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###Inserting and Enqueueing Inserting and Enqueueing are accomplished with the PUT and POST methods.


By default, PUT will insert the body of an http request into the database. It will overwrite all other items with the same key..

PUT /:key -> [Insert item]


By default, POST will enqueue the body of an http request into the database. Other values are still accessible.

POST /:key -> [Enqueue item]

###Retrieving, Deleting, and Popping (or Dequeueing) Retrieving, deleting, and popping are accomplished with the GET and DELETE methods


By default, GET will retrieve an item.

GET /:key -> [Retrieve item]

If more than one item is stored at that key, GET will retrieve the most recently inserted item.

GET /:key -> [Retrieve newest item]

Specifying an index will allow you to retrieve an item by the order it was enqueued. Indexes are zero-based. Note: the performance is questionable.

GET /:key?index=N -> [Retrieve (N+1)th newest item]

Specifying an id for a collection will allow you to retrieve a specific item.

GET /:key?id=<id> -> [Retrieve item with id <id>]

Using the HEAD method in place of the GET method will result a response similar to GET, but without a body.

HEAD /:key -> [Retrieve item without body]


By default, DELETE will remove all items with a given key.

DELETE /:key -> [Delete item]

Specifying an index for a collection will allow you to delete a specific item.

DELETE /:key?index=N -> [Delete item delete (N+1)th newest item from index]


Attaching the attribute 'pop=true' to the url in a DELETE request, will only DELETE the last item. It will also return the item similar to a GET request.

DELETE /:key?pop=true -> [Retrieve and delete newest item]

Specifying an index for a collection will allow you to delete and retrieve a specific item by the order it was enqueued. The pop attribute is implied.

DELETE /:key?index=N -> [Retrieve and delete Nth+1 newest item]

Specifying an id for a collection will allow you to delete and retrieve a specific item.

DELETE /:key?id=<id> -> [Retrieve and delete item with id <id>]

Attaching the attribute 'dequeue=true' to the url in a DELETE request, return the least recently inserted item. The pop attribute is implied.

DELETE /:key?dequeue=true -> [Retrieve and delete oldest item]

Combining the dequeue and index attributes allows you to remove items by index starting with the least recently inserted item.

DELETE /:key?index=N -> [Retrieve and delete (N+1)th oldest item]

If the setting UNSAFE_GET is set to true, attaching the 'pop=true' attribute will cause the GET method to behave like the DELETE method

GET /:key?pop=true&index=N -> [Retrieve and delete (N+1)th oldest item]

#####Dequeueing The server will behave as a queue if the setting QUEUE is set to true. Attributes 'dequeue=true' and 'pop=true' switch roles and items are retrieved from the beginning of the store as opposed to the end by default. Enqueueing with POST and PUT is not affected.

Here are specific differences:

If more than one item is stored at that key, GET will retrieve the least recently inserted item.

GET /:key -> [Retrieve oldest item]


Some settings can be changed via the PATCH method. When using the PATCH method, your request will be treated as JSON according to the JSON-patch specification. Only the replace operation is supported. The response will be of type application/json and consist of a list of editable settings.

{ "op": "replace", "path": "/SETTING_1", "value": "new value 1" },
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/SETTING_1", "value": "new value 2" },
...] -> [settings changes]

See Settings Section for more details.


The TRACE method is similar to the GET method, but simply echos back the request rather than processing it.

TRACE /:key -> [Request]


The HEAD method is similar to the GET method, but simply returns the headers rather than the full body of the response.

TRACE /:key -> [Request]


Curl, and possibly some other applications, can be used to insert and enqueue binary files. Be sure to set the charset=binary and use the data-binary flag as in the example below.

curl -X PUT <server address>/flowers/rose.jpg -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg; charset=binary" --data-binary @./test/media/rose.jpg