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Systemjs Jade loader plugin. Jade source code is processed by the Jade compiler and returned as a Javascript function. Includes are handled (first level only).


For SystemJS use, locate jade.js in the application, and then locate it with map configuration:

  map: {
    jade: 'path/to/jade.js'

For installing with jspm, run jspm install jade.

Basic use

var fn = require('template.jade!');
var html = fn(data);

If you add a loader definition, you can dispense with the ! e.g. var fn = require('template.jade');

  transpiler: "plugin-babel",
  packages: {
  meta: {
    "*.jade": {
      "loader": "jade"

Module use

For esm usage, the plugin exports two named exports: fn and html. Usage:

import { html } from 'template.jade'


import { fn } from 'template.jade'
let html = fn(locals)

The default export is the template function:

import fn from 'template.jade'
let html = fn(locals)

jspm versions

This version is compatible with jspm version 0.17


jspm install
npm install
npm test

To test jspm bundling,

jspm bundle app
npm test bundle
* Thanks to Vsevolod Strukchinsky. plugin-jade was based on his jsx plugin