which bytes are served as part
of the header.

The test runs exclusively on the élève. subdomain through opening a new
window that then runs all test and reports back to the main test window.
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johannhof committed Jan 31, 2022
1 parent 4b4b82f commit 321401e
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Showing 3 changed files with 153 additions and 0 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions cookies/domain/domain-attribute-idn-host.sub.https.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
let url = new URL(document.location); = "{{hosts[][élève]}}";
let url2 = new URL("support/idn-child.sub.https.html", url);
var child_window =;
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions cookies/domain/support/idn-child.sub.https.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
<script src="/cookies/resources/cookie-test.js"></script>
async function assert_cookie(response) {
const get = await response.text();
assert_equals(get, "a=b");
assert_equals(document.cookie, "a=b");

async function assert_no_cookie(response) {
const get = await response.text();
assert_equals(get, "no cookies");
assert_equals(document.cookie, "");

promise_test(async t => {
t.add_cleanup(async () => { await fetch("{{host}}") });
let response = await fetch("{{host}}");
assert_equals(await response.text(), "set");
response = await fetch("{{host}}");
await assert_cookie(response);
}, "UTF8-encoded IDN in domain attribute");

promise_test(async t => {
t.add_cleanup(async () => { await fetch("{{host}}") });
let response = await fetch("{{host}}");
assert_equals(await response.text(), "set");
response = await fetch("{{host}}");
await assert_cookie(response);
}, "UTF8-encoded IDN with non-ASCII dot in domain attribute");

promise_test(async t => {
t.add_cleanup(async () => { await fetch("{{host}}") });
let response = await fetch("{{host}}");
assert_equals(await response.text(), "set");
response = await fetch("{{host}}");
await assert_no_cookie(response);
}, "wrong UTF8-encoded IDN in domain attribute");

promise_test(async t => {
t.add_cleanup(async () => { await fetch("{{host}}") });
let response = await fetch("{{host}}");
assert_equals(await response.text(), "set");
response = await fetch("{{host}}");
await assert_cookie(response);
}, "punycode IDN in domain attribute");

promise_test(async t => {
t.add_cleanup(async () => { await fetch("{{host}}") });
let response = await fetch("{{host}}");
assert_equals(await response.text(), "set");
response = await fetch("{{host}}");
await assert_no_cookie(response);
}, "wrong punycode IDN in domain attribute");

promise_test(async t => {
t.add_cleanup(async () => { await fetch("{{host}}") });
let response = await fetch("{{host}}");
assert_equals(await response.text(), "set");
response = await fetch("{{host}}");
await assert_no_cookie(response);
}, "IDN with invalid UTF-8 bytes in domain attribute");
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions cookies/domain/support/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
cookie = b"a=b;"

# élève.
utf8_subdomain = b"Domain=\xC3\xA9\x6C\xC3\xA8\x76\x65."
# élève。
utf8_dot_subdomain = b"Domain=\xC3\xA9\x6C\xC3\xA8\x76\x65\xE3\x80\x82"
# élève.
punycode_subdomain = b"Domain=xn--lve-6lad."
# ÿlève.
wrong_utf8_subdomain = b"Domain=\xC3\xBF\x6C\xC3\xA8\x76\x65."
# ÿlève.
wrong_punycode_subdomain = b"Domain=xn--lve-6la7i."
# élève with invalid FF byte at the end
invalid_byte_subdomain = b"Domain=\xC3\xA9\x6C\xC3\xA8\x76\x65\xFF."

def main(request, response):
host = request.GET.get(b"host")

if b"set-utf8" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + utf8_subdomain + host)
response.content = "set"
if b"set-utf8-dot" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + utf8_dot_subdomain + host)
response.content = "set"
elif b"set-wrong-utf8" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + wrong_utf8_subdomain + host)
response.content = "set"
elif b"set-punycode" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + punycode_subdomain + host)
response.content = "set"
elif b"set-wrong-punycode" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + wrong_punycode_subdomain + host)
response.content = "set"
elif b"set-invalid-byte" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + invalid_byte_subdomain + host)
response.content = "set"

elif b"get" in request.GET:
if b"Cookie" in request.headers:
response.content = request.headers[b"Cookie"]
response.content = "no cookies"

elif b"delete-utf8" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + b"Max-Age=0;" + utf8_subdomain + host)
response.content = "delete"
elif b"delete-utf8-dot" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + b"Max-Age=0;" + utf8_dot_subdomain + host)
response.content = "delete"
elif b"delete-wrong-utf8" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + b"Max-Age=0;" + wrong_utf8_subdomain + host)
response.content = "delete"
elif b"delete-punycode" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + b"Max-Age=0;" + punycode_subdomain + host)
response.content = "delete"
elif b"delete-wrong-punycode" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + b"Max-Age=0;" + wrong_punycode_subdomain + host)
response.content = "delete"
elif b"delete-invalid-byte" in request.GET:
response.headers.append(b"Set-Cookie", cookie + b"Max-Age=0;" + invalid_byte_subdomain + host)
response.content = "delete"

response.headers.append(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain")

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