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Extremely simple CLI tool for maintaining a frecency history. This is a Rust port of frecently.

The intended use case is to add a frecency-based search history to CLI tools like dmenu, rofi, or fzf. It can also emulate directory-jumping tools, like autojump or z.


These are some examples of how to integrate freqle with other tools. For more detailed information, run freqle --help.

Basic CLI:

$ freqle view .history      # .history doesn't exist yet. By default, all commands treat a missing file as empty
$ freqle bump .history foo  # creates .history, and bumps foo
$ freqle bump .history bar
$ freqle view .history      # `view` shows all entries, ordered by frecency
$ echo -e "bar\nbaz" | freqle view .history --augment   # with --augment, freqle accepts extra entries on stdin (newline-separated) that should always appear in the output
$ echo -e "foo\nbar\nbaz" | freqle view .history --augment --scores   # --scores allows us to inspect the internal state
weighted score  hourly          daily           monthly
  178.663539      0.985473        0.999390        0.999980      bar
  178.267277      0.983010        0.999286        0.999976      foo
    0.000000      0.000000        0.000000        0.000000      baz
$ echo -e "bar\nbaz" | freqle view .history --augment --restrict  # with --restrict, we exclusively output entries that appear on stdin

dmenu web searches with history

This bash script shows an example of how freqle integrates with tools like dmenu:

set -eo pipefail
QUERY=$(freqle view $HISTORY | dmenu -p "Web search:")

if [[ -n "$QUERY" ]]; then
  freqle bump "$HISTORY" "$QUERY"
  xdg-open "$QUERY"

Directory picker

In this more complicated bash script, we use freqle and dmenu to first ask the user for a directory, and then open a terminal in that directory. It shows a good use-case for --augment (-a), augmenting the list with any non-hidden directory at most 2 deep from $HOME.

set -eo pipefail
# First, purge non-existent directories from the history
for dir in $(freqle view $HISTORY); do
  if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
    echo "Removing $dir"
    freqle delete $HISTORY "$dir"
# Load the history, augmenting it with every non-hidden directory at most 2 deep from $HOME.
DIR=$(find $HOME -maxdepth 2 -type d -not -path '*/.*' | freqle view $HISTORY -a | dmenu -i)
if [ -d $DIR ]; then
  freqle bump $HISTORY "$DIR"
  $TERMCMD -d "$DIR"

This kind of script is especially useful when combined with a shell hook that bumps on every directory change, to get autojump-like behavior. For fish, that looks like this:

function __frecently-directory-hook --on-variable PWD --description 'bump current directory in history'
  freqle bump /path/to/history/file "$PWD"



The GitHub Action CI builds static binaries for x86 and aarch64, so look for artifacts on the most recent action. If this project gains traction (stars) I'll add proper releases so the artifacts don't get deleted after 90 days.

freqle is also available on Hackage, so depending on your distro you might be able to install straight from there.

Compiling from source

frecently can be built using a Haskell build tool, or using Nix.

Using Cabal, run cabal build.

Using Nix, the flake.nix file exposes the executable both directly and as an overlay.

Implementation details

frecently works by maintaining three energy levels per entry. The energy levels decay exponentially, with half-lives of an hour, a day, and a month, respectively. We bump an entry by adding 1 to each of these.

An entry's frecency score is calculated by multiplying each of these three energies by a weight. The weights default to 720, 30, and 1, for the hourly, daily, and monthly energies, respectively, but can be overridden on the CLI.

Energies are updated only when the history file is used in a bump command, and when we do, we update every entry's energy simultaneously. This is invisible to the user, but it ensures that we only need to calculate decay factors once when opening a file, making score calculations very efficient.

When, during an update, an entry's monthly energy drops below the threshold value (defaults to 0.1), it is deleted from the history. If you don't want items to be deleted, use a threshold of 0.

Comparison with other tools

This tool was inspired by frece. I really like the idea behind frece, but I think the execution is more complicated than it needs to be. freqle is both simpler and easier to integrate into CLI applications.


Simple CLI frecency lists






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