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Project Overview

Project Name

OC Charcuterie Board

Project Description

My project is where people can order a Charcuterie Board. My friend start a side hustle on instagram and facbook marketplace and I decide to make them a website.


Upload images of your wireframes to an image hosting site or add them to an assets folder in your repo and link them here with a description of each specific wireframe.

Component Hierarchy

Show your component hierarchy here! Use this as an example.

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

Show us the relations between your tables (there must be three minimum), as well as their fields! Use this as an example! In addition, please indicate which table will be used for full CRUD.

Additional Technologies

If you plan on using technologies outside of the scope of the course's content, please add them here. If you have developed any prototypes to test the technology, you can link them here as well if you'd like feedback.


The functionality will then be divided into two separate lists: MVP and PostMVP. Carefully decide what is placed into your MVP, as the client will expect this functionality to be implemented upon project completion.


These are examples only. Replace with your own MVP features.

  • Create application and deploy it on Heroku and Netlify
  • Application will have CRUD funtionaloty
  • Render appiycation in browser
  • Build a back End with python using the Flask framework, exposing RESTful JSON endpoints
  • build 3 tables and 1 association between your tables
  • build at least 8 components
  • style my application, use flexbox or Grid and implement media queries


These are examples only. Replace with your own Post-MVP features.

  • have a people feedback post on my website
  • A constant CSS changing them during the four season
  • Add a hamburger menu
  • Add a second API
  • maybe a subscribe email to our newsletter or promotion


Tell us how long you anticipate spending on each area of development. Be sure to consider how many hours a day you plan to be coding and how many days you have available until presentation day.

Time frames are also key in the development cycle. You have limited time to code all parts of your app. Your estimates can then be used to evalute possibilities based on time needed and the actual time you have before the app must be submitted. It's always best to pad the time by a few hours so that you account for the unknown so add an additional hour or two to each component to play it safe. Throughout your project, keep track of your Time Invested and Actual Time and update your README regularly.

Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Planning H 3hrs
Backend setup H 4hrs
Adding Form H 3hrs
Working with API H 3hrs
some seed data H 3hrs
Render Posts H 2hrs
update Posts H 2hrs
delete Posts H 2hrs
Test all CRUD H 3hrs
Connect fronend and backend H 3hrs
Debug H 3hrs
Style each component H 3hrs
Responsiveness H 3hrs
Search filter H 1hrs
animation and CSS H 4hrs
Total H 42hrs

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Front-end and CSS

Weaknesses: Connecting the front-end and the back-end

Opportunities: To work more with Python

Threats: Time management and the fear of not graduating


No description, website, or topics provided.






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