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This repository contains all the code implementing the Fixed Point method to solve the Quadratic Convex Separable Knapsack (QSKP) problem, as described in the manuscript

  • A. Alves, J.O.L. Silva, L.C. Matioli, P.S.M. Santos, S.S. Souza. "An accelerated fixed-point algorithm applied to quadratic convex separable knapsack problems".

Important Note

This original source code which this project was based can be found in this page:

The main difference between the original source code and code presented here is the addiction of the new algorithm Fixed point (FPA) and the removal of SVM experiments, since in this paper we don't present this kind of experiments.

If you run into problems related to Fixed point algorithm (FPA) do not hesitate to contact me:

For any other doubts you can contact directly the original author:

All the code is licensed under the GPL Version 2 or later, this includes the files in the third_party directory that were originally licensed as such. You can find a full copy of the license in the COPYING file in the current directory.

All original references and comments presented in the original code have been kept.

Directory organization

  • third_party/ : Directory containing the code necessary to implement some third party methods

  • state_of_the_art_algorithms/lib/ : Directory containing the implementation of the state of the art solvers applied to QSKP problem. It has six files:

    • third_party_methods.c (and .h)
    • cont_quad_knapsack.c (and .h)
    • fixed_point.c (and .h)
  • accelerated_algorithms/lib/ : Directory containing the implementation of the accelerated fixed-point methods. It has four files:

    • fixed_point_a.c (and .h)
    • fixed_point_ai.c (and .h)
  • root_finding_algorithms/lib/ : Directory containing the implementation of the root finding solvers applied to QSKP problem. It has eigth files:

    • bissection_method.c (and .h)
    • fixed_point.c (and .h)
    • regula_falsi.c (and .h)
    • secant_method.c (and .h)
  • state_of_the_art_algorithms/lib/ : Run this to generate an optimized version of the methods above when the Hessian diagonal is a fixed value (that is, the d vector is a constant) or the hyperplane normal is a fixed value (that is, the b vector is a constant). You can also use it to turn off compression (variable fixing) in Newton method when the problem is expected to be easy (require just a few Newton steps). Run the program with --help option to see usage information.

Tests and results

  • root_find_algorithms/tests/ and state_of_the_art_algorithms/tests/ : Directory containing the test problems used in the numerical section of the manuscript. To run all test just type in the command line


This will run the two set of tests. They can take many hours to complete.

After run the command from the directory root_find_algorithms/tests/, a .tex file inside of test_results/ will be created contained the tables according to Section 4.1 of the manuscript.

After run the command from the directory state_of_the_art_algorithms/tests/, a .tex file inside of test_results/ will be created contained the tables according to Section 4.2 of the manuscript.


As already mentioned, to run the tests and the algorithms, you only need to run python

The file Makefile will then generate all necessary compilation files.

This code was implemented in standard C (version C99) and it can be compiled and used by any standard compliant compiler.

To compile and run the tests you need a unix like shell, make, gcc, gfortran version 4.4 or later, python (3.6 <= version < 3.9) with scipy and numpy packages. The code assumes that you also have a BLAS library installed and that it can be linked with a simple flag like -lblas. IF you do not have BLAS you will need to edit the files tests/synthetic/Makefile and tests/svm/Makefile and comment the lines

Some configs


LIBS += -lblas

You can also change the compilation flags to link your version of BLAS by editing the second line above.

In a Linux distribution you can install the compiler and python dependecies above easily, example in Ubuntu 12.04 we can try:

sudo apt-get install gcc gfortran make python-numpy python-scipy

In windows I suggest you to install mingw compiler with latest version of mingw-get-inst from

Run the installer and select both the C and Fortran compilers and "MSYS Basic System" option (that will give you a unix like shell). To install Python is suggested to use Python(x,y)

I already comes with numpy and scipy.

The installation of BLAS can be a little tricky and depends on the platform. For Ubuntu I would suggest

sudo apt-get install libopenblas-base libopenblas-dev


C scripts and data reported in the article "A fixed-point algorithm for solving quadratic convex separable knapsack problems"







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