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Rectangle Intersection


This project implements a rectangle intersection calculator written in C++14 with CMake project build configuration and using the RapidJSON parsing library.

Systems Requirements

Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with:

  • CMake 3.9.4
  • GCC 5.4.0 and Clang 3.6

Tested on Windows 10 with:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 Preview (15.4.0 Preview 2.0)


From the command line:

git clone --recursive
cd intersections


Three CMake targets are defined.

intersections Library Target

A library that exposes a solver through header file,

#include <intersections>

and function,

namespace intersections {
  Intersections solve(Rectangles const& rectangles);

which takes a vector of rectangles and returns a map of intersection area to the set of overlapping rectangles.

For examples of how to invoke solve, see test.cpp in the tests target and main.cpp in the main target.

tests Binary Target

Run this binary to perform speed and correctness tests on the functionality of the intersections library target.

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make tests

Tests include:

  • simple one-off tests;
  • procedually-generated performance and correctness tests and
  • stress tests involve input sets of increasing size.

Note that the program is not expected to complete on 32GB systems due to memory requirements. However, a single test involving 1024 rectangles should complete within an hour on a modern x86-64 system.

main Binary Target

main is a command-line utility that takes the filename of a JSON file as input and prints the intersections of rectangles contained in that file. The utility uses the RapidJSON library to parse the content of the JSON file and the intersections library to find the intersections.

See sample JSON file, rectangles.json for an example of the file format.

To build the binary and run rectangles.json through it:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make main
./intersections rectangles.json


Two algorithms with noteworthy properties are implemented: simple and fast. Their relative performance is plotted here. Tests involve rectangles with edges selected randomly in the range [0, 250], were compiled with gcc-7.2 and run in Linux on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz.


The simple algorithm can be found in the solve<Solution::simple> function in the src/simple.cpp file. It takes a sequence of rectangles and returns a mapping from areas of overlap to the rectangles which produce that overlapping area.

Each combination of rectangles is generated using recursive binary search and if that combination satisfies the following criteria, it is added to the map:

  1. it must contain at least two rectangles;
  2. the rectangles must overlap and
  3. a result with the same overlap must not already exist in the map.

Each recursion of the binary search visits branches along which rectangles are present before branches along which they are absent. Combined with 3), this ensures that the most populous results for each overlap area are found first. Each recursion also prunes branches which do not satisfy 2).

The simple algorithm is very fast at finding intersections with low numbers of rectangles. But by 50 rectangles, it is no longer the faster solution. The complexity of this algorithm is (O)2^N on the number of rectangles.

rectangles  seconds     intersections
2           1.58E-05    1
3           5.76E-06    2
4           5.17E-06    4
6           5.57E-06    5
8           6.63E-06    9
12          1.68E-05    33
16          2.14E-05    46
24          6.95E-05    144
32          0.000290494 431
48          0.00607432  1548
64          0.114225    3819
96          52.9712     16437


The fast algorithm can be found in the solve<Solution::fast> function in the src/fast.cpp file. It is more complicated than simple and is slower for ~50 rectangles or fewer.

In essence, the fast algorithm works by sweeping across the horizontal and vertical ranges occupied by the rectangles and extracting the set rectangles that occupy those ranges. It then submits the intersection of the two sets as a result.

This algorithm scales better than simple but still exhibits roughly (O)N^2 complexity on the number of rectangles. That is to be expected as the size of the results grows at a yet-greater rate.

rectangles  seconds        intersections
2           4.40E-05       1
3           4.68E-05       2
4           4.17E-05       4
6           4.34E-05       5
8           9.09E-05       9
12          0.000249754    33
16          0.000206417    46
24          0.00115523     144
32          0.00156291     431
48          0.0068363      1548
64          0.024906       3819
96          0.119216       16437
128         0.325622       48674
192         1.76884        226120
256         4.72813        525437
384         17.0733        1890879
512         38.0947        4333026
768         107.722        12367299
1024        1208.89        27463837

Future Directions

Memory Safety

The solutions return results with non-owning pointers. If the input vector is destroyed or resized before the results are read, those pointers are invalidated. Raw pointers could be replaced with std::shared_ptr but this would pessimize the solver. A better approach might be to add an extra step to convert from pointers to array indices.

Better Associative Containers

In general, std::unordered_set and std::unordered_map are chosen for associative containers and then relied upon heavily. std::map is used in one instance where order matters. In all other cases, the unordered_ containers are either faster or as fast. However, there are better, non-standard solutions available which would speed up the algorithms. They were chosen against because they would add an extra dependency and would be unlikely to reduce complexity.

Improved Cache Locality

The simple algorithm is bound by its complexity. However, the fast algorithm suffers performance degredation when the scale of the problem reaches a certain size. This is likely due to the sheer number of results that are collected. There are two ways this situation could be improved:

  1. The fast algorithm submits duplicate intersections. There may be a way to improve it to avoid duplicates. If that were the case, std::vector could be used to collate the results and no lookup would be required.

  2. Alternatively, results for single iterations of the outer loop could be maintained separately and merged into the overall set of results in a single step.


The algorithms could be sped up on multi-processor systems by parallelizing them. For example, the outer loop of the fast algorithm could easily be distributed across a pool of threads. Additionally, this might improve performance further by increasing cache locality as described above.


Program to calculate rectangle intersections read from a JSON file







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