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Jonathan 'J5' Harris edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the CRNRSTN wiki!

Implementing CRNRSTN within your various hosting environments is simple and straight forward. All you need is FTP access to a web accessible directory in each environment (on each server) where your application will be living. If you have access to any necessary database authentication credentials for each environment, that would be good too.

To get started, check out the CRNRSTN Suite :: Quick Start Guide.

For a detailed presentation on the configuration of each component of the CRNRSTN Suite :: configuration file, see the documentation web site here and pay special attention to the top-to-bottom sequence of the sub-nav links under crnrstn and environmentals sections of the global left navigation. The configuration file is assembled piece by piece during the progression through these pages.

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