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Language Constructs

PHP Code Tags

Always use the full <?php ?> to delimit PHP code, not the <? ?> shorthand. This is the most portable way to include PHP code on differing operating systems and setups.

For files that contain only PHP code, the closing tag (?>) should not be included. It is not required by PHP. Leaving this out prevents trailing white space from being accidentally injected into the output that can introduce errors in the Joomla session (see the PHP manual on Instruction separation).

Files should always end with a blank new line.

Including Code

Anywhere you are unconditionally including a file, use require_once. Anywhere you are conditionally including a file (for example, factory methods), use include_once. Either of these will ensure that files are included only once. They share the same file list, so you don't need to worry about mixing them. A file included with require_once will not be included again by include_once.


include_once and require_once are PHP language statements, not functions. The correct formatting is:

require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . ’/helpers/helper.php’;

You should not enclose the filename in parentheses.

E_STRICT Compatible PHP Code

Adhering to object oriented programming practice as supported by PHP 5.3+ is required. Joomla is committed to progressively making the source code E_STRICT.

Global Variables

Usage of global variables should be kept to a minimum. Use OOP and factory patterns instead.

Control Structures

For all control structures there is a space between the keyword and an opening parenthesis, then no space either after the opening parenthesis or before the closing bracket. This is done to distinguish control keywords from function names. All control structures must contain their logic within braces.

For all all control structures, such as if, else, do, for, foreach, try, catch, switch and while, both the keyword starts a newline and the opening and closing braces are each put on a new line.

An if-else Example

if ($test)
	echo 'True';

// Comments can go here.
// Note that "elseif" as one word is used.

elseif ($test === false)
	echo 'Really false';
	echo 'A white lie';

If a control structure goes over multiple lines, all lines must be indented with one tab and the closing brace must go on the same line as the last parameter.

if ($test1
	&& $test2)
	echo 'True';

A do-while Example

while ($i < 10);

A for Example

for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
	echo 'Increment = ' . $i;

A foreach Example

foreach ($rows as $index => $row)
	echo 'Index = ' . $id . ', Value = ' . $row;

A while Example

while (!$done)
	$done = true;

A switch example

When using a switch statement, the case keywords are indented. The break statement starts on a newline assuming the indent of the code within the case.

switch ($value)
	case 'a':
		echo 'A';

		echo 'I give up';


When using references, there should be a space before the reference operator and no space between it and the function or variable name.

For example:

$ref1 = &$this->sql;


In PHP 5, reference operators are not required for objects. All objects are handled by reference.


Assignments (the => operator) in arrays may be aligned with tabs. When splitting array definitions onto several lines, the last value may also have a trailing comma. This is valid PHP syntax and helps to keep code diffs minimal.

For example:

$options = array(
	'foo'	=> 'foo',
	'spam'	=> 'spam',

Code Commenting

Inline comments to explain code follow the convention for C (/* … */) and C++ single line (// ...) comments. C-style blocks are generally restricted to documentation headers for files, classes and functions. The C++ style is generally used for making code notes. Code notes are strongly encouraged to help other people, including your future-self, follow the purpose of the code. Always provide notes where the code is performing particularly complex operations.

Perl/shell style comments (#) are not permitted in PHP files.

Blocks of code may, of course, be commented out for debugging purposes using any appropriate format, but should be removed before submitting patches for contribution back to the core code.

For example, do not include feature submissions like:

// Must fix this code up one day.
//$code = broken($fixme);

Comment Docblocks

Documentation headers for PHP and Javascript code in files, classes, class properties, methods and functions, called the docblocks, follow a convention similar to JavaDoc or phpDOC.

These "DocBlocks" borrow from the PEAR standard but have some variations specific for the Joomla Framework.

Whereas normal code indenting uses real tabs, all whitespace in a Docblock uses real spaces. This provides better readability in source code browsers. The minimum whitespace between any text elements, such as tags, variable types, variable names and tag descriptions, is two real spaces. Variable types and tag descriptions should be aligned according to the longest Docblock tag and type-plus-variable respectively.

If the @package tag is used, it will be "Joomla.Platform".

If the @subpackage tag is used, it is the name of the top level folder under the /joomla/ folder. For example: Application, Database, Html, and so on.

Code contributed to the Joomla project that will become the copyright of the project is not allowed to include @author tags. You should update the contribution log in CREDITS.php. Joomla's philosophy is that the code is written "all together" and there is no notion of any one person "owning" any section of code. The @author tags are permitted in third-party libraries that are included in the core libraries.

Files included from third party sources must leave DocBlocks intact. Layout files use the same DocBlocks as other PHP files.

File DocBlock Headers

The file header DocBlock consists of the following required and optional elements in the following order:

  • Short description (optional unless the file contains more than two classes or functions), followed by a blank line).
  • Long description (optional, followed by a blank line).
  • @category (optional and rarely used)
  • @package (generally optional but required when files contain only procedural code)
  • @subpackage (optional)
  • @author (optional but only permitted in non-Joomla source files, for example, included third-party libraries like Geshi)
  • @copyright (required)
  • @license (required and must be compatible with the Joomla license)
  • @deprecated (optional)
  • @link (optional)
  • @see (optional)
  • @since (generally optional but required when files contain only procedural code)
 * @package     Joomla.Platform
 * @subpackage  Database
 * @copyright   Copyright 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights re-served.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

Function Calls

Functions should be called with no spaces between the function name and the opening parenthesis, and no space between this and the first parameter; a space after the comma between each parameter (if they are present), and no space between the last parameter and the closing parenthesis. There should be space before and exactly one space after the equals sign. Tab alignment over multiple lines is permitted.

// An isolated function call.
$foo = bar($var1, $var2);

// Multiple aligned function calls.
$short  = bar('short');
$medium = bar('medium');
$long   = bar('long');

Function Definitions

Function definitions start on a new line and the opening and closing braces are also placed on new lines. An empty line should precede lines specifying the return value.

Function definitions must include a documentation comment in accordance with the Commenting section of this document.

  • Short description (required, followed by a blank line)
  • Long description (optional, followed by a blank line)
  • @param (required if there are method or function arguments, the last @param tag is followed by a blank line)
  • @return (required, followed by a blank line)
  • All other tags in alphabetical order, however @since is always required.
 * A utility class.
 * @package     Joomla.Platform
 * @subpackage  XBase
 * @param       string  $path  The library path in dot notation.
 * @return      void
 * @since       1.6
function jimport($path)
	// Body of method.

If a function definition goes over multiple lines, all lines must be indented with one tab and the closing brace must go on the same line as the last parameter.

function fooBar($param1, $param2,
	$param3, $param4)
	// Body of method.

Class Definitions

Class definitions start on a new line and the opening and closing braces are also placed on new lines. Class methods must follow the guidelines for Function Definitions. Properties and methods must follow OOP standards and be declared appropriately (using public, protected, private and static as applicable).

Class definitions, properties and methods must each be provided with a DocBlock in accordance with the following sections.

Class DocBlock Headers

The class Docblock consists of the following required and optional elements in the fol-lowing order.

  • Short description (required, unless the file contains more than two classes or functions), followed by a blank line).
  • Long description (optional, followed by a blank line).
  • @category (optional and rarely used)
  • @package (required)
  • @subpackage (optional)
  • @author (optional but only permitted in non-Joomla source files, for example, included third-party libraries like Geshi)
  • @copyright (optional unless different from the file Docblock)
  • @license (optional unless different from the file Docblock)
  • @deprecated (optional)
  • @link (optional)
  • @see (optional)
  • @since (required, being the version of the software the class was introduced)

Class Property DocBlocks

The class property Docblock consists of the following required and optional elements in the following order.

  • Short description (required, followed by a blank line)
  • @var (required, followed by the property type)
  • @deprecated (optional)
  • @since (required)

Class Method DocBlocks

The DocBlock for class methods follows the same convention as for PHP functions (see above).

 * A utility class.
 * @package     Joomla.Platform
 * @subpackage  XBase
 * @since       1.6
class JClass extends JObject
	 * Human readable name
	 * @var    string
	 * @since  1.6
	public $name;

	 * Method to get the name of the class.
	 * @param   string  $case  Optionally return in upper/lower case.
	 * @return  boolean  True if successfully loaded, false otherwise.
	 * @since   1.6
	public function getName($case = null)
		// Body of method.

		return $this->name;

Naming Conventions


Classes should be given descriptive names. Avoid using abbreviations where possible. Class names should always begin with an uppercase letter and be written in CamelCase even if using traditionally uppercase acronyms (such as XML, HTML). One exception is for Joomla Framework classes which must begin with an uppercase 'J' with the next letter also being uppercase.

For example:

  • JHtmlHelper
  • JXmlParser
  • JModel

Functions and Methods

Functions and methods should be named using the "studly caps" style (also referred to as "bumpy case" or "camel caps"). The initial letter of the name is lowercase, and each letter that starts a new "word" is capitalized. Function in the Joomla framework must begin with a lowercase 'j'.

For example:

  • connect();
  • getData();
  • buildSomeWidget();
  • jImport();
  • jDoSomething();

Private class members (meaning class members that are intended to be used only from within the same class in which they are declared) are preceded by a single underscore. Properties are to be written in underscore format (that is, logical words separated by underscores) and should be all lowercase.

For example:

class JFooHelper
	protected $field_name = null;

	private $_status = null;

	protected function sort()


Constants should always be all-uppercase, with underscores to separate words. Always prefix constants with J and use common sense when completing the name to keep it from getting unnecessarily long. You should use the name of the class/package they are used in. For example, the constants used by the Joomla\Application\Web\Router class could begin with JROUTE_.

Global Variables

Do not use global variables. Use static class properties or constants instead of globals.

Regular Variables and Class Properties

Regular variables, follow the same conventions as function.

Class variables should be set to null or some other appropriate default value.

Exception Handling

Exceptions should be used for error handling.

The following sections outline how to semantically use SPL exceptions.

Logic Exceptions

The LogicException is thrown when there is an explicit problem with the way the API is being used. For example, if a dependency has failed (you try to operate on an object that has not been loaded yet).

The following child classes can also be used in appropriate situations:


This exception can be thrown if a callback refers to an undefined function or if some arguments are missing. For example if is_callable(), or similar, fails on a function.


This exception can be thrown if a callback refers to an undefined method or if some arguments are missing. For example is_callable(), or similar, fails on a class method. Another example might be if arguments passed to a magic call method are missing.


This exception can be thrown if there is invalid input.


This exception is similar to the InvalidArgumentException but can be thrown if a value does not adhere to a defined valid data domain. For example trying to load a database driver of type "mongodb" but that driver is not available in the API.


This exception can be thrown is a length check on an argument fails. For example a file signature was not a specific number of characters.


This exception has few practical applications but can be thrown when an illegal index was requested.

Runtime Exceptions

The RuntimeException is thrown when some sort of external entity or environment causes a problem that is beyond your control providing the input is valid. This exception is the default case for when the cause of an error can't explicitly be determined. For example you tried to connect to a database but the database was not available (server down, etc). Another example might be if an SQL query failed.


This type of exception should be used when an unexpected result is encountered. For example a function call returned a string when a boolean was expected.


This exception has few practical applications but may be thrown if a value is not a valid key.


This exception has few practical applications but may be thrown when you add an element into a full container.


This exception has few practical applications but may be thrown to indicate range errors during program execution. Normally this means there was an arithmetic error other than under/overflow. This is the runtime version of DomainException.


This exception has few practical applications but may thrown when you try to remove an element of an empty container.

Documenting exceptions

Each function or method must annotate the type of exception that it throws using an @throws tag and any downstream exceptions types that are thrown. Each type of exception need only be annotated once. No description is necessary.

SQL Queries

SQL keywords are to be written in uppercase, while all other identifiers (with the exception of quoted text obviously) is to be in lowercase.

All table names should use the #__ prefix rather than jos_ to access Joomla content and allow for the user defined database prefix to be applied. Queries should also use the JDatabaseQuery API.

// Get the database connector.
$db = JFactory::getDBO();

// Get the query from the database connector.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);

// Build the query programatically (using chaining if desired).
	// Use the qn alias for the quoteName method to quote table names.
	->from($db->qn('#__users').' AS u'));

// Tell the database connector what query to run.

// Invoke the query or data retrieval helper.
$users = $db->loadObjectList();