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jolbol1 edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 16 revisions



#Teleport Settings

MaxCoordinate: 5000 - Sets the outer boundary for randomly teleporting. (Click Here for More)

MinCoordinate: 0 - Sets the minimum coordinate that the random location must exceed. (Click Here for More)

CooldownTime: 5 - Sets the cooldown, aka the time after using the command they can use it again

CooldownApplys: - Which methods the cooldown will apply to. Options include: Command, Warps, All, Others, Sign, Portals
- Command

- Warps

InvulTime: 10 - The time after teleporting that the player is invulnerable from health loss

TimeBeforeTeleport: 5 - How long it takes after the command is typed, for them to be teleported.

TimeBeforeApplys: - Which methods the time before teleport will apply to. Options include: Command, Warps, All, Others, Sign, Portals

- Command

- Warps

- Signs

MaxAttempts: 20 - The number of times the plugin will generate a new location, if one is found to be unsafe. e.g If one types the /RC command, and the random coord generated is unsafe, it will check for a new location. This is the amount of times it will do so.

RandomOrg: false - Changes the method of generating random coordinates to use Random.Org instead? Why? (See Here)

StopOnMove: true - If the player moves after typing the command, it will not teleport them

StopOnCombat: true - If the player loses health after using the command, it will not teleport them

ChunkLoader: false - USE WITH CAUTION: It will constantly try to generate the chunk that the player teleports to if not already loaded.

Sound: ENTITY_ENDERDRAGON_FLAP - What sound plays after teleporting (See Here for Sounds)

Effect: ENDER_SIGNAL - What effect plays after teleporting (See Here for Effects)

BannedWorlds: - If a world is on this list, You cannot randomly teleport there

- world_the_end

#Safety Checks

CheckingRadius: 100 - The distance from any safety checks it will teleport a player to. E.g, when it checks for a location, if the location is not 100 blocks away from a faction, it will look for a new one.

Factions: false - Wont teleport the player into faction land

GriefPrevention: false - Wont teleport players into claimed land using the GriefPrevention Plugin

AvoidPlayers: false - Wont teleport players if a player is nearby that location (Checking Radius)

Towny: false - Wont teleport players into Towns

WorldBorder: false - Wont teleport players past the WorldBorder PLUGIN world border

WorldGuard: false - Wont teleport players into the banned regions bellow

VanillaBorder: true - Wont teleport players outside the vanilla world border

Regions: - The regions banned, use allRegions to stop teleporting into all regions

- example

#On Join Features

OnJoin: false - If true, The player will teleport on FIRST join

OnJoinCommand: none - When teleporting on FIRST join, it will force the player to do this command. none for no command (This can also be a list if you want multiple commands to run on first join!) BonusChest: false - When teleporting on FIRST join, a chest will spawn next to the player with the items listed below

BonusChestItems: - The items to fill the FIRST join chest (See Item List) - Essentials kits can also be used, Do Essentials,{kitName}. e.g Essentials,tools


Teleport Method

Two options, warps or random.

If warps, When using this specific random teleporting method, Players will only be teleported to a random warp (See Warps)

If random, When using this specific random teleporting method, Players will teleport to a random location.

Command: random

All: random

Others: random

Portals: random

Signs: random

Join: random

#Economy Settings

This sets the price for the specific method. E.g CommandCost: 10.0 would cost the player 10.0 in-game currency to use the feature.

CommandCost: 0

PortalCost: 0

#Warp Settings

WarpCrossWorld: true - If true, Players will be able to warp to another world, that is not the one they are in.

#Limiter Settings

Limit: 0 - The number of times the player will be able to use the feature

LimiterApplys: Which methods the time before teleport will apply to. Options include: Command, Warps, All, Others, Sign, Portals

- Command

- Warps

#Circular Radius Setting

This is what circular radius is, where green = random teleports.

The radius of this circle is the world or default Max.

CircleRadiusDefault: true If true, Circular radius will be used on all worlds as default.

CircleRadiusWorlds: Any worlds in this list will use a circular radius, even if above is false. ** - example**