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Behavioral Models for Racket

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This package introduces a set of modeling techniques for exploring behavior in software systems. Models such as state machines and Petri nets can be used to model the behavior of a system, and Markov chains be used to generate events to help in simulation of systems.


  • fsm -- UML-style State Machines including entry/exit/do behaviors and transition effects and guards.
  • markov-chain -- Define the state/transition matrix for a Markov chain and execute the chain resulting in a stream of state events.
  • petri-net -- Simple Petri net model and execution.
  • reporters -- common mechanisms for tracking events in model execution.


Define a state machine, a simple one, a start and an end with a transition triggered by a single event.

 (list (make-state 'hello 'start)
       (make-state 'goodbye 'final))
 (list (make-transition 'hello 'goodbye #:on-event 'wake)))

Execute the state machine.

(let* ([exec (make-machine-execution simple-fsm (make-logging-reporter))]
       [started (machine-execution-start exec)]
       [next1 (handle-event started 'sleep)]
       [next2 (handle-event next1 'wake)])
      (state-machine-complete? next2))

Define a Markov chain with 3 states.

(define a-chain (make-chain 
                 (==> 'a (--> 'a .5) (--> 'b .25) (--> 'c .25))
                 (==> 'b (--> 'a .5) (--> 'c .5))
                 (==> 'c (--> 'a .25) (--> 'b .25) (--> 'c .5))))

Execute the chain with 10 steps and display the history of events.

(define an-exec (make-execution a-chain 'b))
(execute an-exec 10)
(displayln (execution-trace an-exec))
(displayln (mkchain->graph-string a-chain))

Define a simple Petri net, two places, one transition.

(define net (make-petri-net 'first-net
                             (set 'a 'b)
                             (set 't)
                             (set (make-arc 'a 't 1)
                                  (make-arc 't 'b 1))))

Execute the Petri net with an initial configuration that has a single token at place "a".

(define exec (make-net-execution net (hash 'a 1)))
(execute-net exec)

Racket Language