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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 25, 2018. It is now read-only.


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DED Server Information

This is a community collaborative guide to the DED Server program, developed by the CoC Dev Team (not affiliated with Supercell).

To add pages to this Wiki fork this repository and add .md files. These files will be formatted as HTML pages and posted on when your pull request is merged. Visit the documentation for GH Markdown here to learn how to format your pages.

Note regarding additional content: If you are adding pages related to DEDServer, the pages should be located in the /ded directory, not in the root.

Additions to this website should be made in the gh-pages branch, not master!

Files in this repo:


  • / - Root, holds the main files. Usually shouldn't be edited too greatly.
  • /downloads - holds the downloads and mirrors for all software
  • /ded - holds wiki files related to DEDServer.
  • /img - holds images for web facing site.

Content Pages

  • - The index page for, usually you should not modify this.
  • - Software licences for downloads served on this website.
  • ded/ - Installation and configuration instructions for DEDServer
  • ded/ - Screenshots of DEDServer and the client.
  • ded/ - Overview of the admin client.
  • ded/ - Overview of the DEDServer software.
  • ded/ - DEPRECIATED - Overview of setting up DNS on Windows 2012 r2. This method should no longer be used as DEDServer has a built in DNS server.
  • ded/ - Some factual information about Ultrapowa and why you should switch.

Technical Pages

  • index.html - The parser for the .md files, developed by Timo Dörr and contrbutors at the MDWiki GitHub Page.
  • - The navigation bar at the top of Edit this to add pages to navigation. Content in this file is applied to every page.
  • config.json - Basic configuration for the website. This file should never be edited.
  • CNAME - This connects the domain to this GitHub repo. This file should never be edited.
  • latest.html - Automatically links to the latest DEDServer download. Should be edited as new releases come out.

GitHub Files

  • - The file you're reading right now. Feel free to edit this to add pages to the above or to clairify information.
  • LICENSE - The license for this website. This does not apply to downloads served unless otherwise noted. This should never be edited.
  • .gitattributes - GitHub related file used for consistent editing.

This is a wiki developed by jda. This is a collaborative effort, please add things by submitting pull requests.


Informaton, guides, resources, etc. for DED Server!







No releases published


No packages published
