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Johelvis Guzman edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 7 revisions

The DotNetToolkit.Repository also supports services and transactions. Services can be used by creating an instance of the Service class which will use a Unit of Work for each transaction.

How to use

First, we need to define an entity type which will be managed by the service.

namespace MyApplicationDemo
    public class Customer
	public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

Create a UnitOfWorkFactory object with a registered ORM provider that can handle transactions (in this example we will be using the in-memory database).

using DotNetToolkit.Repository;
using DotNetToolkit.Repository.InMemory;
using DotNetToolkit.Repository.Services;
using DotNetToolkit.Repository.Transactions;

namespace MyApplicationDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // **** Configure Service ****
            var uowFactory = new UnitOfWorkFactory(options =>
                options.UseInMemoryDatabase(ignoreTransactionWarning: true);

            // **** Create the service for a Customer entity ****

            var service = new Service<Customer>(uowFactory);

Now we can start using the functionality from the service to create, update, delete, and find entities.

using DotNetToolkit.Repository;
using DotNetToolkit.Repository.Configuration.Options;
using DotNetToolkit.Repository.InMemory;
using DotNetToolkit.Repository.Services;
using DotNetToolkit.Repository.Transactions;

namespace MyApplicationDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // **** Configure Service ****
            var uowFactory = new UnitOfWorkFactory(options =>
                options.UseInMemoryDatabase(ignoreTransactionWarning: true);

            // **** Create the service for a Customer entity ****

            var service = new Service<Customer>(uowFactory);
            // **** Create Items **** 

            var customer = new Customer() { Id = 1, Name = "Random Name" }

            // **** Find Items **** 
            var customerInDb = service.Get(c=> c.Name.Equals("Random Name"));
            // **** Update Items **** 

            customerInDb.Name = "New Random Name";
            // **** Delete Items **** 