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Repository files navigation


Kakoune plugin providing improved Git interaction.

Mainly, this plugin provides a pre-configured set of mappings for the built-in :git commands, with some extended functionaly, outlined below.


  • Show info box with files included in commit during the quick-commit prompt


The suggested user mode binding for activating git mode is:

map global user g ': enter-user-mode git<ret>' -docstring "git mode"

The assigned mappings for repl mode were chosen to be mechanically fluid when used with this suggested leader key.

Provided 'git' mode mappings

Most of these actions map directly to the stock git commands that ship with Kakoune. Any differences are detailed in a subsequent section.

key action
s status
l log
L show last commit
I init
a add
R remove
c commit
m quick commit (prompt for message)
x checkout
D diff
d show diff
u update diff
j,n next hunk*
k,p previous hunk*
N lock hunk navigation
b show blame
h hide diff/blame

Provided 'hunk-nav' mode mappings

The 'hunk-nav' user-mode displays changes in the gutter, and triggers a locked user-mode with mappings for navigating the hunks using either the n/p or j/k keys. This user-mode is activated with the key via the default 'git' user-mode.

key action
j,n next hunk
k,p previous hunk

Example Workflow

  1. Make changes to a code file and save them.
  2. Review changes in file.
    1. Activate hunk-nav mode: <space>gN
    2. Navigate between changes (git hunks): j/k or n/p
    3. Exit hunk-nav mode: <esc>
  3. Stage changes: <space>ga
  4. Commit changes with quick-commit:
    • <space>gm
    • Enter commit message at the prompt, then press enter to save the commit
  5. Check your repo's git status: <space>gs

Differences to stock git commands

The following features are unique to this plugin--as opposed to those provided by the git commands that ship with Kakoune.

Quick Commit

  • When triggered a prompt is shown to enter a commit message (instead of switching to the commit message buffer)
  • If the prompt is aborted, you are given the option to switch to the commit buffer to continue editing the message or cancel entirely.
    • While I've found the quick commit prompt to be more convenient most of the time, I would frequently realize I wanted to add additional details to the commit message body (which can only be done on the commit message buffer) after already having written a summary at the quick commit prompt.
    • This feature means you don't have to start over with your message if faced with this situation. Just press <esc>e to continue editing in the dedicated buffer.

Structured Commit Message

  • When enabled, the quick commit prompt provides tab-completion for a structured commit message (e.g. Conventional Commits).
  • This uses a configurable list of commit prefix keywords (e.g. 'feat', 'docs', 'fix', etc.), plus a regex string to match a label in the current branch name.
  • Example structured commit message flow:
    • Activate the quick commit prompt
    • Start typing the keyword 'fe'
    • Tab complete the keyword plus a label derived from the current branch: feat: (SCRUM-1234) <your cursor is here>


This plugin requires the git.kak tools script that ships with Kakoune.

Installing with plug.kak

To install with plug.kak, add the following to your kakrc, then run the :plug-install command:

plug 'jordan-yee/kakoune-git-mode' config %{
    # Set structured commit message options here
    # set-option global git_mode_use_structured_quick_commit true
    # set-option git_mode_commit_prefixes 'feat::fix::docs::refactor::build::test::style::BREAKING CHANGE::'
    # set-option git_mode_branch_label_regex 'SCRUM-[0-9]+'

    # Declare git mode with default set of mappings

    # Suggested user mode mapping
    map global user g ': enter-user-mode git<ret>' -docstring "git mode"

    # I find this quite nice to open the lazygit client.
    map global git o ': tmux-terminal-window lazygit<ret>' -docstring "open lazygit in new window"

Installing manually

Download git-mode.kak and add it to your autoload dir, located at ~/.config/kak/autoload/ by default.

Alternatively, add source <filepath>/git-mode.kak to your kakrc, with '' changed to wherever you like to keep your kak scripts.

Once sourced via one of methods mentioned above, optionally add a user mode mapping to your kakrc to trigger git mode:

# Declare git mode with default set of mappings

# Suggested user mode mapping
map global user g ': enter-user-mode git<ret>' -docstring "git mode"

# See also the configuration options shown in the plug.kak instructions, above.


Options are provided to customize tab-complete for a structured commit message.

option type example value
git_mode_use_structured_quick_commit bool true
git_mode_commit_prefixes str 'feat::fix::docs::'
git_mode_branch_label_regex str 'SCRUM-[0-9]+'

Design Notes

This plugin was written with these principles in mind.


Kakoune plugin providing improved git interaction








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