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Utilities for:

  • Object

    • copy/clone an object
    • contains - Validates if an object contains a given value
    • empty - Validates is the object empty
  • NPM

    • info - Get information about the list of installed packages
    • installed - Check if a package has already been installed
  • Template

    • Load and compile a template with underscore
  • Task

    • Lint, concat and/or minify a set of resources (currently JS file type supported)


Initial settings

  • Set the log on/off (by default set to on)
    require("js.utils").init({log: false});


  • Copy the 'srcobj' to the 'destobj'
    var destobj = {},

srcobj = {foo: 'foo'}; require("js.utils").Object.copy(srcobj, destobj);

  • Validates if 'foo' exists in a given array
    require("js.utils").Object.contains(['foo'], 'foo');

  • Validates if an object is empty


  • get all local packages information
    require("js.utils"){details: true}, function(err) {
             var data =;
             // go over the array data
             data.forEach(function(item) {
                 if (item) {
                     console.log(" details: ",

  • check if the package 'bower' was installed
    require("js.utils").NPM.installed({list: ["bower"]},
          function(err) {
              console.log("Bower was: ",
                  ( ? "" : "not"),
                  " installed");


  • Compile a given template as a file or string value using underscore (Mustache Style).
    var out = require("js.utils").Template.template({
             content: "Custom content Test was loaded {{status}}.",
             name: "templateTest",
             data: {
                 status: "successfully"


  • Prepare your resources for Development (dev api) and/or Production (prod api) with
    JSHint & UglifyJS
                 src: ["./test/resources/test1.js","./test/resources/test2.js" ],
                 out: {
                     banner: "This is a test minified content",
                     name: "testx-min.js",
                     path: "./test/out"
             }, {
                 src: ["./test/resources/test1.js","./test/resources/test2.js" ],
                 out: {
                     banner: "This is a test minified content",
                     name: "testy-min.js",
                     path: "./test/out"

  • Or use separate API minify/jshint/concat
                  src: ["./test/resources/test1.js"]
                  src: ["./test/resources/test1.js","./test/resources/test2.js" ]

Browser Support


  • AMD

    • See jsutilswebRequire-min.js file, as an example of requirejs project style

      define([], function() {

        var jsutilsOnReady = function(obj, arr, tpl) {
            // use object, array or template 
        return jsutilsOnReady;


  • None AMD

    • js.utils global variables for the web:
      • jsutilsObject;
      • jsutilsArray;
      • jsutilsTemplate;




Copy the source object's properties to the destination object.

  • copy(srcobj, destobj, override)
    • srcobj {Object} The source object
    • destobj {Object} The destination object
    • override {Object} Override the existing property (deault to false)

Check if a given object contains a value

  • contains(obj, value)
    • obj {Object} The referenced object
    • value {Object} The value to be searched

Is the object empty ?

  • empty(srcobj)
    • srcobj {Object} The object reference returns {boolean} If the object is [null || undefined || has no values {}] return true or else false

Inspect a given string and try to resolve its object

  • resolve(srcobj)
    • srcobj {Object} The object reference


Get information about the list of installed packages

  • info(config, callback)

    • config properties:
      • global {Boolean} the packages are global, optional values are true/false (defaults to false)
      • details {Boolean} Whether to display the full details or just the basic details. (defaults to false)
      • list {Array} specific list of packages names (or else result all)
      • depth {string} npm argument for how deep the rabbit hole goes (defaults to 10)
        • -1 for unlimited (Not recommended, NPM will might throw an error about "max depth reached")
    • callback {Function} callback function for collecting the results. (get the data:
      • err {String} In case an error occurred this variable will contain the error data or else 'undefined'
      • {Object} Array object containing the information about the packages that was found. Array item - instance of Package class
  • installed(config, callback)

    • config properties:
      • global {Boolean} the packages are global, optional values are true/false
      • list {Array} specific list of packages names (or else result all)
      • depth {string} npm argument for how deep the rabbit hole goes.
        • -1 for unlimited (Not recommended, NPM will might throw an error about "max depth reached")
    • callback {Function} callback function for collecting the results. (get the data:
      • err {String} In case an error occurred this variable will contain the error data or else 'undefined'
      • {Object} An object containing the packages names with a true/false value indicating if the package installed.
  • Package class

    • getDetails Get the full details if the 'details' flag was set to true
    • getName Get the package name
    • get(key) Get the property by its key
      • opt keys 'name', 'dependencies', 'detail', etc.. (see package.json for more information)


Load and compile template with underscore

  • template(config)
    • Config properties:
      • name {String} The name of the template e.g. /scraps/test (optional in case content exists)
      • path {String} The full path where the templates exists (optional) e.g. /home/../test.tpl
      • content {String} The string content instead of the file content (optional in case name exists & overrides the file content)
      • data {Object} The data object properties (see underscore template)


Prepare your project for development / production using, JSHint & UglifyJS



  • NPM List

    For getting the installed packages I'm using The NPM list command that might throw an error about problems.
    Those problems will be described as part of the NPM information tree. Those errors are not really functional errors but more like packages problems.
    The methods used in this module will still function as expected. I just forward the NPM error. (you can turn the log off if needed) NPM problems:

    + max depth reached This can be handled, if you don't need a really deep information use the 'depth' property to adjust. + extraneous It's not on your package.json, if it's installed don't worry about this message.

For more information see the NPM docs


JavaScript General Utilities







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  • Other 1.0%