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jongwon20000 committed Nov 29, 2017
1 parent 1939479 commit 05bb3d5
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Showing 100 changed files with 8,213 additions and 0 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions KCF/fhog.m
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
function H = fhog( I, binSize, nOrients, clip, crop )
% Efficiently compute Felzenszwalb's HOG (FHOG) features.
% A fast implementation of the HOG variant used by Felzenszwalb et al.
% in their work on discriminatively trained deformable part models.
% Gives nearly identical results to in code release version 5
% but runs 4x faster (over 125 fps on VGA color images).
% The computed HOG features are 3*nOrients+5 dimensional. There are
% 2*nOrients contrast sensitive orientation channels, nOrients contrast
% insensitive orientation channels, 4 texture channels and 1 all zeros
% channel (used as a 'truncation' feature). Using the standard value of
% nOrients=9 gives a 32 dimensional feature vector at each cell. This
% variant of HOG, refered to as FHOG, has been shown to achieve superior
% performance to the original HOG features. For details please refer to
% work by Felzenszwalb et al. (see link above).
% This function is essentially a wrapper for calls to gradientMag()
% and gradientHist(). Specifically, it is equivalent to the following:
% [M,O] = gradientMag( I,0,0,0,1 ); softBin = -1; useHog = 2;
% H = gradientHist(M,O,binSize,nOrients,softBin,useHog,clip);
% See gradientHist() for more general usage.
% This code requires SSE2 to compile and run (most modern Intel and AMD
% processors support SSE2). Please see:
% H = fhog( I, [binSize], [nOrients], [clip], [crop] )
% I - [hxw] color or grayscale input image (must have type single)
% binSize - [8] spatial bin size
% nOrients - [9] number of orientation bins
% clip - [.2] value at which to clip histogram bins
% crop - [0] if true crop boundaries
% H - [h/binSize w/binSize nOrients*3+5] computed hog features
% I=imResample(single(imread('peppers.png'))/255,[480 640]);
% tic, for i=1:100, H=fhog(I,8,9); end; disp(100/toc) % >125 fps
% figure(1); im(I); V=hogDraw(H,25,1); figure(2); im(V)
% % comparison to (requires DPM code release version 5)
% I=imResample(single(imread('peppers.png'))/255,[480 640]); Id=double(I);
% tic, for i=1:100, H1=features(Id,8); end; disp(100/toc)
% tic, for i=1:100, H2=fhog(I,8,9,.2,1); end; disp(100/toc)
% figure(1); montage2(H1); figure(2); montage2(H2);
% D=abs(H1-H2); mean(D(:))
% See also hog, hogDraw, gradientHist
% Piotr's Image&Video Toolbox Version 3.23
% Copyright 2013 Piotr Dollar. []
% Please email me if you find bugs, or have suggestions or questions!
% Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

%Note: modified to be more self-contained

if( nargin<2 ), binSize=8; end
if( nargin<3 ), nOrients=9; end
if( nargin<4 ), clip=.2; end
if( nargin<5 ), crop=0; end

softBin = -1; useHog = 2; b = binSize;


H = gradientMex('gradientHist',M,O,binSize,nOrients,softBin,useHog,clip);

if( crop ), e=mod(size(I),b)<b/2; H=H(2:end-e(1),2:end-e(2),:); end

26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions KCF/gaussian_correlation.m
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
function kf = gaussian_correlation(xf, yf, sigma)
%GAUSSIAN_CORRELATION Gaussian Kernel at all shifts, i.e. kernel correlation.
% Evaluates a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth SIGMA for all relative
% shifts between input images X and Y, which must both be MxN. They must
% also be periodic (ie., pre-processed with a cosine window). The result
% is an MxN map of responses.
% Inputs and output are all in the Fourier domain.
% Joao F. Henriques, 2014

N = size(xf,1) * size(xf,2);
xx = xf(:)' * xf(:) / N; %squared norm of x
yy = yf(:)' * yf(:) / N; %squared norm of y

%cross-correlation term in Fourier domain
xyf = xf .* conj(yf);
xy = sum(real(ifft2(xyf)), 3); %to spatial domain

%calculate gaussian response for all positions, then go back to the
%Fourier domain
kf = fft2(exp(-1 / sigma^2 * max(0, (xx + yy - 2 * xy) / numel(xf))));


34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions KCF/gaussian_shaped_labels.m
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
function labels = gaussian_shaped_labels(sigma, sz)
% Gaussian-shaped labels for all shifts of a sample.
% Creates an array of labels (regression targets) for all shifts of a
% sample of dimensions SZ. The output will have size SZ, representing
% one label for each possible shift. The labels will be Gaussian-shaped,
% with the peak at 0-shift (top-left element of the array), decaying
% as the distance increases, and wrapping around at the borders.
% The Gaussian function has spatial bandwidth SIGMA.
% Joao F. Henriques, 2014

% %as a simple example, the limit sigma = 0 would be a Dirac delta,
% %instead of a Gaussian:
% labels = zeros(sz(1:2)); %labels for all shifted samples
% labels(1,1) = magnitude; %label for 0-shift (original sample)

%evaluate a Gaussian with the peak at the center element
[rs, cs] = ndgrid((1:sz(1)) - floor(sz(1)/2), (1:sz(2)) - floor(sz(2)/2));
labels = exp(-0.5 / sigma^2 * (rs.^2 + cs.^2));

%move the peak to the top-left, with wrap-around
labels = circshift(labels, -floor(sz(1:2) / 2) + 1);

%sanity check: make sure it's really at top-left
assert(labels(1,1) == 1)


39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions KCF/get_features.m
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
function x = get_features(im, features, cell_size, cos_window)
% Extracts dense features from image.
% Extracts features specified in struct FEATURES, from image IM. The
% features should be densely sampled, in cells or intervals of CELL_SIZE.
% The output has size [height in cells, width in cells, features].
% To specify HOG features, set field 'hog' to true, and
% 'hog_orientations' to the number of bins.
% To experiment with other features simply add them to this function
% and include any needed parameters in the FEATURES struct. To allow
% combinations of features, stack them with x = cat(3, x, new_feat).
% Joao F. Henriques, 2014

if features.hog,
%HOG features, from Piotr's Toolbox
x = double(fhog(single(im) / 255, cell_size, features.hog_orientations));
x(:,:,end) = []; %remove all-zeros channel ("truncation feature")

if features.gray,
%gray-level (scalar feature)
x = double(im) / 255;

x = x - mean(x(:));

%process with cosine window if needed
if ~isempty(cos_window),
x = bsxfun(@times, x, cos_window);

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions KCF/get_subwindow.m
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
function out = get_subwindow(im, pos, sz)
%GET_SUBWINDOW Obtain sub-window from image, with replication-padding.
% Returns sub-window of image IM centered at POS ([y, x] coordinates),
% with size SZ ([height, width]). If any pixels are outside of the image,
% they will replicate the values at the borders.
% Joao F. Henriques, 2014

if isscalar(sz), %square sub-window
sz = [sz, sz];

xs = floor(pos(2)) + (1:sz(2)) - floor(sz(2)/2);
ys = floor(pos(1)) + (1:sz(1)) - floor(sz(1)/2);

%check for out-of-bounds coordinates, and set them to the values at
%the borders
xs(xs < 1) = 1;
ys(ys < 1) = 1;
xs(xs > size(im,2)) = size(im,2);
ys(ys > size(im,1)) = size(im,1);

%extract image
out = im(ys, xs, :);


Binary file added KCF/gradientMex.mexa64
Binary file not shown.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions KCF/linear_correlation.m
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
function kf = linear_correlation(xf, yf)
%LINEAR_CORRELATION Linear Kernel at all shifts, i.e. correlation.
% Computes the dot-product for all relative shifts between input images
% X and Y, which must both be MxN. They must also be periodic (ie.,
% pre-processed with a cosine window). The result is an MxN map of
% responses.
% Inputs and output are all in the Fourier domain.
% Joao F. Henriques, 2014

%cross-correlation term in Fourier domain
kf = sum(xf .* conj(yf), 3) / numel(xf);


60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions KCF/load_video_info.m
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
function [img_files, pos, target_sz, ground_truth, video_path] = load_video_info(base_path)
% Loads all the relevant information for the video in the given path:
% the list of image files (cell array of strings), initial position
% (1x2), target size (1x2), the ground truth information for precision
% calculations (Nx2, for N frames), and the path where the images are
% located. The ordering of coordinates and sizes is always [y, x].
% Joao F. Henriques, 2014

%full path to the video's files
if base_path(end) ~= '/' && base_path(end) ~= '\',
base_path(end+1) = '/';
video_path = base_path;

%try to load ground truth from text file (Benchmark's format)
filename = [video_path 'groundtruth_rect.txt'];
f = fopen(filename);
assert(f ~= -1, ['No initial position or ground truth to load ("' filename '").'])

%the format is [x, y, width, height]
ground_truth = textscan(f, '%f,%f,%f,%f', 'ReturnOnError',false);
catch %#ok, try different format (no commas)
ground_truth = textscan(f, '%f %f %f %f');
ground_truth = cat(2, ground_truth{:});

%set initial position and size
target_sz = [ground_truth(1,4), ground_truth(1,3)];
pos = [ground_truth(1,2), ground_truth(1,1)] + floor(target_sz/2);

if size(ground_truth,1) == 1,
%we have ground truth for the first frame only (initial position)
ground_truth = [];
%store positions instead of boxes
ground_truth = ground_truth(:,[2,1]) + ground_truth(:,[4,3]) / 2;

%from now on, work in the subfolder where all the images are
video_path = [video_path 'img/'];

%general case, just list all images
img_files = dir([video_path '*.png']);
if isempty(img_files),
img_files = dir([video_path '*.jpg']);
assert(~isempty(img_files), 'No image files to load.')
img_files = sort({});


22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions KCF/polynomial_correlation.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
function kf = polynomial_correlation(xf, yf, a, b)
%POLYNOMIAL_CORRELATION Polynomial Kernel at all shifts, i.e. kernel correlation.
% Evaluates a polynomial kernel with constant A and exponent B, for all
% relative shifts between input images XF and YF, which must both be MxN.
% They must also be periodic (ie., pre-processed with a cosine window).
% The result is an MxN map of responses.
% Inputs and output are all in the Fourier domain.
% Joao F. Henriques, 2014

%cross-correlation term in Fourier domain
xyf = xf .* conj(yf);
xy = sum(real(ifft2(xyf)), 3); %to spatial domain

%calculate polynomial response for all positions, then go back to the
%Fourier domain
kf = fft2((xy / numel(xf) + a) .^ b);


77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions KCF/show_video.m
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
function update_visualization_func = show_video(img_files, video_path, resize_image)
% Visualizes a tracker in an interactive figure, given a cell array of
% image file names, their path, and whether to resize the images to
% half size or not.
% This function returns an UPDATE_VISUALIZATION function handle, that
% can be called with a frame number and a bounding box [x, y, width,
% height], as soon as the results for a new frame have been calculated.
% This way, your results are shown in real-time, but they are also
% remembered so you can navigate and inspect the video afterwards.
% Press 'Esc' to send a stop signal (returned by UPDATE_VISUALIZATION).
% Joao F. Henriques, 2014

%store one instance per frame
num_frames = numel(img_files);
boxes = cell(num_frames,1);

%create window
[fig_h, axes_h, unused, scroll] = videofig(num_frames, @redraw, [], [], @on_key_press); %#ok, unused outputs
% set(fig_h, 'number','off', 'name', ['Tracker - ' video_path])
axis off;

%image and rectangle handles start empty, they are initialized later
im_h = [];
rect_h = [];

update_visualization_func = @update_visualization;
stop_tracker = false;

function stop = update_visualization(frame, box)
%store the tracker instance for one frame, and show it. returns
%true if processing should stop (user pressed 'Esc').
boxes{frame} = box;
stop = stop_tracker;

function redraw(frame)
%render main image
im = imread([video_path img_files{frame}]);
% if size(im,3) > 1,
% im = rgb2gray(im);
% end
if resize_image,
im = imresize(im, 0.5);

if isempty(im_h), %create image
im_h = imshow(im, 'Border','tight', 'InitialMag',200, 'Parent',axes_h);
else %just update it
set(im_h, 'CData', im)

%render target bounding box for this frame
if isempty(rect_h), %create it for the first time
rect_h = rectangle('Position',[0,0,1,1], 'EdgeColor','r', 'LineWidth', 3, 'Parent',axes_h);
if ~isempty(boxes{frame}),
set(rect_h, 'Visible', 'on', 'Position', boxes{frame});
set(rect_h, 'Visible', 'off');

function on_key_press(key)
if strcmp(key, 'escape'), %stop on 'Esc'
stop_tracker = true;


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