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This section gives an overview of the concerns that arise when using an eventsourcing application in Web applications and task queue workers. There are many combinations of frameworks, databases, and process models. The complicated aspect is setting up the database configuration to work well with the framework. Your event sourcing application can be constructed just after the database is configured, and before requests are handled.

Please note, unlike the code snippets in the other examples, the snippets of code in this section are merely suggestive, and do not form a complete working program. For a working example using Flask and SQLAlchemy, please refer to the library module :mod:`eventsourcing.example.interface.flaskapp`, which is tested both stand-alone and with uWSGI.

In general you want one, and only one, instance of your application class in each process. If your eventsourcing application class has any subscriptions to the internal pub-sub mechanism, for example if has a persistence policy that will persist events whenever they are published, then constructing more than one instance of the application will cause the policy event handlers to be subscribed more than once, so for example more than one attempt will be made to save each event, which won't work very well.

To make sure there is only one instance of your application class in each process, one possible arrangement (see below) is to have a module with two functions and a variable. The first function constructs an application object and assigns it to the variable, and can perhaps be called when a module is imported, or from a suitable hook or signal designed for setting things up before any requests are handled. A second function returns the application object assigned to the variable, and can be called by any views, or request or task handlers, that depend on the application's services.

Although the first function below must be called only once, the second function can be called many times. The example functions below have been written relatively strictly so that, when it is called, the function init_application() will raise an exception if it has already been called, and get_application() will raise an exception if init_application() has not already been called.

By the way, it's possible to have more than one application, but in general they need to have different domain event classes for the persist_event_type value of each application, so they don't try to persist each other's events. However, in this example only one application is deployed and it is deployed without a value of persist_event_type being set, so before this application would actually persist any events, the class of domain events it will persist must be given.

from eventsourcing.application.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyApplication

def construct_application(**kwargs):
    return SQLAlchemyApplication(**kwargs)

_application = None

def init_application(persist_event_type=None, **kwargs):
    global _application
    if _application is not None:
        raise AssertionError("init_application() has already been called")
    _application = construct_application(**kwargs)

def get_application():
    if _application is None:
        raise AssertionError("init_application() must be called first")
    return _application

The expected behaviour is demonstrated below.

except AssertionError:
    raise Exception("Shouldn't get here")


app = get_application()

As an aside, if you will use these function also in your test suite, and your test suite needs to set up the application more than once, you will also need a close_application() function that closes the application object, unsubscribing any handlers, and resetting the module level variable so that init_application() can be called again. If doesn't really matter if you don't close your application at the end of the process lifetime, however you may wish to close any database or other connections to network services.

def close_application():
    global _application
    if _application is not None:
        _application = None

The expected behaviour is demonstrated below.


An alternative to having separate "init" and "get" functions is having one "get" function that does lazy initialization of the application object when first requested. With lazy initialization, the getter will first check if the object it needs to return has been constructed, and will then return the object. If the object hasn't been constructed, before returning the object it will construct the object. So you could use a lock around the construction of the object, to make sure it only happens once. After the lock is obtained and before the object is constructed, it is recommended to check again that the object wasn't constructed by another thread before the lock was acquired.

import threading

lock = threading.Lock()

def get_application():
    global _application
    if _application is None:
            # Check again to avoid a TOCTOU bug.
            if _application is None:
                _application = construct_application()
    return _application

app = get_application()
app = get_application()  # same object
app = get_application()  # same object


Typically, your eventsourcing application object will be constructed after its database connection has been configured, and before any requests are handled. Views or tasks can then safely use the already constructed application object.

If your eventsourcing application depends on receiving a database session object when it is constructed, for example if you are using the SQLAlchemy classes in this library, then you will need to create a correctly scoped session object first and use it to construct the application object.

On the other hand, if your eventsourcing application does not depend on receiving a database session object when it is constructed, for example if you are using the Cassandra classes in this library, then you may construct the application object before configuring the database connection - just be careful not to use the application object before the database connection is configured otherwise your queries just won't work.

Setting up connections to databases is out of scope of the eventsourcing application classes, and should be set up in a "normal" way. The documentation for your Web or worker framework may describe when to set up database connections, and your database documentation may also have some suggestions. It is recommended to make use of any hooks or decorators or signals intended for the purpose of setting up the database connection also to construct the application once for the process. See below for some suggestions.

SQLAlchemy has very good documentation about constructing sessions. If you are an SQLAlchemy user, it is well worth reading the documentation about sessions in full. Here's a small quote:

Some web frameworks include infrastructure to assist in the task of aligning the lifespan of a Session with that of a web request. This includes products such as Flask-SQLAlchemy for usage in conjunction with the Flask web framework, and Zope-SQLAlchemy, typically used with the Pyramid framework. SQLAlchemy recommends that these products be used as available.

In those situations where the integration libraries are not provided or are insufficient, SQLAlchemy includes its own “helper” class known as scoped_session. A tutorial on the usage of this object is at Contextual/Thread-local Sessions. It provides both a quick way to associate a Session with the current thread, as well as patterns to associate Session objects with other kinds of scopes.

The important thing is to use a scoped session, and it is better to have the session scoped to the request or task, rather than the thread, but scoping to the thread is ok.

As soon as you have a scoped session object, you can construct your eventsourcing application.

Cassandra connections can be set up entirely independently of the application object.

If you are running uWSGI in prefork mode, and not using a Web application framework, please note that uWSGI has a postfork decorator which may help.

Your "" file can have a module-level function decorated with the @postfork decorator that initialises your eventsourcing application for the Web application process after child workers have been forked.

from uwsgidecorators import postfork

def init_process():
    # Set up database connection.
    database = {}
    # Construct eventsourcing application.

Other decorators are available.

If you wish to use eventsourcing with Flask and SQLAlchemy, then you may wish to use Flask-SQLAlchemy. You just need to define your record class(es) using the model classes from that library, and then use it instead of the library classes in your eventsourcing application object, along with the session object it provides.

The docs snippet below shows that it can work simply to construct the eventsourcing application in the same place as the Flask application object.

The Flask-SQLAlchemy class SQLAlchemy is used to set up a session object that is scoped to the request.

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.uuid import UUIDType

# Construct Flask application.
application = Flask(__name__)
application.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite://'
application.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False

# Construct Flask-SQLAlchemy object.
db = SQLAlchemy(application)

# Define database table using Flask-SQLAlchemy library.
class StoredEventRecord(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'integer_sequenced_items'

    id = db.Column(db.BigInteger().with_variant(db.Integer, "sqlite"), primary_key=True)

    # Sequence ID (e.g. an entity or aggregate ID).
    originator_id = db.Column(UUIDType(), nullable=False)

    # Position (index) of item in sequence.
    originator_version = db.Column(db.BigInteger(), nullable=False)

    # Topic of the item (e.g. path to domain event class).
    topic = db.Column(db.String(255))

    # State of the item (serialized dict, possibly encrypted).
    state = db.Column(db.Text())

    # Index.
    __table_args__ = db.Index('index', 'originator_id', 'originator_version', unique=True),

# Construct eventsourcing application with Flask-SQLAlchemy table and session.
def before_first_request():

For a working example using Flask and SQLAlchemy, please refer to the library module :mod:`eventsourcing.example.interface.flaskapp`, which is tested both stand-alone and with uWSGI. The Flask application method "before_first_request" is used to decorate an application object constructor, just before a request is made, so that the module can be imported by the test suite, without immediately constructing the application.

The Cassandra Driver FAQ has a code snippet about establishing the connection with the uWSGI postfork decorator, when running in a forked mode.

from flask import Flask
from uwsgidecorators import postfork
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster

session = None
prepared = None

def connect():
    global session, prepared
    session = Cluster().connect()
    prepared = session.prepare("SELECT release_version FROM system.local WHERE key=?")

app = Flask(__name__)

def server_version():
    row = session.execute(prepared, ('local',))[0]
    return row.release_version

The Flask-Cassandra project serves a similar function to Flask-SQLAlchemy.

When deploying an event sourcing application with Django, just remember that there must only be one instance of the application in any given process, otherwise its subscribers will be registered too many times. There are perhaps three different processes to consider. Firstly, running the test suite for your Django project or app. Secondly, running the Django project with WSGI (or equivalent). Thirdly, running the Django project from a task queue worker, such as RabbitMQ.

For the first case, if your application needs to be created fresh for each test, it is recommended to have a base test case class, which initialises the application during setUp() and closes the application during tearDown(). Another option is to use a yield fixture in pytest with the application object yielded whilst acting as a context manager. Just make sure the application is constructed once, and then closed if it is constructed again.

Of course if you only have one application object to test, then you could perhaps just create it at the start of the test suite. If so, closing the application doesn't matter, because no other application object will be created before the process ends.

For the second case, it is recommended to construct the application object from the project's file, which doesn't get used when running Django from a test suite, or from a task queue worker. Views can then get the application object freely. Closing the application doesn't matter, because it will be used until the process ends.

For the third case, it is recommended to construct the application in a suitable signal from the task queue framework, so that the application is constructed before request threads begin. Jobs can then get the application object freely. Closing the application doesn't matter, because it will be used until the process ends.

In each case, to make things very clear for other developers of your code, it is recommended to construct the application object with a module level function called init_application() that assigns to a module level variable, and then obtain the application object with another module level function called get_application(), which raises an exception if the application has not been constructed.

If you wish to use eventsourcing with Django ORM, the simplest way is having your application's event store use this library's DjangoRecordManager, and making sure the record classes (Django models) are included in your Django project. See :doc:`infrastructure doc </topics/infrastructure>` for more information.

The independent project djangoevents by Applause is a Django app that provides a more integrated approach to event sourcing in a Django project. It also uses the Django ORM to store events. Using djangoevents is well documented in its README file. It adds some nice enhancements to the capabilities of this library, and shows how various components can be extended or replaced. Please note, the djangoevents project currently works with a much older version of this library which isn't recommended for new projects.

If you wish to use eventsourcing with Django and Cassandra, regardless of any event sourcing, you may wish to use Django-Cassandra. The library's Cassandra classes use the Cassandra Python library which the Django-Cassandra project integrates into Django. So you can easily develop an event sourcing application using the capabilities of this library, and then write views in Django, and use the Django-Cassandra project as a means of integrating Django as an Web interface to an event sourced application that uses Cassandra.

It's also possible to use this library directly with Django and Cassandra. You just need to configure the connection and initialise the application before handling requests in a way that is correct for your configuration (which is what Django-Cassandra tries to make easy).

The Zope-SQLAlchemy project serves a similar function to Flask-SQLAlchemy.

This section contains suggestions about using an eventsourcing application in task queue workers.

Celery has a worker_process_init signal decorator, which may be appropriate if you are running Celery workers in prefork mode. Other decorators are available.

Your Celery tasks or config module can have a module-level function decorated with the @worker-process-init decorator that initialises your eventsourcing application for the Celery worker process.

from celery.signals import worker_process_init

def init_process(sender=None, conf=None, **kwargs):
    # Set up database connection.
    database = {}
    # Construct eventsourcing application.

As an alternative, it may work to use decorator @task_prerun with a getter that supports lazy initialization.

from celery.signals import task_prerun
def init_process(*args, **kwargs):

Once the application has been safely initialized once in the process, your Celery tasks can use function get_application() to complete their work. Of course, you could just call a getter with lazy initialization from the tasks.

from celery import Celery

app = Celery()

# Use Celery app to route the task to the worker.
def hello_world():
    # Use eventsourcing app to complete the task.
    app = get_application()
    return "Hello World, {}".format(id(app))

Again, the most important thing is configuring the database, and making things work across all modes of execution, including your test suite.

Redis queue workers are quite similar to Celery workers. You can call get_application() from within a job function. To fit with the style in the RQ documentation, you could perhaps use your eventsourcing application as a context manager, just like the Redis connection example.