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This software was created to simply trend review of certain classes of HVAC equipment, following ASHRAE guideline 36 'High Performance Sequence of Operations for HVAC Systems'


Run pip3 install trendreview

Usage example

See usage instrucitons: ~:# python -m trendreview --help

usage: [-h] --filepath FILEPATH --type {ddvav}
                      [--report-path LOG_FILEPATH]

Fault Diagnostics and Detection for trend review of mechanical equipment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --filepath FILEPATH   file path to trended data in CSV format
  --type {ddvav, GraphAll}        Type of mechanical equipment being trended. Must be
                        one of ['ddvav']
  --report-path LOG_FILEPATH
                        Filename to save report, like c:/path/to/report.txt

Generate a report:
~:# python -m trendreview --filepath ./data/DD03.csv --type ddvav --report-path "C:/users/jvorsten/downloads/report.txt"

Contents of report:

Issue #1
Airflow measured while damper is closed:
The maximum allowed consecutive instances (3) was exceeded starting at data indices [18, 37]
See figure1.png

Issue #2
Cooling damper stuck open: [...]

Sample images:
Figure1 Figure2

Graph all data:

`~:# python -m trendreview --filepath ./data/DD03.csv --type GraphAll --report-path "C:/users/yourself/downloads/report.txt"`

Graph all colums versus time

To create a graph of all data points versus time, use "GraphAll" with the --type switch. This creates a series of images of a variable versus time. This function requires a column headered with "DateTime" strings in the format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" (Year-month-day, letter "T" (to mark time) hour:minute:second). For example, if you have date and time columns configured in Excel serial number formats, then use a Microsoft Excel formula like =TEXT(A2, "YYYY-MM-DD") & "T" & TEXT(B2, "HH:MM:SS").

Requirements: DateTime values in format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" (Example 2022-4-11T08:25:34 which is April 11, 2022 8:25AM and 34 seconds) DateTime header present in file File configured as comma-separated-values (CSV)

Dual duct VAV

Required headers

The only required header columns are:

[DateTime, DischargeTemperature, CoolingDamperCommand, CoolingDamperPosition, CoolingAirVolume, ControlSetpoint, HeatCoolMode, HeatingDamperCommand, HeatingDamperPosition, HeatingAirVolume, RoomTemperature]

You may include more headers than those shown above, but they will not be used by this program See the next sections for formatting and type instructions

Dual-Duct VAV input data types

If you do not follow these data sanitation rules, then you may encounter an error.

  • DateTime: (string) Must be ISO 8061 time format. ISO 8061 is a date and time string-formatting scheme. Format your timestamps like YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS. For example, 2021-12-29T16:31:21 is year 2021, December 29th 4:31 PM and 21 seconds. Notice that the hour format is zero padded and 24-hour. Make sure to zero-pad all of your months, days, hours, and minutes. If you are using excel, consider using formulas like =TEXT(A2, 'yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS') if your dates are stored in a serial number date format.

  • ControlSetpoint[degrees Fahrenehit]: (numeric) The value used to calculate the current control temperature / setpoint. Don't be confused by the CoolingSetpoint or HeatingSetpoint headers. This should be the actual value used to control to (the value being compared to the process variable to calculate error).

  • DischargeTemperature[degrees Fahrenehit]: (numeric) measured discharge air temperature

  • CoolingDamperCommand[0-100]: (numeric) data type, ranging from 0-100. Percentage inputs might not be supported

  • CoolingDamperPosition[0-100]: (numeric) data type, ranging from 0-100. Percentage inputs might not be supported

  • CoolingAirVolume: (numeric) data type

  • ControlSetpoint: (numeric) data type, setpoint used for control. Not to be confused with the process variable (which is RoomTemperature in this application)

  • HeatCoolMode: (string) string one of ['HEAT','COOL']

  • HeatingDamperCommand[0-100]: (numeric) data type, ranging from 0-100. Percentage inputs might not be supported

  • HeatingDamperPosition[0-100]: (numeric) data type, ranging from 0-100. Percentage inputs might not be supported

  • HeatingAirVolume[ft^3/min]: (numeric) measured/calculated air volume from hot duct

  • RoomTemperature[degrees Fahrenehit]: (numeric) measured room temperature

Unused headers are not required:

  • ScheduleMode: (integer) Must be integer one of [1,0]. '1' indicates scheduled occupancy, and '0' indicates schedule unoccpuancy. This software does not make a distinction between modes like warmup/precomfort/cooldown/protection
  • OccupancyMode: (integer) Must be boolean integer [1,0]. 1 for True/occupide mode, 0 for False/unoccupied mode
  • AirflowSetpoint[ft^3/min]: (numeric) Current airflow setpoint
  • CoolingSetpoint[degrees Fahrenehit]: (numeric)

Single duct VAV

Required headers

The only required header columns are:

['DateTime', 'DamperCommand','DamperPosition', 'AirVolume','ControlSetpoint', 'HeatCoolMode','RoomTemperature', 'HeatingValveCommand','HeatingValvePosition',]

Single duct VAV input data types

  • DateTime: (string) Must be ISO 8061 time format. ISO 8061 is a date and time string-formatting scheme. Format your timestamps like YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS. For example, 2021-12-29T16:31:21 is year 2021, December 29th 4:31 PM and 21 seconds. Notice that the hour format is zero padded and 24-hour. Make sure to zero-pad all of your months, days, hours, and minutes. If you are using excel, consider using formulas like =TEXT(A2, 'yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS') if your dates are stored in a serial number date format.
  • DamperCommand[0-100]: (numeric) data type, ranging from 0-100. Percentage inputs might not be supported
  • DamperPosition[0-100]: (numeric) data type, ranging from 0-100. Percentage inputs might not be supported
  • AirVolume[ft^3/min]: (numeric) measured/calculated air volume
  • ControlSetpoint[degrees Fahrenehit]: (numeric) The value used to calculate the current control temperature / setpoint. Don't be confused by the CoolingSetpoint or HeatingSetpoint headers. This should be the actual value used to control to (the value being compared to the process variable to calculate error).
  • HeatCoolMode: (string) string one of ['HEAT','COOL']
  • RoomTemperature[degrees Fahrenehit]: (numeric) measured room temperature
  • HeatingValveCommnad[0-100]: (numeric) ranging from 0-100. Percentage inputs might not be supported
  • HeatingValvePosition[0-100]: (numeric) ranging from 0-100. Percentage inputs might not be supported
  • ScheduleMode (not required): (integer) Must be integer one of [1,0]. '1' indicates scheduled occupancy, and '0' indicates schedule unoccpuancy. This software does not make a distinction between modes like warmup/precomfort/cooldown/protection
  • OccupancyMode (not required): (integer) Must be boolean integer [1,0]. 1 for True/occupide mode, 0 for False/unoccupied mode
  • AirflowSetpoint[ft^3/min] (not required): (numeric) Current airflow setpoint
  • DischargeTemperature[degrees Fahrenehit] (not required): (numeric) measured discharge air temperature
  • DischargeTemperatureSetpoint[degrees Fahrenehit] (not required): (numeric) discharge air temperature setpoint for discharge temperature control

About data

The data directory contains (2) files: DD03.csv and DD64.csv.

Each of these files contain trended data from dual duct terminal units. Each of these terminal units have a specific configuration, and each of the trend files has certain trended objects related to each dual duct terminal unit.

Based on the headers we know which child objects each terminal unit has. For this documentation, they are listed below.

For DD03

  • ['DateTime', 'DischargeTemperature', 'CoolingDamperCommand', 'CoolingDamperPosition', 'CoolingAirVolume', 'CoolingSetpoint', 'ControlSetpoint', 'ScheduleMode', 'OccupancyMode', 'HeatCoolMode', 'HeatingDamperCommand', 'HeatingDamperPosition', 'HeatingAirVolume', 'RMSTPTDIAL', 'RoomTemperature', 'STPTDIAL', 'AirflowSetpoint']

For DD64

  • All of the same headers are available', 'except the header data ['RMSTPTDIAL', 'RoomTemperature', 'STPTDIAL'] do not contain any data

Note that the column headers in CapitalCamelCase are officially recognized by this app. I'll have to find a place with a list of all officially recognized headers/objects for each type of equipment...

Air hander VAV

Required headers

AHU Input types

DateTime SupplyAirTemperature SupplyAirTemperatureSetpoint MixedAirTemperature ReturnAirTemperature OutdoorAirTemperature DuctStaticPressure DuctStaticPressureSetpoint HeatingCoilCommand CoolingCoilCommand FanSpeedCommand CoolingCoilEnteringTemperature CoolingCoilLeavingTemperature HeatingCoilEnteringTemperature HeatingCoilLeavingTemperature

Modes of operation: Heating Free cooling + modultaing OA damper Mechanical + economizer cooling Mechanical cooling + minimum OA damper Other / dehumidifcation

Fault detection rules: Duct static pressure too low with fan at full speed MAT too low; should be between OAT and RAT MAT too high; should be between OAT and RAT Too many changes in OS SAT too low; should be higher than MAT OA fraction too low or too high; should equal %OAmin SAT too low in full heating OAT too high for free cooling without additional mechanical cooling OAT and MAT should be approximately equal OAT too low for 100% OA cooling SAT too high; should be less than MAT SAT too high in full cooling Temperature drop across inactive cooling coil Temperature rise across inactive heating coil


from 'src' directory at the terminal: python -m unittest discover tests --pattern test_*.py

Building publishing

Increment build version in setup.cfg python -m build . python -m twine upload dist/*

Linting and coverage

From 'src' directory at terminal: coverage run -m unittest discover tests/ pylint -r n src/tests/ pylint -r n src/trendreview/

Creating local environments

  1. Run python3 -m venv ./venv
  2. .\venv\scripts\activate.bat on windows or source ./venv/bin/activate on linux
  3. pip install --requirement requirements.txt


Review trended data for mechanical HVAC systems







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