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Monkey (%monkey) is an app and agent that binds to eyre and intercepts/relays requests to allow you to:

  • inject your code into http responses from other apps (poor man's chrome extension, but for Urbit)
  • define and handle custom web+urbitgraph:// links, so you can actually redirect to your app and then render something relevant

Monkey is used in the background by other apps. For now, there's nothing to do with Monkey as a user, but hopefully one day it will have an app store and management UI for extensions.


You can read the proposal and discuss in the dedicated group on Urbit: ~poster-hoster-midlev-mindyr/monkey

The Code


The desk folder contains all monkey-specific files. base-desk contains other hoon files from various places.


Tests go in desk/tests. To run a test, use the test thread in dojo, e.g.: -test %%%/monkey/=/tests/lib/monkey ~


Monkey is built primarily using Svelte, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS. Vite ensures that all code and assets are loaded appropriately, bundles the application for distribution and provides a functional dev environment.

Getting Started

To get started using Monkey first you need to run npm install inside the ui directory.

To develop you'll need a running ship to point to. If it's running somewhere other than http://localhost:8081, make a copy of .env in the ui directory and name it .env.local. This file will not be committed. Change VITE_SHIP_URL to the URL of the ship you would like to point to.

Once your URL is correctly configured, you can run npm run dev. This will proxy all requests to the ship except for those powering the interface, allowing you to see live data.

Regardless of what you run to develop, Vite will hot-reload code changes as you work so you don't have to constantly refresh.


  1. Spin up a comet or distribution ship.
  2. Mount an %monkey desk. In Dojo:
    1. |merge %monkey our %base to create a new desk.
    2. |mount %monkey to mount it.
    3. Set MONKEY_DESK in .env.local if the path to your desk is different.
  3. Create and upload glob-http, if applicable (see below)
  4. Install the desk
    1. From the ui folder: npm run install:desk
    2. From the distribution ship's dojo: :treaty|unpublish %monkey
    3. From middleman or distribution ship's dojo: |commit %monkey
    4. (if using a comet as a middleman) |public %monkey
    5. (if using a comet as a middleman) from the actual distribution ship: |install ~comet-name %monkey or |resume %monkey
    6. (if using a comet as a middleman) from the actual distribution ship: |pause %monkey
  5. Build UI and upload glob-ames
  6. Publish the desk from dojo: :treaty|publish %monkey

Deploying with glob-ames glob

Initial Setup:

  1. Put the line glob-ames+[~dister-midlev-mindyr 0v0] in desk.docket-0 if it's not there, where ~dister-midlevi-mindyr is the @p of the distribution ship.

Every Time: 4. Build the UI with npm run build in the ui directory which will bundle all the code and assets into the dist/ folder. 5. Upload the dist/ folder as a glob to your distribution ship. Example url:

Deploying with glob-http glob

Initial Setup:

  1. Spin up a globber ship (comet or fakezod) (or just reuse your dev ship for this).
  2. Mount an %globber desk. In Dojo:
    1. |merge %globber our %base to create a new desk.
    2. |mount %globber to mount it.
    3. Set GLOBBER_DESK in .env.local if the path to your globber desk is different.

Every Time: 3. From the ui directory, run npm run release to build the ui, make the glob, and copy it to the globs folder. The command will also print out the glob hash/id. 4. Copy the string printed by the last step, and paste it into desk.docket-0. 5. Upload the glob in /globs/ to any publicly available HTTP endpoint that can serve files. This allows the glob to be distributed over HTTP. 6. Once you've uploaded the glob, paste the url into desk/desk.docket-0. Both the full URL and the hash should be updated to match the glob we just created, on the line that looks like this: hoon glob-http+['' 0v5.fdf99.nph65.qecq3.ncpjn.q13mb]


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