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Alura - Java and JPA course: Persist your objects with JPA2 and Hibernate

This is the code that I've developed following the course. I've made some changes in the original one.


Introduction to JPA and Hibernate

  • Working with the database
  • The object-oriented paradigm
  • Avoiding SQL within Java code
  • JDBC and SQL maintenance issues
  • Persist objects without writing SQL
  • Joining the two worlds through Relational Object Mapping
  • The Java Persistence API (JPA)
  • The first example with JPA
  • abstract

Configuring and Booting the JPA

  • JPA and Hibernate Libraries
  • Preparing the model
  • The first Entity
  • Bank preparation and schema generation
  • Initialization of JPA and Hibernate
  • Transaction Management
  • Persisting entities in the bank

State Management by EntityManager

  • Introduction
  • Load entity by primary key
  • Managed Entities, Managed Status
  • Persisting transient objects
  • Update Detached Objects
  • Removing EntityManager Entities
  • Summary of states

Mapping relationships between entities

  • Relationship between Entities
  • Relating the Move to an Account
  • Dealing with dates
  • Defining the cardinality of the relationship
  • Persisting objects involved in relationships
  • Dealing with TransientPropertyException

Relationship Many to Many and One to One

  • Cataloging the drives through Categories
  • Saving more information about our customers

Object-oriented searching with JPQL

  • Queries with the Java Persistence Query Language
  • Object-oriented searches
  • Creating and Running Queries
  • Problems using JPQL
  • Working with parameters in JPQL query in a secure way
  • Using Named Parameters
  • Sorting search results
  • Improving our filter
  • abstract

Two-way relationships and LAZY behavior

  • Why two-way relationships?
  • Navigating the relationship without Join
  • Setting One-To-Many Relationship
  • The difference in relationships in the OO and relational world
  • Declaring the relationship as bidirectional
  • Update the database schema
  • Testing the bidirectional relationship
  • The problem of N + 1 queries and how to solve
  • LAZY Behavior of Para-Many Relationships
  • Just out of curiosity, the FetchType.EAGER
  • Why were the accounts repeated?
  • But after all we want all accounts!

A bit more about queries and JPQL

  • Searching with aggregate functions
  • Adding the amounts to the account
  • Improving Search with TypedQuery
  • Searching for the average values

Organizing Your Queries

  • Organize your queries with the Data Access Object
  • Getting to know the Named Queries