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Releases: johnsnook/yii2-sbadmin

Reverting to Yii2 bootstrap 2.1

10 Apr 15:51
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A ill-fated attempt was made to divorce from yii2 components

Navigation is 100% Yii generated

09 Apr 21:12
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Instead of requiring user to install bootstrap 4 version of yii-bootstrap, i added the bower asset requirement to the composer.json.

I've also developed a NavBar and Nav based on the Yii2 components of the same name, with additional functionality for bootstrap 4 and for an accordion style submenu apropos of this template.

1st release

05 Apr 20:40
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This release has a working Yii2 layout that is visually indistinguishable from the original, but with navigation produced via yii\bootstrap\Navbar & yii\bootstrap\Nav.