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Crawling, Clustering and Sentiment Analysis on Targeted Subdomains

Running Instructions

This README contains instructions on how to run the pipeline from start to finish.

Running inside a Docker container

You can build the image from the Dockerfile with make build.

Then to run the container, you can make run-container, which will start a container and enter into the container's bash terminal.

To get a list of available conda environments, run

conda env list

Then switch to the target conda environment nss with

conda activate nss

Then you can run the options below. Alternatively, you can run this bare metal, but you will have to ensure that the dependencies are installed.

Running the whole project

The whole project can be run in one command:

make all

Running on a test set of 10 crawled pages

You can run the whole project with a test set of 10 pages using:

make test

Running the web crawler

You can run the web crawler only by providing the CRAWL_LIMIT

make scraper CRAWL_LIMIT=$(CRAWL_LIMIT) # User provides the crawl limit

Running the text extractor

Extract the text like so:

make extract

Running the clustering algorithms

User sets the number of clusters. If CLUSTERS is not provided, the default is 3.

make cluster CLUSTERS=$(CLUSTERS) # User provides the number of clusters to use

Running the sentiment analysis

This will run sentiment analysis on all clustered text. If you have separate files for 3 clusters and 6 clusters, this command will compute AFINN scores for 3 and 6 clusters respectively, and store then in separate labeled output files.

make sentiment

Cleaning up

You can clear all output and log files with one command:

make clean

Note about scraping order

As per the docs, Scrapy crawls in depth-first order.

You can adapt to breadth-first search (BFS) if you choose by setting these settings:

SCHEDULER_DISK_QUEUE = "scrapy.squeues.PickleFifoDiskQueue"
SCHEDULER_MEMORY_QUEUE = "scrapy.squeues.FifoMemoryQueue"

However, as noted, setting to BFS significantly reduces crawl speed as you cannot crawl concurrently. Attempt at your own risk 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Crawling, Clustering and Sentiment Analysis on Targeted Subdomains







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