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Mini CRM MVP + Landing Page Tracking Feature


I wanted to create a CRM with Landing Page tracking functionality to practice Ruby on Rails, MVC architecture, data modeling, ORMs and ActiveRecord Unit: Migrations, & CRUD

Video Walkthrough


Genenral User Flow for Identity Management.

  1. Anonomous Visits Site -> Connect Visitor to Session
  2. Random Visitor ID 12345 (Sally Susa) created
  3. Connects all Ahoy activity to Visitor ID
  4. Visitor created in app
  5. Call Identify method
  6. Identify called using contactname
  7. Contacts Connected to (visitir)
  8. Find all contacts with distinct ID connected


To use this app, just clone, run rake db:migrate and then run rails S. Everything should be setup.

For production use http:localhost/3000

License Details

Current Features

  • App Auth & tGoogle OAuth for users for user sign-in and sign-out
  • User can create a contact
  • User cam see a list of available contacts
  • User can create a page for enable tracking
  • Visitors are created when they visit a page
  • Identity Management allows a link between a Contact and Visitor data to be made.
  • Users can delete their account

Future Features

  • Identity Management 1.1 (Grouping activities)
  • Improved UX on responsive page.
  • Improved Validations across Models

How to Contribute

Yay, you're interested in helping work on this please add issues here:

Having a problem?

Have an idea to make it better?

Again, guard your time and effort. Make sure that you don't spend a lot of time on an improvement without talking through it first.

Pull Requests

Good Pull Requests include:

  • A clear explaination of the problem (or enhancement)
  • Clean commit history (squash where it makes sense)
  • Relevant Explination of how to test

Thank you!