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Jonas Köritz edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 9 revisions

Message Types

  • 0x04 Register (Register with PBX system)
  • 0x06 Unknown
  • 0x08 [Register Decline](Register Decline)
  • 0x20 Stimulus (Terminal control and terminal events)
  • 0x28 Alive-request
  • 0x2a Alive-response
  • 0x30 [Codec capabilities](Codec Capabilities)
  • 0x31 [Payload control](Payload Control)

Stimulus Messages

  • 0x01 Keymodule (Sidecar) control
  • 0x40 [Key control](Key Control) (Physical keys and LEDs)
  • 0x41 [Hookswitch off-hook](Hookswitch Off-Hook)
  • 0x42 [Hookswitch on-hook](Hookswitch On-Hook)
  • 0x43 [Set display](Set Display)
  • 0x46 Unknown
  • 0x47 [Set contrast](Set Contrast)
  • 0x48 Unknown
  • 0x49 Unknown
  • 0x4a [Set Clock](Set Clock)
  • 0x4b Unknown
  • 0x4c Unknown
  • 0x4d Unknown
  • 0x53 Unknown
  • 0x54 [Audio hardware control](Audio Hardware Control) (Earpiece, speaker, etc.)
  • 0x55 [Start Ringer](Start Ringer)
  • 0x56 [Stop Ringer](Stop Ringer)
  • 0x58 [Start tone-generation](Start Tone-Generation)
  • 0x59 [Stop tone-generation](Stop Tone-Generation)
  • 0x5b [Set ringer volume](Set Ringer Volume)
  • 0x5c Unknown
  • 0x5e [Create menu](Create Menu)
  • 0x5f Unknown
  • 0x60 [Part number](Part Number)
  • 0x6b [Set FPK text](Set FPK Text)
  • 0x6e [Switch FPK level](Switch FPK Level)
  • 0x70 Unknown
  • 0x71 Unknown
  • 0x72 [Set menu item](Set Menu Item)
  • 0x7d Unknown
  • 0x7e Unknown

Processes and Message Flows

  • [Initialization Phase](Initialization Phase)
  • [Registration](Registration Process)
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