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Exploring HTTP 2: HTTP 2

John Jiang edited this page Jan 27, 2020 · 4 revisions

HTTP/2 protocols contain two RFC: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (RFC7540), namely HTTP/2; HPACK: Header Compression for HTTP/2 (RFC7541). RFC7540 states the HTTP/2 semantics, however RFC7541 describes the formats on compressing headers. This article just touches HTTP/2 protocol. The later installment in this series will explore HPACK.

1. The problems

HTTP/1.0 allows only one request in a TCP connection. Although HTTP/1.1 introduces streamline to allow multiple requests in a single request, the order of the responses have to be in accordance with the order of the corresponding requests. If the former responses take much time, they will block the later responses. This is so called head-of-line blocking problem. In order to reducing latency, one client has to launch multiple connections for sending requests concurrently. Obviously, this way will bring more load to the server side. And headers generally contain a lot of information, like cookies, which would consume more bandwidth and increase the overhead.

HTTP/2 allows to send and receive multiple requests and responses interleavedly in a single TCP connection. And it introduces a high effective coding format for compressing headers. HTTP/2 can set priorities for the requests that the higher prior requests could be responded quickly. With this newer protocol, server can send responses proactively without client requests. This feature, so-called server push, could reduce unnecessary client requests.

In short, HTTP/2 resolves the performance issues on the prior HTTP versions.

2. Initiate HTTP/2

HTTP/2 still uses the same URI schemes, namely http and https, as HTTP/1 does. And HTTP/2 servers don't use different ports to support HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 respectively. This way would upgrade HTTP/1 to HTTP/2 smoothly. It's obvious that the existing web services support HTTP/1 only. If the newer HTTP version uses different scheme or port, the upgrading would take much long time and the cost would be quite high. But HTTP/2 protocol defines two tokens for schemes http and https. One is h2, and the other is h2c (here "c" stands for cleartext). This article will use h2c for the HTTP/2 over TCP directly, however h2 for the HTTP/2 over TLS.

Then, how does a HTTP/2-compliant client known if the peer supports this same HTTP version?

For h2c, a HTTP/2-compliant client can use Upgrade header supported by HTTP/1.1 to request the server to upgrade the HTTP version. The request format looks like the below:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings
Upgrade: h2c
HTTP2-Settings: <base64url encoding of HTTP/2 SETTINGS payload>

HTTP2-Settings is a BASE64-encoded string. It's the payload in the client's SETTINGS frame.

If the server supports HTTP/2, it should respond "101 Switching Protocols" for accepting the upgrade. The response looks like the followings:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: h2c

If the server doesn't support this new protocol, it just ignore the Upgrade header and still uses HTTP/1.1.

For h2, the two endpoints have to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension (RFC7301), or TLS-ALPN, to negotiate the HTTP version. In theory, TLS-ALPN can be used for negotiating other application protocols.

When both endpoints agree to use HTTP/2, they need to send a connection preface for confirmation.

After the client receives the server's 101 Switching Protocols response (for h2c) or the first application data in TLS connection (for h2), it sends the preface immediately. The preface starts with PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n (the hex is 0x505249202a20485454502f322e300d0a0d0a534d0d0a0d0a), and a SETTINGS frame (even it's empty) must follow up.

The preface on the server side consists of a SETTINGS frame. This frame must be the first frame sent from the server side. This SETTINGS frame can be empty, or contain some configuration information that the client should known.

3. Frames

HTTP/2 message is in binary format. Compared with text format, it's more effective on processing messages. The smallest unit of HTTP/2 messages is frame. A frame consists of a head and a payload. The length must be multiple 8-bit (octet or byte). A frame head contains the following fields:

  • Length: this field indicates the length of the payload. It is 24-bit unsigned integer.
  • Type: this field indicates the type of the frame. It's 8-bit length.
  • Flags: this field defines one or more flags. It's 8-bit length. Some frames don't have this field.
  • R: this field is a reserved bit. The semantic on this bit isn't defined. The value of this bit must be 0, however when read a frame, this bit just be ignored.
  • Stream id: this field declares the identifier of the stream that the frame is in. It's 31-bit length.
  • After frame head, it just be payload. The structure and content of a payload is determined by the frame type.

HTTP/2 defines 10 different frames as the followings.

  • DATA: one or more DATA frames could be used as payload of a request or response.
  • HEADERS: it can be used to open a new stream, and carry a header block fragment. A header block consists of a HEADERS/PUSH_PROMISE frame and arbitrary subsequent CONTINUATION frames. These frames can be segmented into arbitrary byte sets. Every such byte set just be called a header block fragment. Except for HEADERS/PUSH_PROMISE and CONTINUATION frames, any other frame cannot be contained by a header block fragment.
  • PRIORITY: it is used to setup the priorities of streams.
  • RST_STREAM: it's used to terminate streams. If some fatal errors occur or need to cancel a stream, this frame just be sent.
  • SETTINGS: this frame carries the configuration parameters used by peer communication. It has a ACK flag, which indicates if the parameters are acknowledged by the peer. If an endpoint receives a SETTINGS frame with ACK flag 0, it should apply the updated parameters as soon as possible.
  • PUSH_PROMISE: the server uses this frame to infomate the client that a new stream would be created. This frame is used for implementing one of the well-known features server push.
  • PING: this framed is used to test the minimum round-trip time between the peers. It's similar to the ping command, which tests if a connection is available.
  • GOAWAY: it's used to initiate shutdown of a connection or to signal serious error conditions. This frame allows an endpoint to gracefully close a connection after all existing streams are processed. There's a competition that if one endpoint creates new stream and simultaneously the peer sends GOAWAY frame. In order to dealing with this case, the GOAWAY sender has to carry the id of the last stream created by the receiver. After GOAWAY is delivered, the sender will ignore all frames from the peer's streams which ids are greater than the aforementioned given id.
  • WINDOW_UPDATE: this frame is used in flow control. Its payload consists of a reserved bit and 31-bit unsigned integer. This integer informs the receiver that the sender can transmit in addition to the existing flow-control window.
  • CONTINUATION: it is used to continue a sequence of header block fragments. Arbitrary CONTINUATION frames can be sent, as long as the preceding frame is on the same stream and is a HEADERS, PUSH_PROMISE, or CONTINUATION frame without the END_HEADERS flag set. The payloads in some frame types, including DATAHEADERS and PUSH_PROMISE, possibly contain paddings. The padding is useless in business, but it's necessary for security concerns. For example, obscuring the exact size of frame content and mitigating specific attacks within HTTP.

4. Stream

A stream is a communication channel between server and client sides. Multiple streams are permitted in a TCP connection, as shown as the below diagram,

+--------+                               +--------+
|        |          Connection           |        |
|        | ============================= |        |
|        |    ----------------------- <-- Stream  |
|        |    +-----+ +---------+ +-+    |        |
|        |    |     | |         | | |    |        |
|        |    +-----+ +---------+ +-+ <-- Frame   |
|        |    -----------------------    |        |
| Client |                               | Server |
|        |    -----------------------    |        |
|        |    +--+ +----+ +---------+    |        |
|        |    |  | |    | |         |    |        |
|        |    +--+ +----+ +---------+    |        |
|        |    -----------------------    |        |
|        | ============================= |        |
|        |                               |        |
+--------+                               +--------+

The server and client sides can interleavedly transfer frames over different streams in a single connection. The communication in a single stream still comply with the sending-request-and-waiting-response mode. Peers can create new streams, share existing streams, and close the streams created by peers. The sequence of the frames in a stream is meaningful. The receiver must treat the frames in order.

Every stream has an identifier that's 31-bit unsigned integer. In a single connection, the identifiers must be unique. The identifiers created by client must be odd numbers; however, the ones created by server must be even numbers. The 0-value identifier cannot be used by any endpoints. It cannot reuse the identifiers in a same connection, even though the streams have been closed. For a long alive connection, the 31-bit length identifiers may not enough. In this case, a new connection must be created.

For the lifecycle of a stream, HTTP/2 protocol defines 7 states: idle, reserved (local), reserved(remote), open, half closed (local), half closed (remote) and closed. When a peer receives or sends header blocks or the frames (DATA and HEADERS) with flag RST_STREAM will transmit the stream states.

Implementing multiplex based on stream may lead to the race on occupying TCP connection. The flow control solution based on WINDOW_UPDATE could ensure to avoid the fatal interruption among streams. The flow control acts on two levels: a single stream; the whole connection. Only DATA frames are affected by the flow control. The space consumed by all other frames doesn't occupy the flow-control windows. HTTP/2 only defines the structure and semantics on WINDOW_UPDATE frame. The protocol implementations can select different flow control algorithms with their favors.

It can setup priorities for streams. A client could set a priority heavy in HEADERS frame when create a new stream. After that the priorities still can be changed. If the performance is limited, the frames in streams that have higher priorities would be delivered priorly. The values of the priorities must be between 1 and 256, and the default value is 16. A stream may depend on another stream. The dependencies could form a relation tree. A stream can set itself as a sub-stream of another stream. The push stream used for server push is the sub-stream of the original stream by default, and the priority is also the default value, exactly 16.

5. Message exchange

5.1 Request/Response exchange

As aforementioned, HTTP/2 inherits the semantics from HTTP/1, but the syntaxes delivering the semantics are changed. A HTTP/2 message consists of the following parts:

  • Only response message can contain a header block with 1xx response state. This header block consists of a HEADERS frame and its subsequent CONTINUATION frames.
  • A header block. It consists of a HEADERS frame and its subsequent CONTINUATION frames.
  • Zero or multiple DATA frames carrying body messages. The chunked body in HTTP/1 is not applicable to HTTP/2 anymore. With this new protocol, a body can consist of multiple DATA frames, so a body in HTTP/2 can be trunked naturally.
  • Possibly a header block containing trailer. This header block consists of a HEADERS frame and its subsequent CONTINUATION frames.

Although HTTP/2 uses the same header fields as those in HTTP/1, the field names must be lower-cased. In addition, the messages in HTTP/1 request line and response state lines are divided into pseudo header fields, and these field names start with colon (:).

HTTP/1 request line format is method request-target HTTP-version, then the corresponding HTTP/2 pseudo header fields are :method=method and :path=request-target. But there's no field for HTTP-version, and just uses the default value HTTP/2.

HTTP/1 response state line format is HTTP-version status-code reason-phrase. The corresponding HTTP/2 pseudo field is: :status=status-code. It has neither field for HTTP-version, nor for reason-phrase. The reason-phrase can be determined by the state codes. HTTP/2 obsoletes as more unnecessary bytes as possible.

However, HTTP/2 protocol defines two more pseudo fields:

  • :scheme: the scheme in URI. It is not only http or https, but also other values for non-HTTP services.
  • :authority: the authority in URI. Consider scheme://user:password@host:port/path?query#fragment, here user:password@host:port is the authority. Section 8.1.3 in RFC7540 provides some simple examples to demonstrate how to convert the HTTP/1 messages to the HTTP/2 counterparts.

5.2 Server push

HTTP/2 server push is a special case for request-response mode. After a server receives a client request (original request), in order to pushing more content, it automatically generate new requests (push requests). The responses from a server contains not only the response for original request, but also the ones for push requests.

A client can send a SETTINGS frame with parameter SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH to reject server push, or RST_STREAM to cancel a server push stream.