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Jonathan Gilligan 2023-07-13


CRAN Status Badge DOI License: MIT R-CMD-check

This package loads Kaya-identity data, synthesized from several sources.

To install the package from CRAN:


Once you’ve installed it, then you just need to use the command library(kayadata) to load the package.

Some of the functions the package provides are:

  • kaya_region_list(): Get a list of available countries and regions.
  • get_kaya_data(): Get data for a specific country. Example:
mexico_data = get_kaya_data("Mexico") 
mexico_data %>% filter(year >= 1965) %>% 
  select(region:ef) %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 × 10
#>   region  year     P     G     E     F     g     e     f    ef
#>   <ord>  <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Mexico  2022 0.128  1.24  8.27  506.  9.76  6.65  61.1  407.
#> 2 Mexico  2021 0.127  1.21  7.57  450.  9.53  6.27  59.4  373.
#> 3 Mexico  2020 0.126  1.15  7.04  418.  9.15  6.11  59.3  363.
#> 4 Mexico  2019 0.125  1.25  7.64  480. 10.0   6.10  62.8  383.
#> 5 Mexico  2018 0.124  1.26  7.73  489  10.1   6.16  63.2  390.
#> 6 Mexico  2017 0.123  1.23  7.83  503. 10.0   6.37  64.3  410.
  • project_top_down(): Project future population, GDP, energy use, and emissions. Example:
mexico_2050 = project_top_down("Mexico", 2050)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 10
#>   region  year     P     G     g     E     F     e     f    ef
#>   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Mexico  2050 0.157  2.45  15.6  10.5  577.  4.29  54.9  236.
  • plot_kaya: Plot trends in Kaya variables for a given region or country. Example:
us_kaya = get_kaya_data("United States")
plot_kaya(us_kaya, "ef", y_lab = "Carbon intensity of economy",
          start_year = 2000, stop_year = 2010, log_scale = TRUE,
          trend_line = TRUE)

world_kaya = get_kaya_data("World")
plot_kaya(world_kaya, "P", start_year = 2000, stop_year = 2010, log_scale = FALSE,
          trend_line = FALSE)

* get_fuel_mix: Get the fuel mix (coal, gas, oil, nuclear, and renewables) for a region or country. Example:

mexico_mix = get_fuel_mix("Mexico")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#> # Groups:   region, year [1]
#>   region  year fuel         quads   frac
#>   <chr>  <int> <ord>        <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 Mexico  2022 Coal        0.237  0.0286
#> 2 Mexico  2022 Oil         3.91   0.472 
#> 3 Mexico  2022 Natural Gas 3.30   0.399 
#> 4 Mexico  2022 Nuclear     0.0948 0.0115
#> 5 Mexico  2022 Renewables  0.749  0.0905
  • plot_fuel_mix: Plot the fuel mix in a donut chart

After you install the package, you can get more help inside RStudio by typing help(package="kayadata") in the R console window.

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