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Add dynamic DNS functionality to Netlify with this little daemon.


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Netlify DynDNS

A little daemon that updates your preferred Netlify DNS settings when your public IP changes

Usage inside a Docker container is preferred as it's easier to manage, but there are Linux and macOS binaries available with every release.


  • Either a:
    1. macOS or a Linux-based operating system;
    2. Or a Docker installation (Preferably).
  • A network connection that isn't routed in any particular way through a proxy or VPN.

Set up with Docker

With environment variables

$ docker image pull # Images are available for ARM32/64 and X86/X86_64
$ docker run -d \
  --name netlify-dyndns \

  # Required
  -e "NETLIFY_TOKEN=top_secret" \                # API key you created inside the Netlify Admin Panel
  -e "" \  # The domain name as displayed inside the Netlify Admin Panel
  -e "" \ # The domain that'll be entered as the hostname on the DNS record

  # Optional
  -e "ND_IP_API=" \         # Custom public IP-lookup API (defaults to 'ipify', must respond with a text body for it to work)
  -e "ND_LOG_LEVEL=info" \                       # The maximum level to log, can be one of "panic", "fatal", "error", "warning", "info", "debug", "trace"
  -e "ND_SCHEDULE=0 0 * * *" \                   # Schedule to run the DNS update at, defaults to every day at 12AM (0 0 * * *)
  -e "ND_RUN_ONCE=false"                         # Set to true to run the DNS update immediately. Scheduling has no effect when run-once is enabled

Sourcing ENV variables from a file (with e.g. docker compose) is not possible yet.

With flags

$ docker image pull
$ docker run -d \
  --name netlify-dyndns \
	-e "NETLIFY_TOKEN=top_secret" \ \

  # Required
  "" \        # The domain name as displayed inside the Netlify Admin Panel
  "" \ # The domain that'll be entered as the hostname on the DNS record

  # Optional
  "--ip-api=" \  # Custom public IP-lookup API (defaults to 'ipify', must respond with a text body for it to work)
  "--log-level=info" \                # The maximum level to log, can be one of "panic", "fatal", "error", "warning", "info", "debug", "trace"
  "--schedule=0 0 * * *" \            # Schedule to run the DNS update at, defaults to every day at 12AM (0 0 * * *)
  "--run-once=false"                  # Set to true to run the DNS update immediately. Scheduling has no effect when run-once is enabled 



With the instructions below you can run netlify-dyndns through this command with environment variables either set or flags passed into the executable. Check out the releases tab to find the tar name suitable for your system.

$ curl -Lo netlify-dyndns.tar.gz "${NEWEST_VERSION}_{Darwin/Linux}_${ARCH}.tar.gz"
$ sudo tar xf netlify-dyndns.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin netlify-dyndns


$ netlify-dyndns -h
Automatically update Netlify DNS with your dynamic IP

  netlify-dyndns [flags]

  -d, --domain string      The domain name registered at Netlify as shown on their dashboard and through their API
  -h, --help               help for netlify-dyndns
  -H, --hostname string    The hostname to be put in the A record
      --ip-api string      The API used to retrieve public IP Address of connected network, must respond with a text string body (default "")
      --log-level string   Maximum level that will be written to stderr (default "info")
      --run-once           Only run the updater once, immediately exiting after
  -S, --schedule string    Cron schedule the DNS check runs on (default "0 0 * * *")


Add dynamic DNS functionality to Netlify with this little daemon.





