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Jon Lehtinen edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 1 revision

This repository defines the creation of a docker stack to run on a docker swarm that will run PingFederate 9.0.2. Be advised that the YAML file has not been tuned. Please make adjustments for your use case. I offer no warranties for this configuration.

  1. Setup a docker swarm - details can be found here:

  2. From the swarm manager, deploy the stack- docker stack deploy -c <stack_name>

  3. This launches 3 services, a single pfadmin instance, pfengine instances, and the pfnet overlay network that ensures each container is discoverable to the other containers regardless the host they are deployed on to facilitate configuration discovery

  4. Additional docker nodes can be added to the swarm as additional compute is required, and the pfengine service can be scaled to accommodate the additional load using the docker service scale pfengine=. They can be similarly scaled down.

  5. Once deployed and PingFederate configured with data stores, VIP, reverse proxies, and connections, you can save the configuration by zipping the pingfederate directory within the pfadmin container and building a new pfadmin: docker image with that zipped directory replacing the original file used in the original docker image. With creative scripting, one could arrange for this process to occur automatically so new admin container images with complete configurations could be created at intervals for convenient redeployment of the pfadmin service/instance.

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