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JOSP Object Daemon

Into this repository are contained all sources for the JOD agent from the John O.S. Project

Artifact Name: jospJOD
Artifact Group: com.robypomper.josp
Artifact Version: 2.2.3


The JOSP Object Daemon is a simple daemon that provide a JOSP Object. When it is running, you can interact with it using a JSL Service or the JSL Shell itself.

NB: This repository, by default, executes the JOD with his interactive shell as a foreground cmdline application. To change this behaviour, please set the property isDaemon to true into gradle/artifacts.gradle file.


This is a Java application and this repository use the Gradle build system. So you can run this app directly from the Gradle wrapper included into the sources.

Remember that you'll need Java installed on your machine.

$ ./gradlew run     // for Linux/Mac
$ gradlew.bat run   // for Windows

The run task will compile, assemble and run the JOD agent using the envs/runnables/jod folder as working dir. In this directory you'll find all configs and log files used/generated by the JOD instance.

Next time, you'll execute the run task, it will use the same files so any changes against multiple execution will not be deleted.
To reset the JOD instance, remove his working dir.

It is possible also customize which file will be copied into the working dir. Simply open the gradle/artifacts.gradle files and edit the properties before the run task definition. More info on Build System > Run and clean tasks section.

CmdLine args

The JOD agent takes only one optional args from the command line: --configs. This arg allow defines another path for the configs/jod.yml config file.
More details on Specs/CmdLine page.

Configs files

The JOD agent use the following configuration files. All files must be relative to the JOD execution dir.

File Specs Description
configs/jod.yml Specs/jod.yml Main JOD agent config file. It's a YAML file that contains all configuration used by the agent: from the object's id to the workers' types.
configs/struct.jod Specs/Structure A JSON file that contains only the object's structure.
configs/perms.jod Specs/Permissions A ;-separated file that contains pairs key-values. It defines which permission must be applied to the object. It's not mandatory, and it can be managed entirely by the JOD Agent. By default, the JOD agent create a permissions file with right object's id that allows connections from any service via local communication.
configs/log4j2.xml Specs/Logs XML file containing Log4J2 configurations.

Checkout the configs file examples on the Resources > Configs files section.


Organization and conventions

This project is based on Gradle build system and then include his X.X.X wrapper. It is possible execute the build system simply with the command:

PROJ_DIR$ ./gradlew         # on Linux
PROJ_DIR$ ./gradlew.bat     # on Windows

This project follow the JOSP Project convention starting from version 2.2.4. That means the project configs are available in to the gradle/josp_project.gradle file. In this file are defined all properties used along other Gradle scripts. Others Gradle files help to keep consistency across all JOSP Project repositories.

  • main Gradle file
  • gradle/josp_definitions.gradle: define JOSP versions and project modes
  • gradle/josp_project.gradle: define current project/repository
  • gradle/josp_versions.gradle: define versions for current project and his dependencies
  • gradle/publications_repo.gradle: add current project's publication urls as build system repositories
  • gradle/artifacts.gradle: project's artifacts' definitions from their sourceSets until their publications
  • gradle/tests.gradle: define project's tests (sourceSets and dependencies)
  • gradle/publications.gradle: configure the remote publications including archives signature (if private access enabled)
  • gradle/wrapper.gradle: add a "create wrapper" task

Run and clean

  • ./gradlew run
    Execute the JOD application with his shell as a foreground cmdline application. It can be customized editing the gradle/artifacts.gradle file.

  • ./gradlew clean
    Clean the project dir.

Build and publish

  • jar: compile and assemble artifact's sources and resources.
  • jarDeps: collect all artifact's dependencies.
  • jarDocs: collect and compress all artifact's JavaDocs
  • jarSrc: collect and compress all artifact's source files
  • javadoc: (documentation) generate all artifact's JavaDocs

NB: All those jar tasks' outputs will be included into the main project publication.

  • publishToMavenLocal
    Copies all defined publications to the local Maven cache, including their metadata (POM files, etc.).
  • publish
    An aggregate task that publishes all defined publications to all defined repositories. It does not include copying publications to the local Maven cache.
  • publishJospJODToMavenLocal
    Copies the main project's publication to the local Maven cache along with the publication’s POM file and other metadata.
  • publishJospJODToMavenRepository
    Publishes the main project's publication to the repository named "Maven".

Local Maven cache, typically is placed into $HOME/.m2/repository.
On other hands, the "Maven" repository is configured to upload artifacts to the Nexus/Sonatype public repository. More info on this repo at Resources > Publication repo section.


  • test: run all test contained into the src/test/java folder using the JUnit/Jupiter framework.


Example configs files

This repository include several configuration files as examples and for testing purposes. Depending on the config file you can find examples into src/main/configs. dir.


This repo as part of the John OS Project, get most of his dependencies from other JOSP packages. Those dependencies are defined into the gradle/artifacts.gradle file and their versions are defined into the gradle/josp_versions.gradle file.

  • JOSP Commons
    • JOSP APIs

The other, external, dependencies are also listed in the same files.

Publication repository

Artifact's remote publications allow publishing JOSP components to remote repository and make them public available. Because of that artifact's remote publications are available only if enablePrivate config is true.

All artifacts will be published with the base group com.robypomper.josp. Java JOSP components are published on the maven repository where the com.robypomper was registered with OSSRH-45810 issue request. That means, specific Nexus/Sonatype's user and password are required to publish JOSP components, those credentials must be stored in the $USER_HOME/.gradle/ file.

Here an example of the file, where sonatypeXY props are referred to the publication repo credentials; and the signing.XY props to the local signing key.


signing.keyId={last 8-digit of the GPG key}
signing.password={passphrase of the GPG key}
signing.secretKeyRingFile={file containing the GPG key}

Nexus/Sonatype's references:


This repository was based on the version 2.2.3.

Older version of JOSP source code:

Previous versions are hosted on com.robypomper.josp Git repository.


The JOD agent contained in the current repository is distributed using the GPLv3 licence.


Any kind of collaboration is welcome! This is an Open Source project, so we are happy to share our experience with other developers, makers and users. Bug reporting, extension development, documentation and guides etc... are activities where anybody can help to improve this project.

One of the John O.S. Project’s goals is to release more John Objects Utils & Apps to allow connecting even more connected objects from other standards and protocols. Checkout the Utils & Apps extensions list and start collaborating with a development team or create your own extension.

At the same time we are always looking for new use cases and demos. So, whether you have just an idea or are already implementing your IoT solution, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to discuss with you about technical decisions and help build your solution with John’s component.

Please email


💡 The JOSP Object Daemon








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