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An intuitive API for analyzing the inner workings of Transformer-based language models

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TransEasy: BERT


Illustration of class variable groups

bertscope variables grouping


  1. The bertscope class returns an instance which encloses both data and model aftering being feed with a sentence
  2. Unlike Huggingface BertModel instance, with bertscope you can easily obtain all intermediate representations (45 in total) you can ever imagine, not just Attention and Hidden states.
  3. The components in bertscope are highly aligned with the concepts of Transformer encoder as in Vaswani et al. 2017.
  4. All components (as class variables) are divied into six groups, namely:
    1. Symbolic: with class variable prefix sym_:
    2. Pre-Embedding: with class variable prefix preemb_:
    3. Multi-Head Self-Attention: with class variable prefix selfattn_:
    4. Add & Norm 1: with class variable prefix addnorm1_:
    5. Feedforward: with class variable prefix ffnn_:
    6. Add & Norm 2: with class variable prefix addnorm2_:
  5. The results generated by BertModel Pipeline are stored with class variables with prefix pipeline_:
  6. The results generated by step-wise manual procedure are called with class variables with prefix manual_:

Example Usage

from transeasy.bert import bertscope
instance = bertscope.analyzer('an example sentence here')


  1. In query, key and value weight matrices, every 64 rows correspond to a head
  2. In query, key and value bias matrices, every 64 items correspond to a head
  3. Matrix multiplications are done with XW.T, not other way round
  4. The activation function of FFNN is gelu
  5. The Softmax in Multi-Head Self-Attention is parameterized with axis=-1

A complete list of class variables of bertscope

  • model: a huggingface BertModel instance
  • tokenizer: a huggingface BertTokenizer instance
  • pipeline_res: pipeline result of BertModel
  • pipeline_attns: pipeline attention of BertModel
  • pipeline_hiddens: pipeline hidden states of BertModel
  • sym_sent: plain text input sentence
  • sym_token_ids: Bert vocabulary token ids (integer)
  • sym_tokens: Word-Piece tokens by BertTokenizer (including [CLS] and [SEP])
  • sym_seq_len: the length of word-piece-tokenized sentence (including [CLS] and [SEP])
  • preemb_vocab: pre-trained static word embeddings (30522×768)
  • preemb_word_emb: static word embeddings from preemb_vocab_emb
  • preemb_pos_emb: position embeddings
  • preemb_seg_emb: segmentation embeddings
  • preemb_sum_emb: preemb_word_emb+preemb_pos_emb+preemb_seg_emb
  • preemb_norm_sum_emb: LayerNorm(preemb_sum_emb)
  • selfattn_query_weight: Query weight matrix 12×12×64×768
  • selfattn_key_weight: Key weight matrix 12×12×64×768
  • selfattn_value_weight: Value weight matrix 12×12×64×768
  • selfattn_query_bias: Query bias vector 12×12×64
  • selfattn_key_bias: Key bias vector 12×12×64
  • selfattn_value_bias: Value bias vector 12×12×64
  • selfattn_query_hidden: Query hidden states matrix 12×12×6×64
  • selfattn_key_hidden: Key hidden states matrix 12×12×n×64
  • selfattn_value_hidden: Value hidden states matrix 12×12×n×64
  • selfattn_qkt_hidden: QK.T 12×12×n×n
  • selfattn_qkt_scale_hidden: QK.T/sqrt(dk) 12×12×n×n
  • selfattn_qkt_scale_soft_hidden: Attention:= Softmax(dim=-1)(selfattn_qkt_scale_hidden) 12×12×n×n
  • selfattn_attention: ==selfattn_qkt_scale_soft_hidden 12×12×n×n
  • selfattn_contvec: Attention×selfattn_value_hidden 12×12×n×64
  • selfattn_contvec_concat: Concatenated selfattn_contvec 12×n×768
  • addnorm1_dense_weight: Dense weight matrix of Add & Norm 1 layer 12×768×768
  • addnorm1_dense_bias: Dense bias vector of Add & Norm 1 layer 12×768
  • addnorm1_dense_hidden: Dense hidden states of Add & Norm 1 layer 12×n×768
  • addnorm1_add_hidden: Residual connection: preemb_norm_sum_emb + addnorm1_dense_hidden 12×n×768
  • addnorm1_norm_hidden: LayerNorm(addnorm1_add_hidden) 12×n×768
  • ffnn_dense_weight: Dense weight matrix of Feed-forward layer 12×768×3072
  • ffnn_dense_bias: Dense weight vector of Feed-forward layer 12×3072
  • ffnn_dense_hidden: Dense hidden states of Feed-forward layer 12×n×3072
  • ffnn_dense_act: ffnn_dense_hidden after gelu activation 12×n×3072
  • addnorm2_dense_weight: Dense weight matrix of Add & Norm 2 layer 12×3072×768
  • addnorm2_dense_bias: Dense bias vector of Add & Norm 2 layer 12×768
  • addnorm2_dense_hidden: Dense hidden states of Add & Norm 2 layer 12×n×768
  • addnorm2_add_hidden: Residual connection: addnorm1_norm_hidden + addnorm2_dense_hidden 12×n×768
  • addnorm2_norm_hidden: LayerNorm(addnorm2_add_hidden) 12×n×768
  • manual_hiddens: [preemb_norm_sum_emb, addnorm2_norm_hidden]

bertplus / bertplus_hier / bertplus_fast

bertplus visualization

bertplus visualization demo reduced


  1. PyTorch
  2. Numpy
  3. Matplotlib
  4. Transformers


  1. attentions
    1. raw attention matrices
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
    2. attention matrices without [CLS] and [SEP] token
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
    3. attention matrices without [CLS] and [SEP] token and linearly scaled
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
    4. attention matrices without [CLS] and [SEP] token and softmax scaled
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
    5. reduced attention: attention matrices without [CLS] and [SEP] token and linearly scaled with merged attention row and cols
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
  2. hidden states
    1. last layer hidden state
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
    2. all layer hidden states (12 layers)
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
  3. visualizations
    1. raw attentions
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
      analysis.viz.raw(layer, head)
    2. attention matrices without [CLS] and [SEP] token
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
      analysis.viz.raw(layer, head)
    3. attention matrices without [CLS] and [SEP] token and linearly scaled
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
      analysis.viz.nosep_linscale(layer, head)
    4. reduced attention: attention matrices without [CLS] and [SEP] token and linearly scaled with merged attention row and cols
      from transeasy.bert import bertplus_hier
      analysis = bertplus_hier.analyzer('sentence to be analyzed')
      analysis.viz.nosep_linscale_reduced(layer, head)


An intuitive API for analyzing the inner workings of Transformer-based language models






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