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Crowdfunding product page

This is a solution to the

Crowdfunding product page challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

github live-link


Your challenge is to build out this crowdfunding product page and get it looking as close to the design as possible.

Your users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for interactive elements
  • Make a selection of which pledge to make
  • See an updated progress bar and total money raised based on their pledge total after confirming a pledge
  • See the number of total backers increment by one after confirming a pledge
  • Toggle whether or not the product is bookmarked


The Good

  • The results of the SASS files and code.
  • Took it slowly to help really acknowledge each moving part of the code.

The Bad

  • This project isn't complete (intentionally).
  • There are a few radio/label related issues that require attention.

The Process


HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript SASS

What I Learnt

I learnt to really focus on each element before moving onto another. I had taken this project a lot slower and ended up learning more than any other projects. From navigation to radio buttons, I feel like I have really improved by giving my full attention to each element.

Continued Development

I had left this project unfinished purposely. I intend on revisting to see whether I can fully understand what I was doing, how I was doing it and why.

I am hoping to pick up even more valueable skills from this project by revisting and practicing my ability to read the code and continue a project months later.

When I revisit this project; I will update this section just below.