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Crip CSS Properties

Simple module with all css properties for the PostCSS-Crip plugin.


$ npm install --save crip-css-properties
 * Getting Crip CSS Properties
 * @return {object}

var CCSS = require('crip-css-properties');

List of all available css abbreviations

  • acc: accelerator
  • ac: align-content
  • ai: align-items
  • as: align-self
  • ani: animation
  • ani-del: animation-delay
  • ani-dir: animation-direction
  • ani-dur: animation-duration
  • ani-fill: animation-fill-mode
  • ani-itc: animation-iteration-count
  • ani-name: animation-name
  • ani-play: animation-play-state
  • ani-time: animation-timing-function
  • app-r: app-region
  • ap: appearance
  • ar: aspect-ratio
  • bv: backface-visibility
  • bg: background
  • bga: background-attachment
  • bg-clip: background-clip
  • bgc: background-color
  • bg-comp: background-composite
  • bgi: background-image
  • bg-inline: background-inline-policy
  • bgo: background-origin
  • bgo-x: background-origin-x
  • bgo-y: background-origin-y
  • bgp: background-position
  • bgp-x: background-position-x
  • bgp-y: background-position-y
  • bgr: background-repeat
  • bgr-x: background-repeat-x
  • bgr-y: background-repeat-y
  • bgz: background-size
  • bind: binding
  • blend: blend-mode
  • block: block-progression
  • bd: border
  • bda: border-after
  • bd-ac: border-after-color
  • bd-as: border-after-style
  • bd-aw: border-after-width
  • bd-b: border-before
  • bd-bc: border-before-color
  • bd-bs: border-before-style
  • bd-bw: border-before-width
  • bdb: border-bottom
  • bdb-c: border-bottom-color
  • bdb-cs: border-bottom-colors
  • bdblr: border-bottom-left-radius
  • bdbrr: border-bottom-right-radius
  • bdbs: border-bottom-style
  • bdbw: border-bottom-width
  • bd-c: border-collapse
  • bdc: border-color
  • bde: border-end
  • bde-c: border-end-color
  • bde-s: border-end-style
  • bde-w: border-end-width
  • bdf: border-fit
  • bd-hs: border-horizontal-spacing
  • bdi: border-image
  • bdi-o: border-image-outset
  • bdi-r: border-image-repeat
  • bdi-sl: border-image-slice
  • bdi-src: border-image-source
  • bdi-w: border-image-width
  • bdl: border-left
  • bdl-c: border-left-color
  • bdl-cs: border-left-colors
  • bdl-s: border-left-style
  • bdl-w: border-left-width
  • bdrs: border-radius
  • bdrs-bl: border-radius-bottomleft,border-bottom-left-radius
  • bdrs-br: border-radius-bottomright,border-bottom-right-radius
  • bdrs-tl: border-radius-topleft,border-top-left-radius
  • bdrs-tr: border-radius-topright,border-top-right-radius
  • bdr: border-right
  • bdr-c: border-right-color
  • bdr-cs: border-right-colors
  • bdr-s: border-right-style
  • bdr-w: border-right-width
  • bdsp: border-spacing
  • bdst: border-start
  • bdst-c: border-start-color
  • bdst-s: border-start-style
  • bdst-w: border-start-width
  • bds: border-style
  • bdt: border-top
  • bdt-c: border-top-color
  • bdt-cs: border-top-colors
  • bdt-s: border-top-style
  • bdt-w: border-top-width
  • bd-vs: border-vertical-spacing
  • bdw: border-width
  • b: bottom
  • box-a: box-align
  • box-dir-break: box-decoration-break
  • box-dir: box-direction
  • box-fx: box-flex
  • box-fx-g: box-flex-group
  • box-fl: box-float-edge
  • box-fbii: box-force-broken-image-icon
  • box-l: box-lines
  • box-og: box-ordinal-group
  • box-o: box-orient
  • box-p: box-pack
  • box-r: box-reflect
  • box-s: box-shadow
  • box-sz: box-sizing
  • ba: break-after
  • bb: break-before
  • bi: break-inside
  • cap: caption-side
  • cl: clear
  • clip-p: clip-path
  • c: color
  • cc: color-correction
  • col-a: column-axis
  • col-ba: column-break-after
  • col-bf: column-break-before
  • col-bi: column-break-inside
  • col-c: column-count
  • col-f: column-fill
  • col-g: column-gap
  • col-p: column-progression
  • col-r: column-rule
  • col-rc: column-rule-color
  • col-rs: column-rule-style
  • col-rw: column-rule-width
  • col-s: column-span
  • col-w: column-width
  • cols: columns
  • cnt: content
  • cnt-zc: content-zoom-chaining
  • cnt-zl: content-zoom-limit
  • cnt-zlmax: content-zoom-limit-max
  • cnt-zlmin: content-zoom-limit-min
  • cnt-zs: content-zoom-snap
  • cnt-zsp: content-zoom-snap-points
  • cnt-zst: content-zoom-snap-type
  • cnt-z: content-zooming
  • c-inc: counter-increment
  • c-reset: counter-reset
  • dash-r: dashboard-region
  • dpr: device-pixel-ratio
  • dir: direction
  • d: display
  • ec: empty-cells
  • flt: filter
  • fx: flex
  • fx-a: flex-align
  • fx-b: flex-basis
  • fx-d: flex-direction
  • fx-f: flex-flow
  • fx-g: flex-grow
  • fx-o: flex-order
  • fx-p: flex-pack
  • fx-s: flex-shrink
  • fx-w: flex-wrap
  • fl: float
  • flow-f: flow-from
  • flow-i: flow-intro
  • f: font
  • ff: font-family
  • ffs: font-feature-settings
  • fk: font-kerning
  • flo: font-language-override
  • fz: font-size
  • fz-a: font-size-adjust
  • fz-d: font-size-delta
  • f-smooth: font-smoothing
  • f-str: font-stretch
  • fs: font-style
  • fv: font-variant
  • fv-l: font-variant-ligatures
  • fw: font-weight
  • gd-col: grid-column
  • gd-col-a: grid-column-align
  • gd-col-s: grid-column-span
  • gd-cols: grid-columns
  • gd-row: grid-row
  • gd-row-a: grid-row-align
  • gd-row-s: grid-row-span
  • gd-rows: grid-rows
  • h: height
  • hca: high-contrast-adjust
  • hlt: highlight
  • -c: hyphenate-character
  • -la: hyphenate-limit-after
  • -lb: hyphenate-limit-before
  • -lc: hyphenate-limit-chars
  • -ll: hyphenate-limit-lines
  • -lz: hyphenate-limit-zone
  • -: hyphens
  • img-reg: image-region
  • img-ren: image-rendering
  • img-res: image-resolution
  • img-o: image-orientation
  • int-mode: interpolation-mode
  • jc: justify-content
  • l-f: layout-flow
  • l-g: layout-grid
  • l-gc: layout-grid-char
  • l-gl: layout-grid-line
  • l-gm: layout-grid-mode
  • l-gt: layout-grid-type
  • l: left
  • ls: letter-spacing
  • line-a: line-align
  • line-bc: line-box-contain
  • line-b: line-break
  • line-c: line-clamp
  • line-g: line-grid
  • lh: line-height
  • line-s: line-snap
  • li-s: list-style
  • li-si: list-style-image
  • li-sp: list-style-position
  • li-st: list-style-type
  • loc: locale
  • log-h: logical-height
  • log-w: logical-width
  • m: margin
  • m-a: margin-after
  • m-ac: margin-after-collapse
  • m-b: margin-before
  • m-bc: margin-before-collapse
  • mb: margin-bottom
  • mb-c: margin-bottom-collapse
  • m-c: margin-collapse
  • m-e: margin-end
  • ml: margin-left
  • mr: margin-right
  • m-s: margin-start
  • mt: margin-top
  • mt-c: margin-top-collapse
  • marq: marquee
  • marq-d: marquee-direction
  • marq-i: marquee-increment
  • marq-r: marquee-repetition
  • marq-sp: marquee-speed
  • marq-s: marquee-style
  • mask-a: mask-attachment
  • mask-bi: mask-box-image
  • mask-bio: mask-box-image-outset
  • mask-bir: mask-box-image-repeat
  • mask-bisl: mask-box-image-slice
  • mask-bis: mask-box-image-source
  • mask-biw: mask-box-image-width
  • mask-c: mask-clip
  • mask-co: mask-composite
  • mask-i: mask-image
  • mask-o: mask-origin
  • mask-p: mask-position
  • mask-px: mask-position-x
  • mask-py: mask-position-y
  • mask-r: mask-repeat
  • mask-rx: mask-repeat-x
  • mask-ry: mask-repeat-y
  • mask-s: mask-size
  • mnmbc: match-nearest-mail-blockquote-color
  • mah: max-height
  • malh: max-logical-height
  • malw: max-logical-width
  • maw: max-width
  • maz: max-zoom
  • mih: min-height
  • milh: min-logical-height
  • milw: min-logical-width
  • mw: min-width
  • mz: min-zoom
  • nav-d: nav-down
  • nav-i: nav-index
  • nav-l: nav-left
  • nav-r: nav-right
  • nav-u: nav-up
  • nbsp: nbsp-mode
  • obj-f: object-fit
  • obj-p: object-position
  • op: opacity
  • odr: order
  • or: orientation
  • orp: orphans
  • oln: outline
  • oln-c: outline-color
  • oln-o: outline-offset
  • oln-r: outline-radius
  • oln-rbl: outline-radius-bottomleft
  • oln-rbr: outline-radius-bottomright
  • oln-rtl: outline-radius-topleft
  • oln-rtr: outline-radius-topright
  • oln-s: outline-style
  • oln-w: outline-width
  • ofl: overflow
  • ofl-sc: overflow-scrolling
  • ofl-s: overflow-style
  • ofl-w: overflow-wrap
  • ofl-x: overflow-x
  • ofl-y: overflow-y
  • p: padding
  • p-a: padding-after
  • p-b: padding-before
  • pb: padding-bottom
  • p-e: padding-end
  • pl: padding-left
  • pr: padding-right
  • p-s: padding-start
  • pt: padding-top
  • pg: page
  • pg-ba: page-break-after
  • pg-bf: page-break-before
  • pg-bi: page-break-inside
  • pec: perspective
  • pec-o: perspective-origin
  • pec-ox: perspective-origin-x
  • pec-oy: perspective-origin-y
  • pe: pointer-events
  • pos: position
  • pca: print-color-adjust
  • prog-a: progress-appearance
  • qu: quotes
  • reg-ofl: region-overflow
  • reg-ba: region-break-after
  • reg-bf: region-break-before
  • reg-bi: region-break-inside
  • rz: resize
  • r: right
  • rtl-o: rtl-ordering
  • rby-a: ruby-align
  • rby-o: ruby-overhang
  • rby-p: ruby-position
  • sct-l: script-level
  • sct-ms: script-min-size
  • sct-sm: script-size-multiplier
  • scr-c: scroll-chaining
  • scr-l: scroll-limit
  • scr-lxmax: scroll-limit-x-max
  • scr-lxmin: scroll-limit-x-min
  • scr-lymax: scroll-limit-y-max
  • scr-lymin: scroll-limit-y-min
  • scr-rls: scroll-rails
  • scr-spx: scroll-snap-points-x
  • scr-spy: scroll-snap-points-y
  • scr-st: scroll-snap-type
  • scr-sx: scroll-snap-x
  • scr-sy: scroll-snap-y
  • scr-t: scroll-translation
  • srcb-3d: scrollbar-3dlight-color
  • srcb-ac: scrollbar-arrow-color
  • srcb-bc: scrollbar-base-color
  • srcb-dc: scrollbar-darkshadow-color
  • srcb-fc: scrollbar-face-color
  • srcb-hc: scrollbar-highlight-color
  • srcb-sc: scrollbar-shadow-color
  • srcb-tc: scrollbar-track-color
  • shape-i: shape-inside
  • shape-o: shape-outside
  • sz: size
  • stack-sz: stack-sizing
  • svg-s: svg-shadow
  • tz: tab-size
  • tbl-b: table-baseline
  • tbl-l: table-layout
  • thc: tap-highlight-color
  • ta: text-align
  • ta-l: text-align-last
  • t-a: text-autospace
  • t-b: text-blink
  • t-c: text-combine
  • td: text-decoration
  • td-c: text-decoration-color
  • td-l: text-decoration-line
  • td-sk: text-decoration-skip
  • td-s: text-decoration-style
  • td-ie: text-decorations-in-effect
  • te: text-emphasis
  • te-c: text-emphasis-color
  • te-p: text-emphasis-position
  • te-s: text-emphasis-style
  • tfc: text-fill-color
  • ti: text-indent
  • tj: text-justify
  • tks: text-kashida-space
  • tlt: text-line-through
  • tlt-c: text-line-through-color
  • tlt-m: text-line-through-mode
  • tlt-s: text-line-through-style
  • tlt-w: text-line-through-width
  • t-or: text-orientation
  • tofl: text-overflow
  • tofl-e: text-overflow-ellipsis
  • tofl-m: text-overflow-mode
  • tov: text-overline
  • tov-c: text-overline-color
  • tov-m: text-overline-mode
  • tov-s: text-overline-style
  • tov-w: text-overline-width
  • t-r: text-rendering
  • t-sec: text-security
  • t-sh: text-shadow
  • tza: text-size-adjust
  • t-str: text-stroke
  • t-str-c: text-stroke-color
  • t-stw-w: text-stroke-width
  • tt: text-transform
  • tu: text-underline
  • tu-c: text-underline-color
  • tu-m: text-underline-mode
  • tu-p: text-underline-position
  • tu-s: text-underline-style
  • tu-w: text-underline-width
  • t: top
  • touch-a: touch-action
  • touch-c: touch-callout
  • trf: transform
  • trf-o: transform-origin
  • trf-ox: transform-origin-x
  • trf-oy: transform-origin-y
  • trf-oz: transform-origin-z
  • trf-s: transform-style
  • trs: transition
  • trs-del: transition-delay
  • trs-dur: transition-duration
  • trs-p: transition-property
  • trs-tf: transition-timing-function
  • uni-b: unicode-bidi
  • uni-r: unicode-range
  • usr-d: user-drag
  • usr-f: user-focus
  • usr-i: user-input
  • usr-m: user-modify
  • usr-s: user-select
  • usr-z: user-zoom
  • va: vertical-align
  • v: visibility
  • ws: white-space
  • wid: widows
  • w: width
  • win-s: window-shadow
  • wdb: word-break
  • wds: word-spacing
  • wdw: word-wrap
  • wrp: wrap
  • wrp-f: wrap-flow
  • wrp-m: wrap-margin
  • wrp-p: wrap-padding
  • wrp-t: wrap-through
  • wm: writing-mode
  • zi: z-index
  • z: zoom


MIT © Johnie Hjelm


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