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Jon Brown edited this page Jul 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Getting Started with Munki Themes

Managed Software Update the GUI tool included with Munki internally is largely based on HTML and CSS templates included in the Resources folder of the App itself. HTML templates are located as follows. These files are largely named according to their view and can each be customized. HTML can be added, changed, or altered. CSS can be modified.

In true Apple style, our script takes, largely a non-destructive approach. We inject a custom.css stylesheet into the head of the base.css and override the default CSS styles.

While we do overwrite largely the default icons and 2 of the core files as outlined in the ReadMe Document.

  1. templates
  • category_item_template.html
  • detail_more_items_template.html
  • detail_template.html
  • footer_template.html
  • list_item_template.html
  • list_template.html
  • myitems_row_template.html
  • myitems_template.html
  • page_not_found_template.html
  • showcase_template.html
  • sidebar_template.html
  • status_results_template.html
  • update_row_template.html
  • updatedetail_template.html
  • updates_template.html

and the CSS files are largely located in the WebResources folder here

  1. WebResources
  • add-button-sprite.png
  • base.css
  • branding.png
  • branding1.png
  • branding2.png
  • delete-button-sprite.png
  • detail.css
  • FollowLink.png
  • Generic.png
  • integration.js
  • itemlist.js
  • LogOutReq.png
  • progress-spinner.png
  • RestartReq.png
  • SoftwareUpdate.png
  • updates.css
  • updates.js

The top row icon items are located in the Resource folder as follows

  1. Resources
  • AllItemsTemplate.png
  • toolbarCategoriesTemplate.pdf
  • MyStuffTemplate.png
  • updatesTemplate.png
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