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Jquery Inline Validate

Jquery Inline Validate is a lightweight plugin to help validate passwords and their confirmation inline.


Write some basic markup

Inline Validate works with form inputs, for the icons to display properly the inputs will need a parent wrapper, like this:

<form id="validate-me" action="#" method="POST">
      <input class="validate-password" type="password" name="password" />
      <input class="validate-confirm" type="password" name="password-confirm" />

jQuery inline validate is called on a parent form and you can either name your input elements the same as above or pass in your own selectors.

Include the necessary files

Simply reference the jquery.inlineValidate.js file after your reference to jquery, or be super awesome and toss the Inline Validate js into your plugins.js file.

There are some basic styles included in inlineValidate.(css|less) to get you started.


Make it happen

Call Inline Validate like any other plug-in, during instantiation you can tell Inline Validate to use any class names you like, you must also provide a path to your icons if you are not using the useCssIcons option like this:

  passwordField: '.my-custom-password-field-class',
  passwordConfirmField: '.my-custom-password-confirmation-field-class',
  errorIcon: '/img/my-error-icon.png',
  validIcon: '/img/my-valid-icon.png'   

Inline Validate has built in css icons for displaying errors and valid states, simply set useCssIcons: true, you may need to tweak the css to fit your needs, like this:

  useCssIcons: true                           

Available options

Inline Validate has some basic options.

Option Value
passwordField string Default: ".validate-password", selector of password field to validate.
passwordConfirmField string Default: ".validate-confirm", selector of password confirm field to validate.
errorClass string Default: "input-validation-error", class that will be added to input fields when an error is found.
validClass string Default: "input-validation-valid", class that will be added to input fields when data is valid.
errorIcon String Default: "", url to error icon image.
validIcon String Default: "", url to valid icon image
useCssIcons Boolean Default: false, whether to use css icons or not. If true, errorIcon and validIcon don't have to be provided.
live Boolean Default: true, whether or not validation is run on the keyup event
validLength Integer Default: 8, minimum length requirement for password
errorsToValidate Object Default: noSpaces, hasNumbers, hasLetters, isMatching, and charLength. This is the object that tracks the valid state of these methods in the plugin.


The API was built to be extensible so feel free to contribute, and keep an eye out for new methods in the future.


The API is accessed through the data object attached to the form element you call the plugin on, like this:

var plugin = $("#validate-me").data("plugin_inlineValidate");

If the API method takes arguments they must be passed in as an array, like this:

var plugin = $("#validate-me").data("plugin_inlineValidate");
plugin.api("apiMethod", ["arg1", "arg2", "arg3"]);

Available methods

Method Params
resetValidation none: Clear the icons, error state of the fields and clear the password field values
displayAllErrors none: Displays all errors, useful if you need to trigger error states based on other events, submit for example.

Road map

  • Add Tests.
  • Add links to demos / examples in documentation.
  • Add API mechanism.
  • Have a beer.


Basic inline password validation. Validates if a password has numbers, letters, no spaces, and is at least 8 characters long.






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