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Ragbag of SVG Utilities

TAITTO is a TS/JS library that contains discrete SVG related functionality. It is currently somewhat odd combination, and maybe in future splitted to multiple packages.

Currently the library consist of four parts:

  • Core part that wraps SVG DOM elements and provides helper functions for manipulating them. This code lives under the src/svg folder.

  • Animation library that builds on the core and provides features used to create SVG animations. Code for this is in the src/anim folder.

  • Functions that create directional graph diagrams. This code uses [dagre][] to layout the diagrams. The code is in the src/digraph.ts module.

  • Functions that create SVG file and folder icons. These can be used to create animations and illustrations. You can find the code in src/file-diagram.ts

Documentation for the library will be published once its structure is locked down.