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Jonathan Arkell edited this page Feb 7, 2012 · 2 revisions

Basic Usage

  1. Install the plugin. (Copy BunnyDoors.jar to your plugins directory)
  2. Grant yourself (the admin) the bunnydoors.* permission
  3. Use /bunnykey add <keyname> to add a key. (Replace <keyname> with the key name of your choice.)
  4. Grant your players bunnydoors.keycmd.use and bunnydoors.keycmd.list so they can see what keys they have.
  5. Protect an area with the protection plugin of your choice (Mine is worldguard). The trick is to not allow players to place or break blocks in the area.
  6. Place a door.
  7. Look at the door, and issue the command /lock <keyname>
  8. Tada! Now only players with the permission bunnydoors.key.<keyname> can open the door.
  9. Look at the door, and issue the command /unlock to unlock the door.

Using Keys

That locks a door, but you need to figure out how to actually give your player the key. Keys are effectively permission nodes. If you have a ‘theif’ key, any door locked by that keep will check for the bunnydoors.key.theif permission.

If you have vault installed, you can use the command /bunnykey give <player> <key> to manually give a player the key.

If you have Spout and Vault installed you can also put the key in a treasure chest. This is done by going to a treasure chest and typing /bunnykey put <keyname>. Note that any and every player who goes to that treasure chest will get that key.

You can grant a key permission to an entire group.

With a plugin like citizens, you could grant them that permission key after completing a quest!

With heroes, you can use a permission skill to grant a key.


This plugin DOESN’T protect against power opening the door. This is great because it allows for one-way locked doors and other tricks. But It also means you need to make sure people can’t place redstone torches in front of your locked door.

This plugin DOESN’T protect against block-break events. Think about it.. if the door is set in an area without block break protection, just how useful would it be anyway?