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A Django management command for synchronizing users and groups from an authoritative LDAP server


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#django-ldap3-sync django-ldap3-sync is a fork of django-ldap-sync originally created by Jason Bittel. django-ldap3-sync introduces the following features:

  • Uses the ldap3 library for ldap communication. ldap3 is pure python and python 3 compatible.
  • Can synchronize group membership directly out of the LDAP directory.
  • Can manage deletion of groups / users in the directory by suspending or deleting those objects in Django.
  • Will update existing Django users groups if information changes in the directory.
  • Paged LDAP searches
  • LDAP Server Pools

django-ldap3-sync provides a Django management command that synchronizes LDAP users and groups from an authoritative server. It performs a one-way synchronization that creates and/or updates the local Django users and groups. It can also optionally delete or suspend users or groups that are no longer present in the directory.

This synchronization is performed each time the management command is run and can be fired manually on demand, via an automatic cron script or as a periodic Celery task.


  1. Install the application::

    pip install django-ldap3-sync

  2. Append it to the installed apps::

        # ...
  3. Run python migrate in the django project directory.

  4. Configure the required settings.

  5. Run the synchronization management command:: syncldap

For more information on configuration see the documentation below.

##Configuration User Synchronization Configuration Items

Default: (objectClass=user)
The filter used to retrieve users from the directory. Must be in standard LDAP filter syntax as per RFC2254

Default: The value of LDAP_SYNC_BASE
The distinguished name of the container to base the search for users in.

Default: No Default -- Required Item
A dictionary of key value pairs where the keys are the names of ldap fields and the values are the names of corresponding django model fields. New users will be created with these fields populated and existing users will have these fields updated. This dictionary must map the Django User model username field to an LDAP object field.

Default: []
A list of usernames corresponding to Django users who should be excluded from the sync. Useful for Administrative users who do not have a corresponding user in the directory.

Default: NOTHING
The action to take when a user no longer exists in the directory. Possible values are NOTHING, SUSPEND and DELETE. Note that the SUSPEND option uses the Django user models is_active field and sets it to False.

Default: True
If true this uses the django method set_unusable_password on all newly created users. Useful where django authentication will not be used.

Default: True
Controls whether users should be synchronized from the directory.

Group Synchronization Configuration Items

Default: (objectClass=group)
The filter used to retrieve groups from the directory. Must be in standard LDAP filter syntax as per RFC2254

Default: The value of LDAP_SYNC_BASE
The distinguished name of the container to base the search for groups in.

Default: No Default -- Required Item
A dictionary of key value pairs where the keys are the names of LDAP fields and the values are the names of corresponding Django model fields. New groups will be created with these fields populated and existing users will have these fields updated.

Default: NOTHING
The action to take when a group no longer exists in the directory. Possible values are NOTHING and DELETE.

Default: []
A list of group names of Django groups that should be excluded from the sync.

Default: True
Controls wether groups should be synchronized.

Membership Synchronization Configuration Items

Default: True
Controls wether groups will be synchronized from the directory.

Default: (&(objectClass=group)(member={user_dn}))
The filter used to retrieve the groups that a user belongs to. {user_dn} will be replaced with the distinguished name of the user.

LDAP Server Options

Default: No Default -- Required Item
Configuration item used to configure the server pool. LDAP_CONFIG can contain the following keys:

  • page_size
    Default: 500
    The page size for searches using this server pool.
  • bind_user
    Default: None
    The distinguished name of the user to bind to the directory with.
  • bind_password
    Default: None
    The password of the user to bind to the directory with.
  • pooling_strategy
    Default: ROUND_ROBIN
    The strategy to use when the pool contains multiple servers. See ldap3 documentation at for more information. Can be FIRST, ROUND_ROBIN or RANDOM.
  • servers
    Default: None
    A list of dictionaries each one containing configuration information for a server. Possible server configuration keys are:
    • address
      Default: No Default -- Required Item
      Either the IP address or FQDN of the directory server.
    • use_ssl
      Default: False
      Use SSL with this conntection.
    • port
      Default: 389
      The port to use with this server.
    • timeout
      Default: 30
      Connection timeout with this server.
    • get_schema
      Default: SCHEMA
      Determines which schema information to retrieve from the server. At a minimum this should be SCHEMA so that values retrieved from the directory are coerced to proper python types.


A Django management command for synchronizing users and groups from an authoritative LDAP server







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