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Howto: Minimal Tooling To Add Objects To Your Model

Here's the simplest set of steps to get your LibFile "object-ified".

1. Pick a name

tl;dr: pick a name. We'll use Axle.

Pick a descriptive name for your object. If you're going to use this object to create lots of axles of varying sizes, then a good choice would be "Axle". Letters and numbers only, please, just to make things simple: we'll be using this name as an identifier, as a function, and as a set of prefixes to functions and lists.

Keep in mind you'll want to name this something that's pretty clear on what it's identifying. Also remember that in OpenSCAD there's really only one immutable namespace and, once things are defined they can't really be re-defined, so you'll want this name to have a level of uniqueness to it. "Wheelbase", "Crossbar", "ScrewThread" could be all good examples; "Gary", maybe not so much.

We'll use the notion of an Axle object throughout the rest of this section for example.

2. Define the model attributes

tl;dr: Axle_attributes = ["diameter=i", "length=i"];

Objects are based around the notion of attributes and repeatedly accessing them, and pretty much everything is built around the list of known attributes for your object. Start with a list of things that makes your model, that you find yourself passing around over and over, that are common to the things that make your model. That list is your attributes. For our purposes, we'll care most about the length of an axle, and its diameter: those two things are our Axle's attributes.

It's easy to mix various data types into an object. A single OpenSCAD model can have a variety of numbers (like for measurements and dimensions), strings (for labeling, identification, or style selection), booleans (to enable a particular model feature), and there's no enforcement within OpenSCAD that limits what data types can be assigned to variables.
Because it's easy to mix them around, it's easy to mistake the type of value for a given attribute. (Ask me how many times I've messed up referencing a number when I really wanted a list and getting a console error, go on.) So: object attributes specify the type of data they'll accept, and if you accidentally try to store a value that isn't of that attribute's type, it'll be rejected. [attribute_name=attribute_type] is how those types are specified; attribute_type is one of types found in ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPES, detailed below. In this example both the diameter and length are expected to be integers, so we'll use the i type. There's a whole bevy of supported data types for your object's attributes: i (for integers), s (for strings), b (for booleans), l (for lists), u (for undefined values), and o (for other objects).

Assign the collection of attributes and their types to a list, with a globally-unique name. A good practice would to have the name you picked above as part of the name of the list - for example, Axle_attributes - but this isn't really required. Just so long as it isn't mistakable for anything else anywhere else in your project. (Heck, you could even define your attributes inline to Object() and never worry about them again - keep reading to see how.) . Define the list somewhere near the top of your .scad file, like so:

Axle_attributes = ["diameter=i", "length=i"];

Of course once you've defined your attribute listing up near line 3, you can't change it down below at line 378 (because OpenSCAD doesn't permit that), but that's all right - you really wouldn't want to change it mid-script, because then objects created later wouldn't have all the attributes built into it.

3. Create a constructor

tl;dr: function Axle(vlist=[], mutate=[]) = Object("Axle", Axle_attributes, vlist, mutate);

Now we create a constructor: this is just a function that uses arguments passed to it to make a list we can pass around and use elsewhere. For example, in python you'd do something like MyObj = MyClass(); in perl, you'd do something like $obj = new MyClass();, and other languages vary in terms of complexity and syntax. Regardless, you've got to be able to create new instances of your OpenSCAD Axle. objects.scad provides an Object() function for doing just this. Set it up in your .scad file like this:

function Axle(vlist, mutate) = Object("Axle", Axle_attributes, vlist, mutate);

...or even, if you wanted to not have your attributes list banging about afterwards:

function Axle(vlist, mutate) = Object("Axle", ["diameter=i", "length=i"], vlist, mutate);

In this example we'll create a function Axle() that'll take two arguments: vlist and mutate. The name "Axle" is the name we picked up in Step 1, and we use it for the name of the constructor function, and as the first argument we pass to Object(). Axle_attributes is the list of attributes we defined in Step 2.

vlist: The vlist argument ("variable-list") is a list-of-lists of arguments with the attributes and their known values. The vlist argument is meant to decouple ordering of arguments, placement of arguments, and required arguments to constructors. These attributes and their values can appear in any order, but they need to be a list of attribute-value pairs, and they can't repeat. They look like: [[attr1, value1], [attr2, value2], [attrN, valueN]]. Within Object(), the vlist list is used to populate the object's values. vlist is structured as a two-dimensional list of attribute:value pairs both to ease construction of the object, and to make assembling attribute:value pair listings straightforward.

(That said, some implementations may find specifying the two-level vlist list argument to Object() clunky: specifying [ ["attrname", value], ["attr2", value] ... ] when none of these are expected to change in a simple .scad seems like overkill (and, let's be honest: it's a lot of square brackets). To make this even easier, vlist itself may take two different forms. The first is the attribute:value listing already defined, eg: [["attr", "val"], ["attr2", "val2"]]. The second is a running single-dimension list of attribute, value pairings, eg: ["attr", "val", "attr2", "val2"]. In the second, flatter form, pairings must be adjacent and each specified attribute must have a paired value, in addition to the rules already put out for vlist above.)

mutate: The mutate argument is expected to be an already-instantiated object, on which to base unspecified attribute values. To make construction easier when you're dealing with multiple objects that only vary by one or two attributes, you can "mutate" them with the mutate argument. Pass an existing object of the same type to the constructor, and define any number of attribute values with vlist, and you'll get back a new object using the existing object as the base and the vlist-specified attributes substituted in. You could specify no attributes with vlist, and get back a duplicate object that's identical to the mutated one.

Calling this new Axle() function defined above will return a new "axle" object:

axle = Axle();

This axle list will look a little weird, maybe a little opaque. The first element of this list is something called the TOC, for the table of contents. It's got the name of the object type ("Axle") as its first element, followed by the list of attributes provided to Axle(), in the order that they were provided. After the TOC, the list will have the values for the attributes as provided (or set to undef if there was no value) in the same index as the attributes listed in the TOC. An empty Axle object, like the one we just made above, looks like:

[["Axle", ["diameter", "i"], ["length", "i"]], undef, undef]

The zeroth (first) index position of the object is the TOC; the zeroth index position of the TOC is the object name (in this case, "Axle"). The one index position of the object (the second element, undef) is the value of the one index position of the TOC; the two index (the third element, also undef) is the value of the two index of the TOC, and so on. In the above example, this object is empty: it has no values assigned. When values are provided to the Axle() constructor, they're present in the object list, in the same position that corresponds to the attribute name in the TOC.

axle = Axle([["diameter", 10], ["length", 5]]);

... would yield a list called axle that looks like:

[["Axle", ["diameter", "i"], ["length", "i"]], 10, 5]

The assignment of the object values into the object is done without regard of the order they're provided in vlist. Axle([["diameter", 10], ["length", 5]]) will produce a list exactly the same as Axle([["length", 5], ["diameter", 10]]). In both of those calls you'll get back a new list that looks like [["Axle", "diameter", "length"], 10, 5], because that's how the attributes were provided to Object(). Really, though - ordering within the object isn't important: you're not going to be extracting the values with the list's position index, that's what the accessors below are for. . If an attribute name is passed that isn't defined in the object, via Axle_attributes, Object() will notice and stop: Object("Axle", Axle_attributes, [["nope", 1]]) will throw an error, something akin to "No id match for attribute 'nope' found for Axle. Available attribute names are ["diameter", "length"]", which I think we can all agree is a little bit useful, especially when you keep mis-typing the attribute name as "dimeter".

4. Create your object accessors

tl;dr: function axle_diameter(axle, default, nv) = obj_accessor(axle, "diameter", default, nv);

This LibFile provides a generic mutating accessor named obj_accessor(), which allows you to get and set attribute values in your object. You can call obj_accessor() directly as such - obj_accessor(axle, "diameter") ... and have the value of that Axle object's diameter attribute returned. Pass a default option, and if there isn't a diameter attribute already defined in the axle object, you'll get the value from default. Pass a nv (new-value) option, and that attribute will be set to that of nv, and a whole new Axle object will be returned.

This is great, but a little clunky. First of all, there's very little room for regular, repeatable mutation under certain conditions. Like say for example we want to get the diameter, but if it's not set we want to derive it from the length, like length * 0.2. You can't easily do that when calling obj_accessor() directly, even when using the default option.

Instead, let's make two mutating accessors for the two Axle attributes: axle_diameter(), and axle_length(). They simplify calling obj_accessor() again and again by wrapping the calls with the additional name and attribute_list arguments already present. For our two attributes, we create the following two accessor functions:

function axle_length(axle, default, nv) = obj_accessor(axle, "length", default, nv);

function axle_diameter(axle, default, nv) = obj_accessor(axle, "diameter", default, nv);

These two functions take in an Axle object as their first argument, a default value as the second, and a new-value argument as the third. We could definitely set a default value for these functions if it made sense to do so: for example, if we usually had axles that were 5mm in diameter, we could say function axle_diameter(axle, default=5, nv)... and that'd be great: any Axle objects that didn't have a diameter set would have 5 returned, and if you had an axle with a diameter of 6, you'd get that 6 when you called axle_diameter().

(I lament that objects cannot have the notion of "methods", such that accessors and other functions belong to the object, rather than global namespace functions existing that operate on whatever you give them. Alas.)

5. Using Objects within your OpenSCAD Source: an axle module

Building on the basic steps above in the "Minimal Tooling" section, let's see how we can get those objects in use.

Let's start with a basic OpenSCAD axle module:

module axle(d, l) { 
    linear_extrude(l, center=true) circle(d); 

axle(5, 10);

Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy: this naive axle() module takes a d argument for the axle's diameter, and an l argument for the axle's length, uses the d to make a circle, then extrudes that circle to the correct length. Calling axle(5, 10) creates a cylinder that's 5mm in diameter and 10mm long. That's our "axle". Calling that over and over with different values is all right, though maybe not so much when you're using the notion of an axle in a larger model, or repeatedly creating axles across several models.

Take the example above, and let's object-ify this axle() module:

include <openscad_objects/objects.scad>

Axle_attributes = ["diameter=i", "length=i"];
function Axle(vlist=[], mutate=[]) = Object("Axle", Axle_attributes, vlist, mutate);
function axle_length(axle, default, nv) = obj_accessor(axle, "length", default, nv);
function axle_diameter(axle, default, nv) = obj_accessor(axle, "diameter", default, nv);

module axle(axle) { 
    linear_extrude(axle_length(axle), center=true) circle(axle_diameter(axle)); 

axle = Axle([["diameter", 5], ["length", 10]]);


The module axle() now take a single argument - an Axle object - and uses that to extract the diameter and length attributes when needed. If there's other attributes in an Axle object, axle() doesn't have to care about them. If you extend the Axle object attribute list later on - say if you have a new module curved_axle() that takes a new arc_degrees attribute - you don't need to retool the axle() module if it doesn't need that attribute. And, once you've defined your axle object, you can pass it around to other modules that also need to incorporate this same Axle.