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What Is OSEM

Julian Unkel edited this page Dec 29, 2019 · 4 revisions

What is OSEM?

OSEM (Online Selective Exposure Measurement) is a collection of scripts that help you conduct mock website experiments with the online questonnaire software SoSciSurvey.

Building on the mock website paradigm, OSEM allows researchers to...

  1. ...unobtrusively measure selection behavior in mock website experiments with a hub-and-spoke logic
  2. ...obtain additional self-reports through questionnaires placed before and/or after the selection task.
  3. ...and access observation data already while the respective participant is still conducting the questionnaire.

OSEM uses only software and technologies that are free-of-charge for academic researchers, does not restrict participants to certain devices or certain browsers, and does not obligate users to install additional software.

For a detailed introduction to the tool and mock website experiments, please see:

Unkel, J. (2019). Measuring selective exposure in mock website experiments: A simple, free, and open-source solution. Communication Methods and Measures. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/19312458.2019.1708284

About mock website experiments

Mock website experiments combine the experimental logic of choice experiments with interactive website stimuli that unobtrusively track the selection decisions. Participants select options (i.e., links) on a hub page to navigate to other pages (spoke pages). Crucially, spoke pages are linked to from the hub page, but not to each other (hub-and-spoke navigation).

This selection taks is usually accompanyied by pre- and post-task questionnaires to assess further information about the participants.

About SoSciSurvey

SoSciSurvey is a German-based online questionnaire software that is available to use free of charge without advertisements for academic research. The user interface can be set to either English or German, while the questionnaires support any number of languages, including non-Roman alphabets.

OSEM provides all necessary scripts to integrate mock website experiments directly into SoSciSurvey questionnaires.

Further reading

Clay, R., Barber, J. M., & Shook, N. J. (2013). Techniques for measuring selective exposure: A critical review. Communication Methods and Measures, 7, 147–171.

Hastall, M. R., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2013). Caught in the act: Measuring selective exposure to experimental online stimuli. Communication Methods and Measures, 7, 94–105.