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Jonti Olds edited this page Aug 31, 2021 · 5 revisions

C-Band on a raspberry Pi

Rasmus Has been kind enough to document how he got JAERO working on a raspberry Pi...

First a bit of explanation on how the hardware is setup, i use a 2.4m C-Band dish with a C1W-PLL LNBF from Titanium Satellite. The LNBF gets powered by a DVBSky S960 USB receiver that runs through a 2way splitter where one side lets the power from the S960 run through to the LNBF and the other side, where only the signal runs through, to the SDR. I made a little ilustration to explain it better:


A bit on the software side, i use DVBlast to activate the DVB-S receiver so that it sends 14v to the LNBF, GQRX for receiving the audio and JAERO to decode the audio. Dump1090 is used for ADS-B decoding and lastly Virtual Radar Server is used to create a a merged feed to get both sources to show on the same map.

Getting JAERO to run is actually quiet simple thanks to Martin Hauke who compiled it to run on the PI. I chose not to use openSUSE cus' i'm not to familiar with it, and went with the much more commonly used Raspbian OS.

I'm running it on the Pi3, but the 3B+ model(that has a higher clocked CPU) would be recommended. It runs, but only if have the windows minimized otherwise the audio begins to crackle.

Install gqrx first, then run the following commands

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimedia5-plugins rpm2cpio -y
rpm2cpio jaero- | cpio -idmv
mv usr JAERO
cd JAERO/bin && ./JAERO



JAERO can also be compiled on the pi itself. I've added a script that compiles JAERO from source on Raspbian (Raspberry Pi OS). On the pi open a console window and type...

sudo apt install git
git clone
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