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ResTable, an OpenTable clone, is an online restaurant-reservation service that allows users to make online reservations, see the upcoming reservations, and search for restaurants based on their cuisines.

live site

Core Features

Search Restaurants by Cuisine

The searchbar at the top of homepage allows users to search restaurants based on the cuisine type they are interested in. On click of any cuisine from the dropdown menu, or manyally type in the searchbar, the page below will show the filtered result simultaneously. This feature is achieved by using the redux event listeners to rerender the page. The function editSearchTerm listens to any input changes users make in the searchbar to make sure the page rerenders whenever the state changes. dynamicSearch is responsible for filtering the dropdown list based on user input. onCuisineSelected is passed to the child component Cuisine to force the whole state change once the click event is triggered.


  editSearchTerm = (e) => {
    this.setState({ searchTerm: });

  dynamicSearch = () => {
    return this.state.cuisines.filter((cuisine) =>

  onCuisineSelected = (cuisine) => {
    this.setState({ searchTerm: cuisine });

Make Reservations

Users can make reservations by filling out the reservation form using dropdown menus. If the current user is not signed in, there would be a popover requesting them to sign in or use demo user mode instead. Upon click on "Reserve a Table", it redirects users to the confirmation page where they can modify or view the reservation they just made. They can also see the whole of list upcoming reservations by going to the profile page.

By making an async call as shown below, the app would hold on the the confirmation page until after it makes a post ajax request and returns a new reservation object as a promise.

ezgif com-gif-maker

const handleSubmit = (e) => {
      restaurant_id: myReservation.restaurant_id,
      date: reservationDate,
      time: reservationDate,
      party_size: partySize,
      phone: "(123)-456-7890",
    }).then((reservation) => {

There is another technolocal challenge I faced was that I need to implement a UI library component that I need to reuse a few times throughout my project.There's, however, a "flaw" that exists from the traditional lifecycle method as it doesn't offer a way to "attach" a dropdown behavior I want to use later on to a golbal store. To address that, I have implemented with useState hook that allows me to split one component into smaller functions below solely based on what exact pieces are needed (such as just fetching a specific profile data from the client), rather than forcing a split based on lifecycle methods.

  const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = React.useState(null);
  const handleClick = (event) => {
  const handleClose = () => {

Future Directions

  • Diners can make reviews on their past comfirmed reservations.
  • Users can see recommended restaurants based on their current location.


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