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John Newcombe (GlassTTY) edited this page May 9, 2024 · 4 revisions



As is typical with interactive videotex systems, pages are numbered from 0 to 999999999 and consist of one or more frames with the suffix a-z, for example the first frame for page 200 would be 200a, the second 200b and so on (see Routing for more details). These frames are stored within TELSTAR's database as JSON objects (see and uploaded to Telstar using a simple command line utility.

The Telstar utility program simply interacts with the Telstar API which is a restful API. This can be used directly by any software making it simple to programitically manage pages and routing information.

Frames are defined in JSON. The simplest frame that can be viewed on TELSTAR would be as follows. This would create a simple information frame with some flashing content. In this example Markup has been used within the content, however, other content types can be used including urls, see below.

  "pid": {
    "page-no": 101,
    "frame-id": "a"
  "visible": true,
  "content": {
    "data": "[D]This is page[F]101a",
     "type": "markup"

Shown below is a more complete example of a JSON defined frame. With this particular frame, the actual viewdata content has been created using the editor at, this can be seen in the and content.type keys. Both the and zxnet ( editors are supported. The example below is a simple information page with some simple routing (see Routing. Clicking the link, or pasteing the value into a browser will show the page and allow it to be edited. It is not necessary to use the editor, this is just one possible option.

  "pid": {
    "page-no": 0,
    "frame-id": "a"
  "visible": true,
  "frame-type": "information",
  "content": {
    "data": "",
    "type": ""
  "routing-table": [0,1,11,3,400,5,6,7,800,9,0],
  "cursor": false,

Adding Frames to the System

Frames can be added to the system using the Telstar API.

The Telstar API, in conjunction with the cross platform Telstar Util software, provides a simple method of creating and managing pages.

The API can be used to retrieve and update frames and configuring routing. The API is a restful API that uses the GET, PUT, POST and DELETE HTTP methods and as such can be used from any application.

Data is passed to and from the API in JSON format, making the system very simple to use in any programming language. The whole API could be used without any programming at all by using a command line utility such as CURL.

Further details of the Telstar API can be found in the section The Telstar API.

Adding Content with the editor

There are several ways to add content to a page. One of the easiest is to create the page in an editor such as

The JSON file would look something like the one showm below. Note that the content type is set to editf and the content data contains the url.

    "pid": {
        "page-no": 101,
        "frame-id": "a"
    "visible": true,
    "frame-type": "information",
    "content": {
        "data": "",
        "type": ""

Adding Content using Markup

Content can be added directly to the JSON file using a very simple markup. For example consider the following frame definition.

    "pid": {
        "page-no": 101,
        "frame-id": "a"
    "visible": true,
    "frame-type": "information",
    "title": {
        "data": "[D]Welcome\r\n\r\n",
        "type": "markup"
    "content": {
        "data": "[Y]Hello[C]Telstar[M]World",
        "type": "markup"

This frame uses markup in the title and the content, The title is specified as [D]ouble height and the three words used in the content are coloured yellow, cyan and magenta respectively.

Full details of markup can be found in the Markup section.

Complete Frame Description

The frame below is a standard information page from the TELSTAR system shown in its JSON format. It represents the first frame of page 9. Taking this frame as an example, a description of the fields and their meaning is decribed below.

The full json schema can be found here.

	"pid": {
		"page-no": 9,
		"frame-id": "a"
    "visible": true,
    "header-text": "",
    "cost": 0,
    "frame-type": "information",
    "redirect": {
        "page-no": 0,
        "frame-id": ""
    "content": {
        "data": "",
        "type": "'
    "title": {
        "data": "",
        "type": "",
        "merge-data": []
    "routing-table": [
    "cursor": false,
    "connection": {
        "address": "",
        "mode": "",
        "port": 0
    "author-id": "",
    "response-data": {
        "responses": null,
        "response-action": {
            "exec": "",
            "args": null,
            "post-action-frame": {
                "page-no": 0,
                "frame-id": ""
            "post-cancel-frame": {
                "page-no": 0,
                "frame-id": ""
    "navmessage-select": "[B][n][Y]Select item or[W]*page# : [_+]",
    "navmessage-notfound": "[B][n][Y]Page not Found :[W]"


Specifies the page number and frame id for the frame.

	"pid": {
		"page-no": 9,
		"frame-id": "a"


When set to false, the frame will not be accessible and will return the not found system message to the user if an attempt is made to access it.

  "visible": true,


Allows the default header text to be ovwerridden at frame level. If this is left blank the default header will be used, see configuration.

  "header-text": "[Y]MICRONETn 800 (C)",


  "cost": 0,


The API supports the following frame types initial, mainindex, information, exit, gateway, test and response.

  "frame-type": "information",
  • initial: This frame type is used on the start page, see Configuration Options. Typically only one of these frames would exist within a system.
  • mainindex: This frame type is used on the main index page. , see Configuration Options. Only one of these frames should exist within a system.
  • information: This frame type is used for all normal content frames.
  • exit: This frame type is used for an exit page, any number of exit pages can be defined. When an exit page is rendered it will close the connection.
  • gateway: This page type is used to define a gateway page and is used in conjunction with the connection element (see below).
  • test: This page type indicates a test page and prevents navigation and system messages from being shown. this is typically used for frames that need to use the whole display such as 'test cards' etc.
  • telesoftware: Telesoftware frames (see Telesoftware).
  • response: This frame type is used for response frames. See Implementing Response Frames.
  • system: Reserved for use internally.
  • exception: Reserved for use internally.


If set it simply means that the user is redirected to the specified frame. This can be a useful alternative form of navigation to the routing table.

    "redirect": {
        "page-no": 9,
        "frame-id": "a"

The following is an example of a complete redirect page.

    "PID": {
        "page-no": 2,
        "frame-id": "a"
    "redirect": {
        "page-no": 11,
        "frame-id": "a"
    "visible": true


These elements define the content. The example below shows the content.type to be an url. The available types are shown below.

    "content": {
        "data": "",
        "type": "'

Content types:

  • zxnet: If set, then the content will be treated as an zxnet editor url. This is converted to RawV before being rendered.
  • If set, then the content will be treated as an url. This is converted to RawV before being rendered.
  • markup: If set, then the content will be treated as markup content. Full details of markup can be found in the section Markup
  • rawV: If set, then the content will be treated as raw videotex data. This is 7bit (00-7F) videotex format with control chars between 00-1F and escaped codes for alpha and graphic attributes. Ideally rows should have any trailing spaces removed and replaced with with a CR/LF combination. This will be rendered as is.
  • rawT: If set, then the content will be treated as raw teletex data. This is a 24 x 40 block of 7 bits chars (960 chars) in Teletext format (range 00-7F). This format is used internally when manipulating page data. It will be converted to RawV before being rendered.


This sets the title of the page. In many cases this may be left blank with all of the content specified in the content section (see above) however, the title section gives additional flexibility when creating frames.

Values for title-type are the same as defined for the content section, however, if the type edit-tf is used then only the first four (default) lines of the defined page are used.

Separating title from content in this way allows logos and header sections to be created for the title whilst using markup for the main content or visa-versa.

Example 1

In this example the fields are blank meaning that only the data in the content section is displayed.

    "title": {
        "data": "",
        "type": "",
        "merge-data": []

Example 2

In this example, the top 4 lines of the content is displayed at the top of the page.

    "title": {
        "data": "",
        "type": "",
        "merge-data": []

To take the top 5 lines, the type field can be extended as follows.

        "type": ",5"

Note that this extended form of type only applies to types.

Example 3

The merge data field can be used to add layers of markup data to the title area. For example the example above shows the Guardian logo. To add some alphagraphics text to this, an additional layer could be used e.g.

    "title": {
        "data": "",
        "type": ",5",
        "merge-data": [
            "[w[             UK News]]"

Note that any number of layers can be added, however, the merge layer must be defined as markup.

routing table

The routing table defines which pages are navigated to when a user presses a key whilst viewing the frame. The table has 11 entries with the first 10 representing the keys 0-9, the final entry refers to the hash (return) key.

The example below shows the default routing table for frame 9a. If the user is viewing this frame and presses 1 the frame 91a will be loaded, assuming it exists. Pressing the hash (return) key will take the user back to frame 0a, the main index.

    "routing-table": [


This element determines whether a cursor is shown on the page. Typically a cursor would only be shown on response frames.

    "cursor": false,


This elements specifies the connection object used for gateway pages.

    "connection": {
        "address": "",
        "mode": "viewdata",
        "port": 23

The values for address and port represent the endpoint of the system being accessed and the value for mode determines how the system is accessed, the options are:



This is an optional field that can be used to indicate the author of the page or other source.

    "author-id": "john",


These fields should be used when the frame type is set to be a response-frame.

There are two main sections, response-data and response-action. Below is an example of a response frame used for the Telstar weather page. The frame is created in the normal way using markup or In this example the text Town/Cty has been positioned near the centre of the page. Immediately to the right of this is a field for the user to enter either a Town or City, the response-data section defines that field. Once the user submits the frame the section response-action determines what happens. In the example here a binary file (telstar-openweather-linux-amd64), stored in the containers volume directory is executed with a single argument (myopenweatherapikey). Note that the post-action-frame is set to 290b, in this example frame 290b is dynamically generated by the binary file telstar-openweather-linux-amd64 and contains the weather forecast.

Full details of how to implement response frames are detailed in the section [Implementing Response Frames](Implementing Response Frames). "response-data": { "response-fields": [ { "vpos": 8, "hpos": 4, "required": true, "length": 16, "type": "alphanumeric", "auto-submit": false, "password": false } ], "response-action": { "exec": "/opt/telstar/volume/telstar-openweather-linux-amd64", "args": [ "myopenweatherapikey" ], "post-action-frame": { "page-no": 290, "frame-id": "c" } } },


Allows the navigation system message to be customised at frame level. In most cases this can be left blank in order that the system default is used instead, see [Configuration Options](Configuration Options).

    "navmessage-select": "[B][n][Y]Select item or[W]*page# : [_+]",


Allows the not found system message to be customised at frame level. In most cases this can be left blank in order that the system default is used instead, see [Configuration Options](Configuration Options).

    "navmessage-notfound": "[B][n][Y]Page not Found :[W]"