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randyzwitch committed May 27, 2015
1 parent 3dfc33c commit be3dd14
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The Vega.jl package is licensed under the MIT "Expat" License:

> Copyright (c) 2015: John Myles White.
> Copyright (c) 2015: John Myles White and Randy Zwitch.
> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
> a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
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110 changes: 4 additions & 106 deletions
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,9 @@ Vega.jl
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**5/20/2015: This package is being revived by [Randy Zwitch]( for v0.4. Its reliability is still in flux, but should work in Jupyter Notebook and from the REPL**

# Introduction

A Julia package for creating the simplest kinds of Vega visualizations. We currently support barebones versions of the following:
A Julia package for creating Vega visualizations. We currently support barebones versions of the following:

* Area plots
* Bar plots/Histograms
Expand All @@ -20,109 +16,11 @@ In addition, this package wraps Vega's pseudo-type system inside of Julia types.

# Installation

This package depends upon [Vega.js]( from Trifacta and is provided automatically within Vega.jl. If you want to upgrade the library yourself, be sure that the file structure remains the same (and, submit a pull request here!)
This package depends upon [Vega.js]( from Trifacta and is provided automatically within Vega.jl. If you want to upgrade the library yourself, be sure that the file structure remains the same.

using Vega

# Usage Examples

The current API provides some convenience wrappers around Vega for generating standard kinds of plots. These are described below. If you have any issues with the examples, please try checking out master for `Distributions`, `Grid`, `Optim` and `KernelDensity`. While these packages aren't requirements to use Vega.jl, they are used for generating data to plot in the examples.

using Distributions
using Vega

plot(x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
y = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1],
kind = :bar)

![Example 1](content/demo1.jpg)

plot(x = [1:20],
y = rand(20),
kind = :bar)

![Example 2](content/demo2.jpg)

plot(x = [1:20],
y = rand(20),
group = vcat([1 for i in 1:10], [2 for i in 1:10]),
kind = :bar)

![Example 3](content/demo3.jpg)

plot(x = [1:100, 1:100],
y = [[1:100] + randn(100), 3.0 + 1.5 * [1:100] + randn(100)],
group = [[1 for i in 1:100], [2 for i in 1:100]],
kind = :line)

![Example 4](content/demo4.jpg)

d1 = MultivariateNormal([0.0, 0.0], [1.0 0.9; 0.9 1.0])
d2 = MultivariateNormal([10.0, 10.0], [4.0 0.5; 0.5 4.0])
points = vcat(rand(d1, 500)', rand(d2, 500)')
x = points[:, 1]
y = points[:, 2]
plot(x = x, y = y,
group = vcat(ones(Int, 500), ones(Int, 500) + 1),
kind = :scatter)

![Example 5](content/demo5.jpg)

using KernelDensity
x = rand(Gamma(1.0, 1.0), 1_000_000)
k = kde(x)
plot(x = k.x, y = k.density, kind = :area)

![Example 6](content/demo6.jpg)

x = rand(Beta(3.0, 2.0), 1_000_000)
k = kde(x)
plot(x = k.x, y = k.density, kind = :area)

![Example 7](content/demo7.jpg)

n = 30
x = Array(Int, n^2)
y = Array(Int, n^2)
color = Array(Int, n^2)
t = 0
for i in 1:n
for j in 1:n
t += 1
x[t] = i
y[t] = j
color[t] = Int(rand() > 0.5)
heatmap(x = x, y = y, group = color)

![Example 8](content/heatmap.png)

fruit = ["peaches", "plums", "blueberries", "strawberries", "bananas"]
bushels = [100, 32, 180, 46, 21]
plot(x = fruit, y = bushels, kind = :pie)

![Example 9](content/pie.png)

plot(x = fruit, y = bushels, kind = :donut)

![Example 10](content/donut.png)

x = rand(Gamma(3.0, 1.0), 1_000_000)
v = histogram(x = x, relativefreq = true)
![Example 11](content/histogram.png)
# Documentation

using DataFrames, JSON
df = DataFrame()
for p in JSON.parse(readall(Pkg.dir("Vega", "deps/vega/examples/data/population.json")))
df = vcat(df, DataFrame(;[symbol(k)=>v for (k,v) in p]...))
pop1900 = df[df[:year] .== 1900, :];
x = pop1900[:people]
y = pop1900[:age]
group = pop1900[:sex]
popchart(x = x, y = y, group = group)
![Example 12](content/popchart.png)
For documentation of the current functionality of this package, please see the [documentation](
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79 changes: 0 additions & 79 deletions demo.jl

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